Wednesday, 31 July 2019


Climate has drastically changed over the last 30 years. Weather has become erratic with drought, cyclones, tsunamis that strike nations only to strike again in quick succession.

An ideological debate has arisen among the far left and right on the nature of fossil fuels in warming the climate and the sources of power generation to come. 

Will the day come when Australia has closed all coal powered stations and suffers from massive power shortage in homes, offices, schools, hospitals, water supply and defence? Is this an act of national sabotage among the opponents of an acceptable source of power generation? Is there a hidden agenda?

It is the burning of fossil fuels that has directed global warming. The planet has been covered with a blanket of carbon dioxide that is taken in by trees, grass lands and sea grasses across the world. But more seems to gather in the atmosphere.

We see rains and snows across the world that is taken as proof that global warming does not exist. We must not forget that carbon dioxide is used to make dry ice that may cause clouds high in the atmosphere to produce ice and snow.

A recent report advised that the snows in the Australian Alps are falling at higher altitudes every year. On the Kokoda Track the nights in 1977 were freezing cold. Now in 2019, the temperature is cold but mild. Mosquitoes have moved to the top of the Owen Stanley range.

The world TV weather reports shows the sweep of the ocean currents that traverse the planet bringing rain to land and sea.

Climate change makes us forget the lessons of geography from high school studies. We learned of the winter and summer solstices, monsoons, relief rains that were lifted by mountains, orographic rains and El Nino droughts.

Some countries with a broad ocean front receive regular rains. Rain clouds come up from the Antarctic and sweep across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. 

There are two major currents in the Northern and Southern Pacific that sweep around from Asia to America one clock-wise and the other anti-clockwise above and below the equator.

Currents carry rain to Africa and Western Europe but with little rain across the deserts of the Middle East.

Two weeks ago there was a report about India running out of water. Village wells were running dry. This week we see reports of people from India wading through water waist deep.

Australia can benefit from the rains from the Antarctic. Monsoons fill the northern rivers and promote a laissez faire attitude in Government to building dams for towns and farms in central Australia.

The United States suffers from the cold winds that blow across the continent to collide with the warm winds of the Gulf Stream. When the winds blow in circular motion, there is a hurricane on the way.

But we can not escape the reality that the burning of fossil fuels is the key to global warming. The billions of daily cooking fires in China and India are major causes of carbon dioxide emissions. Will the totalitarian Middle Kingdom destroy the planet until the end comes? China and India will die too.

Australia claims to be selling Adani coal that is clean. Does this mean it is free from carbon dioxide? Is this coal without toxic exhaust fumes? That is a strange phenomenon.

Nations are moving towards nuclear power with a decision by the Australian Government being postponed at all times. What happens when we have no power generation to keep the nation going 24/7 ?

Tuesday, 30 July 2019


Post Courier 31 July 2019

Reports in the media have come from Save the Children and Medecins Sans Frontieres on violence of PNG men to women and girls. 

There is another organization International Finance Corporation that may have a neo-Marxist focus on family. Are they the new breed of corporation that is taking up a political profile?

I fear another spate of fake news. These organizations may not be what they seem. Save the Children in Goroka once supported underage girls in sex work and condemned the care groups for refusing to provide condoms to children.

Medecins Sans Frontieres seemed to play tricks to inflate the violence statistics against men. Save the Children has just claimed their statistics were provided by unnamed NGOs. Good trick. Then there was the fake news on the rape of women in Gordon's market by UN Women.

International Finance Corporation claimed that 66% of women in Kirabati suffered intimate partner violence in their lifetimes.

There was once a report that 98% of PNG women suffer violence in the home and elsewhere. Were these organizations involved with the fake report on Buka men raping their wives? There was no such survey as advised by Mr John Momis.

Both Save the Children and Medecins Sans Frontieres have been removed from countries in Africa and the Middle East. Let us hope they are not laying claim to the Pacific nations in support of China? International Finance Corporation sounds like a suspicious operative with a hidden agenda.

They talk of discipline awareness for parents but keep the details hidden. They have no links to family awareness programs of churches. Are they anti-church, neo-Marxist or neo-Confucian?

I will keep watch and report.


There has been controversy in sport in the last week with a Chinese athlete allowed to compete though under a cloud for taking drugs. 

The Chinese authorities have abused Australians who have been totally transparent about the drug taking of Shayla Jack. Middle Kingdom creeps.

There should be a rule that female athletes are allowed to take drugs to make them able to compete against the transgender men who unfairly dominate in women's events. We never hear of transgender women competing in men's events.

But this is not good as men who wear dresses and pretend to be women will always be men in strength and their DNA with stronger bones, muscles, heart and lungs.

Why not have sports events for men, women and transgenders? The transgender men will kill women's sport. No-one could complain about three categories. The loony left would probably scream and cry.

Monday, 29 July 2019


This report has taken me 30 years to write and not even my family knows. I have been foolishly too proud to confide in anyone. 

In recent months, there have been reports in the media about the numbers of Australian ex-servicemen who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and commit suicide. 

I had been a serviceman for 22 years and left the army in 1992 diagnosed with PTSD not through military service but through the horrific events that smashed me down in the 1980s.

I was executor of my mother's will in 2001 with my younger brother and bore the brunt of the hatred and selfishness of my two neurotic sisters who hated each other but turned on the executor of their mother's will. 

They had caused her death by years of stress forced upon her. Then they turned on me. 

From the stress I contracted shingles that lasted for almost 4 months and confined me to bed away from my job. It was the result of hideous stress pushed on me by my sisters. I still feel shingles pain.

The main horror came in 1986. Over the 8 years I had lived with my family at Lara and posted to the RAAF School of Languages at Point Cook. I became involved in community affairs to the point that people sought me out to be Chairman of community organizations,

I was President of the parish council, secretary of the Lara branch of the ALP, president of the local environment action group and president of the St Anthony's church school. 

Then the wheels fell off my peaceful life when the Victorian Labor Government announced plans to build the Barwon Correction Centre at the outskirts of the town. People looked to me to lead the opposition as secretary of the local ALP branch.

