Tuesday, 10 May 2011


There is a book in Papua New Guinea prepared in 2004-2006
by the National AIDS Council Secretariat with the support of the
Australian Government through the National HIV Support Project.

It is entitled Introduction to HIV and AIDS Participant’s Manual.

I wrote a review in 2007 in which I was deeply critical of the child-like
lack of understanding of HIV/AIDS. Recently, I opened the book again
to see if my response has mellowed.

But I find that the response is even stronger in criticism of the foolish
errors made at Australian taxpayers’ expense.

In the first review, my focus was on the emphasis on gender equity
for women / girls. Little focus was on men except to describe the
ways they abuse women and girls. There was no advice to men.

There was no mention of violence of women to men or children. No
advice was given on gay and lesbian domestic violence. Violence to
children is also very much in the hands of mothers and aunties. Step
mothers are well known to abuse their step children.

Young PNG women armed with mobile phones are becoming well
known for exploiting men both national and expatriate. Phones give
them the opportunity to contact any man to lie, cheat and gather
money. There is a two way sexual exploitation going on.

But a big problem in this book is the complete lack of understanding
of HIV/AIDS. It sets out the old story of the virus destroying CD4
cells with a rise in opportunistic infections and death.

There is no mention whatever of the attack of the virus on gut lining,
break-down of capacity of the gut to absorb nutrients and destruction
of the gut by the attack of coccidian gut parasites particularly among
gay anus licking men.

There are blatantly false statements in the book making me ashamed
that this book was supervised by Australian AIDS advisors.

We are told that AIDS is the late stage of infection with HIV.  It is
characterized by a range of signs and symptoms. We are told there
are no symptoms of HIV infection.

This is not true. There is no mention of the fever that can occur at the
point in time two weeks from infection, probably caused by the millions
of HIV breaking for the first time out of the CD4 cells in blood and the
gut wall.

Or caused by the gut bacteria translocating from the gut through the
gut wall into the gut capillaries on route throughout the body including
the brain. Translocating is the medical term.

There is no mention of the swelling of lymph nodes in the groin. The
generalized swelling of lymph nodes with no infection is a sign of HIV

The stage of AIDS is when body systems start to break down as
the gut lining is slowly destroyed. It is not just about break down
of the immune system and the rise of opportunistic infections.

There is no mention of danger to gay men of the break down of
the gut lining from coccidian gut parasites that destroy even more
the capacity of the body to absorb nutrients, salts and water.

AIDS is the time when the body ceases to function properly. Loss
of nutrients, salts and water does massive damage. The water-salt
balance is grossly upset, affecting respiration, digestion, metabolism
and brain function.

There is a range of symptoms in a person not on ARV that include
loss of body weight and finger/toe nails, hair, diarrhoea and dementia
and delirium.

With