But I could not do that. Pentridge prison was out of the 1800s with granite walls to be replaced by the Barwon prison. 

The town was divided into supporters and haters. Most ALP supporters accepted the prison as a humane response to penal reform. The prison houses the gang land members betrayed by lawyer X. 

But the hatred fell on me in the community and church as secretary of the local party branch. I was attacked in the street by strangers. I was abused by so many former friends. I needed to get away. 

I had slowly became sick over 2 years and found I could not work in my job as a senior army officer. The army allowed members to serve in community activities. 

My commanding officer sent me to medical treatment and eventually had me posted to Sydney for specialist support unknown to my family. I was unwilling to talk about PTSD as I had not been to war. There was no war in the 1970s and 80s. But I find out now that other people facing all kinds of trauma can suffer too outside of combat.

During that time, I decided to take 2 months leave in Papua New Guinea. I was away from my family who had given me very little support and even hostility. I had spent my life raising my family and allotted my pay 100% to my wife who gave me money when I needed it.

My children grew up to be professionals after attending private schools and who now earn far more money than I had ever seen. 

My wife was the Deputy Principal of a Catholic school soon to be posted to Euchuca as Principal. We have lost contact. When I stopped telling her daily that I loved her, it all stopped.

My PTSD grew worse and I found myself unable to work as a senior officer in my unit. So I retired and came to Papua New Guinea on a very basic pension that keeps me in poverty to this day. My children in Australia have never contacted me and never offered to help me.

I stayed in PNG and very lonely with my PTSD becoming worse. I met a lady after 6 years who did not help by being HIV positive and gave the virus to our son.

I did not know what to do. I was ill and facing the worst stress of my life. I decided to overcome my own problems by helping other people with HIV. I formed an organization AIDS Holistics and settled into supporting my family until they died in 2002 and 2003.

My peace did not last as I fell foul of the gay and lesbian looney activists of AusAID and the UN who set about vilifying and hating me on the basis of their anti-family neo-Marxism. 

They helped me to reject the socialist ideology that was moving too far to the communist left in the world. I was a middle Australian which placed me as a conservative liberal.

The lesbian loonies in the Papua New Guinea HIV/AIDS campaign attempted to murder me after being found guilty of "child molesting" by kangaroo court. I was saved at the last minute from being cut to pieces by village men with bush knives.

There are now reports of kangaroo courts at the University of Sydney where men are being held to account for so-called rape culture. This is looney leftist culture.

But over the years, I became stronger and managed to keep my head above water despite fake accusations of being a child molester. I would not let foreign paedophiles push me down and destroy my family.

But the family message won the day and I fought myself into strong health. I still have PTSD but can control my life through a focus on FAMILY and FAITH. I know I have made a difference in Papua New Guinea.

I have two daughters in PNG who look after me. I protected the nation from the Australian loony neo-marxist activists seeking to destroy families. 

The loonies have been intimidated into silence by this website. They know that if they attack me, I will tear their balls off ..... slowly ..... even the lesbians. You never know these days.

My only worry is my ex-wife in Australia who would have retired by now and lives on a pension that I hope is enough for her. I hope that my Australian children are looking after her and my younger son who is moderately disabled but a lawyer by profession. I see her on Google as an educational consultant in the Catholic church.

I live very quietly in this country in a modest 3 bedroom house but cannot afford a car. I am ill and hope to see my three grandsons into their teenage years. My intellect is sharper than ever and I can write detailed reports on most subjects. 

Sunday, 28 July 2019


What if the churches all banned their health services and schools in Mitcham Shire or refused to treat people of other faiths? The Council has too many looney neo-Marxists and neo-Confucians opposed to western civilization.

On the TV Sky News last night there was a report that Mitcham Council in South Australia had decided to stop the annual Christmas Carols. It was not inclusive and discriminated against other religions.

I smiled to hear that as AIDS Holistics had been given the same treatment in Papua New Guinea by the AusAID paedophiles Elizabeth Cox and Stewart Watson. They said that our focus on FAMILY and FAITH was discriminating against those with no family or faith.

This was all part of the gay, lesbian and paedophile neo-Marxist and neo-Confucian opposition to Christian faith that the paedophile loonies wanted to squash in Papua New Guinea. They failed. Do they want to be corrupt like Crown Plaza casino in supporting Chinese freedom of sex?

An early Marxist theorist once wrote that to destroy western civilization, we first have to destroy Christianity. That is what the leftist scumbags are trying to do in Australia and Papua New Guinea.

There is a report on TV news this morning that AFP is working to block Australian paedophile networks overseas. About time. Paedophiles may be working as part of Chinese espionage across the world.

Start in PNG with Australian paedophiles working in AusAID, UN, Australian Foreign Affairs, Burnet Institute, Save the Children,  and International Education Agency going back 30 years.

Check the visas given to young married women with children who went to Immigration at the Australian High Commission three years ago with no proof that they were being abused by their husbands. They left for Australia without their children or their husbands' knowledge.

Thursday, 25 July 2019


There was a TV report last night of the plan of the Western Australian Government to set up a national park to protect the coral reefs around Houtman's Abrolhos to the north of Geraldton.

The Abrolhos was the site of a gruesome massacre of Dutch settlers on route to Jakarta about 400 years ago. Their graves were excavated about a year ago.

The coral reef shown on TV was beautiful with swarms of fish and lush stands of coral polyps. There was not a sign of global warming anywhere.

A report on the TV science channel showed a US satellite that maintains surveillance of coral reefs of the world. The report was that 30% of world reefs are bleached by global warming.

Professor Rid of James Cook University says that all reefs come back after a decade but this may be the first global warming the planet has experienced. He may be wrong. 


What happens in the Australian forward defence area if indigenous third house of parliament seeks Chinese aid?

I am starting to feel afraid for the world in general and Australia in particular. The last time I did that was in 1962 during the US-Soviet confrontation at sea with warships headed for Cuba loaded with Soviet missiles.

Over recent years, I have written on this website on how Government departments and business in Australia were being infiltrated by gay and lesbian activists.

Now I find that there is far more danger with the slow infiltration of Australia and Pacific by the Chinese Communist Party. Corporations are taking a Marxist view that is being imposed on workers. Christian faith is being blocked as we saw with Israel Folau.

Now I find to my horror that the Chinese Communist party is moving in domino fashion across the Pacific not yet through force of arms but through authoritarian capitalism

Australia is being bullied like a prey putting its head in the tiger's mouth. We depend on China as our primary market. Not a good move when China punishes us more for refusing their computer network support. Nations in the Pacific are being swallowed with huge loans for infrastructure.

Now I can see why the Australian universities have moved to the extreme left at the level of administration, lecturers and students. Free speech is subject to violence from left wing students. China is pulling the strings.

Psychologist Bettina Arndt was attacked at the University of Sydney when she came to give a talk against claims of a plague of rape by male students. Chinese students recently fought with Australian students at the University of Queensland over the problems in Hong Kong.

The Ramsay Centre has been rejected in its plan to run courses on western civilization in favour of funding from China to teach on Confucious.

I have studied the history of China at a time when free speech was the norm at tertiary level and learned that Chinese history was focused on the Middle Kingdom concept where the emperor was seen as the centre of civilization.

We learned that the envoy of Britain in the 1800s found difficulty in refusing to kowtow to the emperor and finally compromised with a bow on one knee. 

We learned that the Middle Kingdom was very much part of the view of Mao Tse tung. Now we find that the Middle Kingdom is still part of Chinese foreign policy.

We learned that both China and the Soviet Union were afraid of weak borders. For that reason the USSR took control of the republics of Eastern Europe after WW2 to defend its borders with Europe.

China invaded Tibet in 1959 for the same reason. Now with the rise of Islam in Afghanistan and the Middle East, China has moved to stifle Islamic expansion in Sinkiang.

My fear in relation to Chinese involvement in Australian universities and corporations is that there will be control over free speech. 

Universities will toe the communist Chinese line with student and staff data taken into the Chinese computer networks. The time will come when China has data on all university students and families to be used in employment with the neo-Confucian and neo-Marxist corporations.

There will be surveillance on student and staff websites, Facebook, Twitter, taxation file numbers, addresses, locations and family details. That may extend to all employees of the neo-marxist corporations.

China will give the imprimateur on enrolments and future employment of dissident Australian citizens who have conservative views.

Is this fantasy? Probably not. Murphy's law says that if it can happen, it will. Will the Government be afraid to pass the Religious Freedom law?

Wednesday, 24 July 2019


The human race has had knowledge of aliens for at least a century. We read of little green men and flying comic books and science fiction movies.

As a young boy I read of a UFO that crashed in Roswell in the USA and reportedly left dead bodies of small aliens all promptly taken by the US Air Force.

People had claimed to have been abducted and taken aboard space ships to meet strange alien beings. There was a general belief that these people had been drinking alcohol.

Then in the 1970s we all faced the book Chariots of the Gods by Erich Von Daniken with his theory that aliens visited our ancient ancestors and were believed to be Gods in fiery chariots.

Von Daniken pointed to carvings of ancient cultures, mosaics and structures made of millions of tons of rock that were fitted together, aligned to galaxies and could not have been lifted by ancient men. 

He showed drawings on walls and rocks of men fitted with what looked like space suits. He showed the Nazca lines of Peru that may have guided alien craft. A pyramid in Mexico has a layer of mercury deep inside. Is this an alien landing and refuelling site?

Modern satellites have revealed large numbers of possible alien structures across the world that experts believe may have been navigation aids and landing sites.

The issue became more serious in recent decades with the sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Unidentified Submersible Objects (USOs) that landed on the sea and disappeared below the waves to emerge again and rise into the sky at the speed of light.

We have been told of the countless numbers of UFOs in the skies of the northern hemisphere. This was the location of nuclear bases and air force bases of the world. There were mainly banana trees in the southern hemisphere.

Reports were supported by photographs and video shots from people of all walks of life though rebutted by the US Government as weather balloons reflecting sunlight.

There are two key air force bases in the USA known as areas 51 and 52 believed to house crashed UFOs and US designed aircraft built by reverse engineering. It may be that many UFO sightings were US built stealth aircraft based on the alien craft.

Recent reports claim that the Nazis had reverse engineered aircraft from a UFO that crashed in the Black Forest of Germany in 1937. 

It provided the technology for the V1 and V2 rockets designed by Werner Von Braun who was brought to USA after the war to lead the NASA space program.

The suggestion has been that the Soviets were more interested in alien research than building nuclear weapons. For this reason , the USA has joined with the Russian space program.

We are being told that aliens have come to earth since antiquity. They were taken as gods in fiery chariots and brought technology not even understood by modern experts. These so-called gods were recorded in ancient sculpture and art.

It raises the possibility that we on earth are not alone in the universe. There are other life forms that have been developing technically for millions of years longer than the human race that began technology only thousands of years ago.

We human beings may have the vision of reality of gold fish in a small fish bowl. Is there a God who created the universe?  

Are we all part of the community of life? Are there aliens?Are they our benevolent friends or enemies waiting to destroy us and take the earth? Are we all based on DNA? 

Drawings of aliens have revealed heads, arms and legs like ours. Is this the figment of human imagination or are we all from the same God-given template?

I have become open minded on the possibility of aliens visiting earth.

Tuesday, 23 July 2019


A documentary on the history channel recorded the genocide of the Jews in the death camps of Germany and Poland. 

Since childhood, I have watched footage of the pitiful piles of emaciated and naked dead Jews ready to be thrown into the furnaces.

Millions of  men, women, boys and girls died in gas chambers at the hands of Nazi captors and thrown into furnaces that belched smoke across the countryside 24/7. 

The German and Polish people claimed to know nothing of the thousands of Jews forced to struggle down streets on their way to death. Often the trains led directly into the death camps.

There were reports of violence, starvation and summary killing. Small children often without their parents were herded into gas chambers as part of the"final solution". German people had been indoctrinated about the evil of the Jewish race.

I never forget the photo of a German poster that I saw as a young boy showing a hideous looking fat and ugly Jewish man with broken teeth and saliva in his mouth about to rape a beautiful young German girl with slim body and blonde hair. This is hideous Nazi propaganda.

In a documentary some years ago, an old German man claimed he was a guard whose job it was to herd Jews to killing pits and shoot them like dogs. After all those years, he said he would still do the same today. His hate still lasts. The propagandists in his school had done a good job.

I remember telling myself as a young boy that the holocaust would bring an end to hate and genocide across the world. But the genocide has continued until the present era. Now the killing is directed against Jews and Moslems. The Uighurs suffer in China for the sin of living on the Chinese border.

In recent years, Moslems died in Bosnia and Myanmar at the hands of people who wanted the Moslem community to cease having rights to citizenship, Government services and land. 

People do worry that the Moslems of the world will be as aggressive and cruel as those of the Middle East. 

Moslems have a very poor public relations profile across the world that hides the peace and love of many Moslem families who reject honour killing, child marriage and genital mutilation.

There are low life creeps who claim that the Nazi holocaust was fake. They ignore the death camps that still stand. Many people today who claim to hate Jews have never met a Jew and know nothing about Jewish culture. 

The recent documentary reported that General Eisenhower was so horrified by the death camps still strewn with emaciated and naked dead Jews that he refused to speak to the captured German senior officers who went to their deaths by hanging after Nuremberg trials.

Eisenhower the Commander in chief stated that the war was a battle between civilization and evil. That still remains today as the world faces ongoing genocide and left / right wing lunacy.

The history of modern Jews goes back to the Middle Ages when nation states were set up in Europe and moved away from feudal agriculture to the growth of towns and trade.

Jews were needed to help set up the economies of nation states. The king of Poland invited thousands of Jews to come to set up the shops, banks and shipping lines.

Six hundred years later, their descendants were to be rounded up by the invading Nazis, locked into the Warsaw ghetto and shipped off to death camps. Disabled people were killed in gas chambers with homosexuals and Slavs.

Early anti-semitism had its roots in the Moslems seeking to set up an empire in the Middle East. They were opposed by the Crusaders from the 12th century, many of whom were more interested in pillage and plunder.

The Palestinians and Jews sought to take control of the Holy land with the Temple Mount as the centre piece. This was the sure recipe for ongoing genocidal violence of the Palestinians. 

The six day war brought captured territory to the Jews that has never been returned but provided land for the thousands of Jews seeking sanctuary away from anti-semitism in Europe. With the collapse of the USSR, thousands of Jews moved from Soviet control.

Jews had provided the basic infrastructure of the German economy for hundreds of years and bank rolled the German industrialization in the 1800s as well as WW1. 

The Jews were blamed for the defeat of Germany, the collapse of the Weimar Republic in the 1920s and the Depression of the 1929-30s. Germans believed the hate messages from Goebbels, the propagands minister. Children were radicalized and taught to hate Jews in school studies.

This was the start of victim politics of the modern era. The left and right wing looney extremists have divided the world into oppressors and victims.

In my youth,  I learned of the book "Prodigals of Zion" that I have never seen. But it told that the Zionists had taken over the economies of the world and had to be eliminated.

So today, anti-semitism is growing in the world among uneducated haters who see the Jews as the primary oppressors even though they may have never met a Jew and know nothing of the Jewish culture.

Jews are being killed by Moslems many of whom are being killed by other Moslems. The Shi'ites and Sunnis regard each other as infidels and attack with car bombs.

The Jews are living in siege in Israel. They will not return the captured territories while Jews are returning to the sanctuary of Israel. 

It is sad to hear of the ongoing attacks between the Jews and Palestinians of the Gaza Strip. It will never end while there is one Jew standing according to the leaders of Hamas. Children are to be radicalized across the Moslem world.

Sunday, 21 July 2019


The future of Australia is becoming very insecure with the hostile forces that could do us harm across the world. 

The entire western world is becoming polarized into the extreme left and right that hides a sexual agenda of gay and lesbian rights.

Now we have a rise of indigenous voices that may meld into a parliamentary voice that could seek the setting up of two nations. 

There is Indonesia and West Papua and now there may be the Australian and an indigenous nation that seeks never-ending extension to rights starting with land rights.

There has been the proposal for the indigenous voice to be enshrined in the Constitution that will undoubtedly never succeed at the hands of Australian voters.

The seat of the new voice would be in the north of Australia in the area of what we used to call the forward defence area of the nation. 

If a new nation emerges in the indigenous community, will there be a separate decision making body with responsibilities demanded for funding, foreign policy, legal and police functions?

But the indigenous nation will stretch across Australia. If there is a separate nation formed, will there be a call for restoration of all land?

This will cause massive problems as so many indigenous people are so mixed race as to be indistinguishable from white citizens. 

Martin Luther King once said that the key requirement is how we live together not the colour of our skins. Australians of all races need to live together and share any prosperity

My fear is that the indigeneous people will be targetted by the loony left and right extremists who will push identity politics to destroy the good will between white and indigenous Australians.

Will there be parties representing the indigenous socialist left and fascist right. Will the indigenous people become militant and demand a wide array of rights based on the collective guilt of white Australia? 

There are so many wrongs against the indigenous people since 1788. The generations since that time have shame but can only rectify the wrongs by good will and generosity.

There was the suggestion on TV Sky News last night for a double celebration on 25 and 26 January for all Australians. That is a great idea. 

That will not make the loony Greens happy as they are against every plan in the nation and have ended up anti-electricity after gay Bob Brown spoke out against wind generators that kill birds. It makes the bird killing capacity of Adani mine seem so small.

We must not fall into the trap set by the leftist loonies who seek division and destroy peace and unity across the nation. Let the indigenous and white Australians be part of a united and proud nation.

We can find positives in race relations. We have pride in indigenous Ash Barty for her tennis skill coached by Yvonne Goolagong. 

We are proud of the 71 indigenous men playing top grade football in the south. The figure was given on TV commentary.

We have to acknowledge that suicide is now part of young people across the indigenous and white communities. Sport, family, education and employment seem to be key ingredients.

Thursday, 18 July 2019


Over the last number of years, I have been sick with what was diagnosed as prostate problems that comes to men as they age. 

In recent months, my symptoms have become worse. The doctor diagnosed my prostate gland problem as benign.

I have two daughters. One left me a number of years ago under circumstances I prefer to forget. She was taken by a man who locked her away and gave her two sons before dying about 4 years ago.

She has not suffered as she spent the next year with her father. Then she moved to Port Moresby to take advantage of an apartment the step-sons made available to her and money from the rent of an apartment. Their good-will is acknowledged by her father.

My elder daughter had given her father complete love and loyalty 95% of the time. Now I am sick, she has decided to move back to look after me.

My daughter has become a loving mother. She stays in her apartment with her two sons who are loved by their grandfather.

She is coming back to live with her dad. Over the years, I have suffered at the hands of the anti-family leftist lesbian loonies of AusAID and the UN who were anti-family and decided that my family should be destroyed first to kill the Positive Living message.

They told the nation that I molested my daughters. Every paedophile in the nation joined in the fake news on internet. Fake news is the trade mark of the looney left across the world.

My daughter makes a habit of giving a gift on my birthday. She used to give me a gift each Mothers and Fathers Day as she said I have been her mother and father.

Three years ago, it was her birthday and I had little money. So I made ready to give her K100. She thanked me and told me I could not afford that money and refused to take her father's gift.

I remember her when she was 10 minutes old. Now she is a mother looking after her dad.


Bob Brown started the Greens with his opposition to the Franklin Dam in Tasmania over 30 years ago. Then he became a senator and leader of the gay and lesbian movement.

He has been strictly anti-coal and led a cavalcade of supporters to Queensland to protest against the Adani coal mine. He was a leading advocate against climate warming.

Bob Brown supported sustainable energy and saw the world powered by wind farms that gave less than 24/7 generation when the winds failed. He opposed nuclear power.

Now he has announced opposition to wind farms as he has caught up to the reality that wind farms across the world are killing large soaring birds like eagles, raptors and owls. 

Thousands are being killed across the world as they crash into the massive blades of the foreign owned wind generators. On TV news we see piles of dead birds below wind generators.

The Greens must be horrified. Let us hope that they see sense and choose nuclear power supported by coal power generation.

Tuesday, 16 July 2019


Support what the enemy opposes and oppose what the enemy supports. Loonies are anti-Australia and anti-semitic. Lesbians are not even loyal to gays. In the 1930s, Hitler was putting homosexuals in the gas chambers. Homosexuals and Jews were inclusive.

Leftist loonies want to generate divisions and hatred on the basis of neo-Marxist race, gender and class war. They would be total cowards in real war.

There are leftist loonies in the US Democrats who hate Trump despite his success in lifting employment and productivity.  Class war can only succeed in the midst of poverty.

Divisions will be based on race, religion and sexuality. There must be no peace only race, gender and class war. Peacemakers are the enemy.

They want divisions based on (1) Christian vs Moslem vs Jew (2) black vs white (3) homosexuals vs society and (4) children vs parents.

Loonies of the Australian Labor Party and Greens want a treaty between white "oppressors" and indigenous "victims". This would open up racial divisions among Australians which is totally loopy. 

Bob Brown was the founder of the gay and lesbian Greens. Now he opposes wind powered generators to be set up near his property. He says birds are being killed. He and the loonies are anti-electricity. When Australia has no power, the country will be  ripe for a neo-marxist revolution.

Australians voted for four indigenous candidates in the last election. There may be more next election if the loonies do not do too much damage. Looneys want war between indigenous and middle Australians.

In the last election, Labor policies were all top down measures to take money away from the families in support of the looney neo-Marxist class war.

The leftist looneys in Papua New Guinea employed by the UN and AusAID worked to their own race and gender agenda. They were all paedophile and sought a war between men and women. 

They support Islam but ignore the abuse of women and girls in (1) child marriage (2) genital mutilation and (3) honour murder of young women by family men. 

They have no credibility. In any war, they would hide. Why don't we deport them all to Syria to fight with the IS? Haha.


There was a report on Sky News that 26 children had been rescued from online paedophiles by the AFP in Australia. Does this mean that the offenders were arrested?

It raises the question as to why the AFP in Papua New Guinea has never been known to arrest any Australian paedophiles working for AusAID, United Nations, Australian Foreign Affairs and International Education Agency.

For many years Papua New Guinea has been a sexual playground for Australian paedophiles come for sex with PNG children. What about the AusAID teacher who was having sex with students but escaped to Australia? AFP advised he was "out of reach" in North Queensland.

The leftist sexual loonies bullied the nation from the churches to care groups with fake news to divert attention by focusing exclusively on violence of men to women and girls. All men are violent according to the loonies.

Leader of the One Nation Party in the Australian senate Mark Latham scoffed at the hate propaganda of the loonies saying that most men in Australia were good men. He said he would willingly take a bullet to protect his wife and daughters.

The same applies among the good men in Papua New Guinea. The leftist loonies have arranged buses for women only in Port Moresby and Lae. But women are safe on public transport.

Women and girls are not safe from leftist loony foreign lesbians.

Sunday, 14 July 2019


There is pressure for same sex relationships in the military. Will couples be posted to the same unit and sent into combat together? Can they live together in the barracks? 

Transgender and same sex relationships will weaken the fighting spirit in a military unit of the weak soft target nations.

"I can't fight anymore. My husband has just been wounded. I want to go back in the casualty evacuation with him. I refuse to go on without him".

Gay relations will become normal policy in the weaker western nations but not in countries that would be the enemy. 

They will crush a unit of gay or lesbian men and women on the battlefield. Perhaps gay and lesbian couples have to be placed in non-combatant roles. 

We may have heard of the importance of mateship in the military. One soldier on Kokoda said the soldier's primary task was to look after a mate. 

That need not be a gay relationship. It would have been all in the spirit of sacrifice.


A recent media report advised that the Israeli Minister for Education has urged conversion therapy for so-called LGBTP people. The Israeli LGBT Task Force demanded his sacking.

Opposition is based on the false premise that all gay, lesbian and transgender people are born that way. Now we are confronted with reassignment surgery.  These people are now born that way with a slice of a scalpel and treatment with hormones.

All boys and girls have same-sex interest as adolescents but many return to heterosexual relationships as they mature. 

A young boy does not need a gay counsellor to tell him he is gay when he is not. Or a young girl told she is lesbian because she hugs her female best friend when they meet on the street..

Grooming of children by paedophiles can subvert sexuality of growing children into same sex interest. But our DNA is the final judge.

Reassignment of men, women, boys and girls is fraught with danger as it is not possible to reverse the dictates of DNA. Men pretend to be women and women pretend to be men. But they have a bet each way by being bisexual.

Gay, lesbian and heterosexual predators do not seek long term welfare of young men and women through gender reassignment. 

They can do irreversible damage to bodies and minds by seeking to have children make life long new decisions on gender. Many will come to commit suicide.

Why are Governments reluctant to talk about paedophiles? President Putin at the time of the Duma legislations on banning propaganda to minors spoke only of gays and lesbians. So too President Netanyhu and Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

If they mention paedophiles, there will be a new ball game. Gays and lesbians will go silent as they do when they read this website. 

There are paedophiles who claim to be gay and lesbian and cry homophobia. All UN advisors cited on this blog were blatantly paedophile and tried to hide behind the fake claim that the founder of AIDS Holistics was a child molester. They failed badly.  Please click:


The major focus in global warming hysterics is the so-called rise in carbon dioxide as the result of burning coal. Clean coal burns carbon monoxide as do the engines of cars but this is never mentioned.

Last week an expert on TV news  advised that there is plenty of oxygen on the planet the result of the emissions from vegetation over millions of years. This is thinking in the big picture.

Oxygen is produced by vegetation with trillions upon trillions of trees, millions of square miles of grass lands and oceans bearing sea grass.

Carbon dioxide is taken into the vegetation 24/7 forever with oxygen produced by photosynthesis.

We must not forget that fish in the ocean breathe oxygen, This is produced in sea grass in conjunction with carbon dioxide absorbed into sea water. The world has massive producers of oxygen and consumers of carbon dioxide.

If the oceans are becoming acidic, it is the result of sulphur from volcanoes.

His Royal Highness Prince Charles says the world will end in 18 months. He is too old to be a greens loony. He will never be king before the world ends. Haha.

Let Professor Peter Ridd sacked by James Cook University but reinstated by the Court have a debate with Sir David Attenborough on the fate of the Great Barrier Reef. I suspect that Attenborough is past his use-by date.

What of the coral reefs on the east coast of Africa? Why only the coast of Queensland? Perhaps we have the most vocal group of leftist looneys. 

We see beautiful and pristine reefs on the nature channels on TV that teem with fish, particularly on the Great Barrier Reef and the reefs off East Africa.

The Barrier Reef is massive and goes down deep. Professor Ridd says the reef has been renewing for millions of years. This again is the big picture.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019


The world is falling under the control of a vicious international movement called virtue signalling. 

Corporations are participating in this to increase market share and political control. The claim is that equality and social responsibility are the key focus.

It is far worse than that and the means of enforcing conformity of millions to social norms being pushed on them.

It is a combination of old style Marxism, authoritarian capitalism, gay and lesbian rights, electronic surveillance, face recognition by closed circuit cameras with personal bank, social media, medical and police records.

This is far worse than George Orwell ever dreamed of in his book 1984. It is designed to catch all people in the community at the bank, on the street and on their cell phones. It will identify where they are.

We are told that Communist China is at the forefront with all citizens electronically recorded and assigned credit points that will determine future employment, medical treatment, bank loans, freedom to travel on passports and education for family members.

With freedom of speech comes official surveillance of conformity to the political dictates of the ruling elite.

If this is part of social engineering of Communist China, it is likely that surveillance of Hong Kong citizens is well under way. Are overseas Chinese always regarded as under the authority of Beijing?

If Huawei is spreading out to the world, the question arises as to whether or not all citizens of the world may be subject to scrutiny in years to come.

Corporations of Australia are taking part in virtue signalling. QANTAS supported the gay and lesbian bill to parliament. Is there gender equity on the teams that inspect QANTAS aircraft for rust as reported on the TV news?

Virtue signalling will attack religious freedom as seen in the corporate response to Israel Falou.

There may be a hidden agenda to 5G in surveillance of all citizens of the world who use the electronic media or appear on closed circuit cameras on the street.

In years to come faceless elites may decide on who is employed, promoted, admitted to education studies and given medical treatment.

The Australian government knows this and may be countering the moves with the Religious Freedom Bill to come. What if the proposed indigenous third parliament plans to seek alliance with hostile nations overseas?

Years ago we were worried about bar codes on our foreheads. This may be far worse. If the report above is only 30% accurate, we should still be worried. 

Virtue signalling will destroy families and make all people part of a loose mass of humanity of men, women and children. All will be without gender and able to find sex with any other person. Children will be free to do what they want.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019


The hidden socialist and fascist agenda is that children belong to the State not to parents. Hitler ordered all young boys into Hitler youth. Parental opposition was deemed as treason.

If gay, lesbian and paedophile loonies are to take over society, they must destroy families. They will do that by hijacking our kids.

They seek to block authority of parents  to free kids to do whatever they want sexually. They will oppose what strengthens family and support what weakens family.

They support so-called child abuse by parents as the way to alienate children already indoctrinated with freedom.  They are pleased with child drug taking, under-aged sex and child sex change without parental permission.

They regard all child discipline by parents as child abuse. This is to leave parents helpless to control their kids.

They tell kids that parents have no rights and can be disobeyed and lied to by their children. Kids have the right  of association with adults which can turn into access to paedophile sex. 

Care groups must give condoms to underage children on demand. Girls have the right to abortions without parental knowledge.

Children are to be turned against Faith and can refuse to go to church or participate in home worship. The new religion is climate change with the messiah as a member of the Greens party. God does not exist.

It was the looney left plan in the recent Labor party election for families to be impoverished by taxation of retiree pensions and capital gains. This was to reduce the capacity of families to look after children. Marxist ideology gave everyone the same wage except the looney elite.

There was a report on Sky News that the state of Ontario in Canada had legislated to take a child into care if the child wanted a sex change but the parents did not give support. This is part of the mechanism of breaking down families. 

Aspirational quiet Australians must regard the looney left as the enemy. Their brains are between their legs. Vote Labor or Greens in Australia and lose your kids.

Some gay and paedophile men eat human faeces like pigs and dogs with infection of deadly gut parasites, particularly the roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides. Please click:

Carriage of intestinal protozoal cysts in homosexuals - Sexually
by AT Chin - ‎1984 - ‎Cited by 14 - ‎Related articles
Nov 30, 1983 - intestinal protozoal cysts was associated with particular 
sexual practices and .... McMillan A. Intestinal parasites in homosexual 
men. Scott


The education systems of Australia are being attacked by half-educated leftist loonies guided by racist propaganda to accuse our ancestors of corruption, racism, genocide and exploitation of indigenous races. We all share the blame for wrongdoings of the past.

We need to remember that across the world, land changed hands many times across the centuries through warfare and genocide by technologically superior attackers.

Attackers included the Minoans, Babylonians, Huns, Franks, Germanics, Greeks, Persians, Moors and modern Islamist jihadists. Nazis massacred Jews and did not return stolen property to survivors after the war. Nor did the Bosnians.

Indigenous people were massacred by invaders as late as 100 years ago. Early settlers in Australia occupied Terra Nullius and slaughtered indigenous tribes with guns, poisons and moving tribes to islands in Bass Strait to die. 

Tribes in Victoria were poisoned with bags of flour laced with arsenic. This not the fault of those living today but is still a matter of shame.

But the looney leftists tell school kids that the land was stolen while we are all personally guilty. Let us see what the leftist loonies would do if a deputation of indigenous people arrived at their apartment in inner Sydney and claimed to own the land. Phone 911 !!

There is so much to do in Australia for all races. Young people of all races are committing suicide including young indigenous youth in the Northern Territory. Farmers with no hope are killing themselves as the drought sweeps their farms and rivers. Drugs are killing young people.

It was good to hear during the recent election of the numbers of white Australians working among the indigenous children in the Northern territory as teachers. 

More and more indigenous people are working within the electoral system. Many young indigenous men find a place in football.

We have to be more creative and focused in addressing sexual abuse and violence towards indigenous women and girls. It has been a slow process but we must get there in the end. 

But leftist loonies must not sabotage our civilization to ensure the break-up of families and the ascendancy of gay, lesbian and paedophile culture. 

Paedophilia is a crime. It is not to be dismissed as homophobia.

Sunday, 7 July 2019


A TV commentator on Sky News stated that there is discontent in China. Many millionaires have moved overseas. It may have been that they were going overseas to buy whatever corporations they could find as part of the Chinese empire.

Over the last 70 years, nations have expressed fear of the Peoples' Republic of China. Stalin had started the ball rolling by talking of world wide socialism.

The world, particularly in the Pacific feared the Domino Theory by which the Chinese military would spread out across the Pacific like Mongol hordes of centuries past.

There may be still more than a grain of truth in that prophesy. China is now seeking world domination by economic power. Aid is lent not given to developing nations for infrastructure projects that are paid back on the never never.

China suffers greatly from overpopulation that has risen exponentially in this century. There is degradation of air, ground water and the sea the result of uncontrolled industrial pollution. Will the time come when China seeks further living space in land for the rising billions?

Expatriate Chinese may be pressed into service with a little help from Chinese enforcers. China now supports authoritarian capitalism with citizens no longer punished for "following the  capitalist road" in support of the USA and its "capitalist running dogs"..

Modern developments in cyber technology have involved China in hacking across the world. China is now a major player in cyber espionage.

Moves have been made to monopolize the South China Sea. During the last election, Clive Palmer referred to a military airstrip in Western Australia that would be used by the Chinese military. Is this true?

China is now increasing its grip on Hong Kong that is the jewel in the crown of world capitalism. Wait until the Uighurs in Sinkiang hear about the revolt in Hong Kong.

There have been corporations in Australia that appear to have become running dogs of the Communist government with opposition to the Christian writings of Israel Folau. China opposes all Christian faith as enemy propaganda that threatens the Communist dogma.

China opposes gay and lesbian rights but will address that once the iron grip tightens across the world.


The report is based on actual events and mirrors the article on paedophiles from The National newspaper in the report below.

A family was worried about their 12 year old son. Over recent weeks, his behaviour had changed. He came home late from school and would disappear every weekend.

He would not say what he was doing or where he was going. Parents were told by neighbours they had seen him going into a house in the town with other young boys.

Parents asked him what he was doing and he said he and friends were visiting a man teaching them about climate change.

Shortly after, the mother was washing his clothes and noticed blood stains on his underpants at the back. The father took the underpants to the police who staked out the house and saw boys coming and going with some staying the night.

The police raided the house and found boys naked in a bedroom with the man who was arrested. Boys said he was having sex with them.

The man was charged, appeared before the Court and sentenced to 15 years in prison. He was charged with sexually abusing 10 underage boys.

The boys were not gay but may have become bisexual as the result of their repeated abuse. We are told fake news that children are born gay and lesbian. This is only partly true as some will be groomed into a bisexual lifestyle by adult paedophiles.

But the community is being conned by LGBTP activists who condemn any person as homophobic who criticizes paedophiles and bisexual children. 

Paedophiles may have been abused themselves as children and now turn children into child molesters as they grow up. 

Thursday, 4 July 2019


The National (Papua New Guinea) 5 July 2019 .

The Christian world is under attack from the looney, neo-marxist, gay and lesbian left supported by the neo-nazi right.

In The National (P.31) there is a warning from the gay and lesbian Greens Party in Australia that the proposed religious protection laws will harm the LGBT community.

They would have to be joking. The LGBTP have done their best to destroy families, marriage, faith and the rights of children to disobey parents all under the new religion of Climate Change.

The quiet aspirational middle class Australians are on to them and almost voted the Greens out of existence in the last election. The leader Fuehrer De Natale vowed to close down Sky News and the journalists because of their hate speech.  Haha.

Greens are extreme right neo-nazi and did not win a single seat in the last PNG selection. They did not even reveal the names of candidates. 

On Page 25 today there is  a report on the appalling rise in child abuse in the Pacific. It is the result of the proliferation of child pornography on cell phones.

In the Weekender Page 6, there is a report on Child Protection from paedophile adults. It explains how the paedophiles groom children for months and even years to have sex with them.

Children are given kindness, money and taken to places to spend the money given to them. This is to prepare the child for sex and may involve family men, family friends or strangers.

Kids may run away from home, be secretive about where they have been, stop going to school, have a new cell phone and withdraw from family and friends.

Papua New Guinea has suffered from the left wing loonies in the United Nations and AusAID who put out a message that attacked parents, declared the violence of men in the home and promoted the rights of children to disobey and tell lies to parents.

Paedophile  Australian Head of UNAIDS Stewart Watson told the community that FAMILY and FAITH were no longer relevant. This was pure paedophile neo-marxist looney propaganda.

These people are afraid of the Christian faith. God and believers are said to be homophobic. Scripture calls homosexuality an abomination.

That explains the over-reaction of Rugby Australia and the other marxist corporate looneys to the FACEBOOK page of Israel Folau.

Andrew Bolt reported on Felix an African living in Britain who was sacked by his corporate employer for speaking against gay and lesbian sex. He took 4 years to win the case in Court.

The corporate management had said that any worker who attended church, spoke of faith anywhere in public or private would be sacked. They could be reported by family and sacked in true Stalinist tradition.

Watch out aspirational middle Australia. The loonies are after our kids for sex. They will seek them out in schools and in nightclubs.

The day will come when leftist loonies control all recruitment for employment in Government and private enterprise and hire only gay and lesbian applicants.

Tuesday, 2 July 2019


In recent days, Prince William has announced he would love and care for any of his children who were gay or lesbian. But he would worry about them. 

That would be the same with all loving parents. I would love any of my children or grandchildren who were gay or lesbian.

Over the years, we have heard  from LGBTP adults that families reject gay or lesbian children. That is their excuse for snatching children off the street. 

Loving parents worry that their children will be snatched on the street by these people and raped, molested or killed.

Children are not safe from adult molesters from families, schools churches or boy scout troops. There are young girls who like to spend their childhood with boys. It  does not mean they are lesbian. 

So too there are boys who prefer a quiet life at home but are not gay. 

LGBTP molesters will tell them otherwise. Corporate neo-marxist loonies call these people inclusive. 

Children molested by homosexual adults can suffer from torn anuses that bring HIV/AIDS and infections, gut parasites that infest the brains of gay men and boys and life long low self esteem.

Israel Folau called out these LGBTP criminals in referring to the Biblical text on fornicators, adulterers and homosexuals. 

Homosexual and heterosexual paedophiles can spend their inclusiveness in prison with long sentences. Gay men, pigs and dogs eat human faeces and swallow parasite eggs. Please click:

by A McMillan - ‎1980 - ‎Cited by 15 - ‎Related articles
Scott Med J. 1980 Jan;25(1):33-5. Intestinal parasites in homosexual men..
prevalence of intestinal parasites in a group of .

Monday, 1 July 2019


What is happening in the world today can be explained in terms of neo-Marxist-Leninist ideology. The old ideas of political ideology are fading. 

President Putin recently stated that Liberalism is out of date. Russia and China have moved to authoritarian capitalism. Western corporations are following suit in laying claim to total ownership of workers. That is why the Democrats hate Trump who is pulling US workers out of poverty.

Karl Marx started the ball rolling with the writings of exploitation of workers and society being divided into the bourgeoisie and proletariat. 

There would be spontaneous revolution of workers with the means of production taken over by the dictatorship of the proletariat. It never happened. The proletariat just stayed in their poverty.

Lenin arrived in Russia during WW1 in a German train planned by the Germans to destabilize the Russians. He preached a revolution with a dictatorship led by a political and economic elite. 

He died in 1924 after returning private enterprise temporarily to the people. Stalin took over amid mass assassination of colleagues and set up the dictatorship of industry and agriculture symbolized by the hammer and sickle. He killed a million farmers and took their land.

He led the USSR through WW2 and raised Soviet industry to the heights of inefficiency and corruption except for the blue ribbon defence industry. Soviet industry and agriculture struggled on after the death of Stalin in 1953.

The Soviet Union crashed in 1989 the result in the increased independence of the satellite nations. Industry ceased to be state controlled and entered a new phase copied from the Chinese of authoritarian capitalism. The Berlin Wall was smashed down in that year. 

This model is being copied in other nations including Australia. Corporations have now claimed control over workers and see the right to hire and fire for any breach of beliefs as held by the corporate elite.

Enter Israel Folau who posted a report on FACEBOOK about sinners going to hell. He incensed the corporate elite in Rugby Australia, QANTAS, Mazda, and HCF. Rugby Australia sacked him and he has taken Rugby Australia to Court.

Rugby Australia is blaming the corporate sponsors who are denying any involvement. We were seeing authoritarian capitalism beginning in Australia watched carefully by the quiet Australians.

Had the Labor Party won in the 2019 election, Australia would have moved into an era of Soviet and Chinese authoritarian capitalism supported by the socialist left, gays, lesbians and Greens Party. Australia would have never gone back to a middle Australian society.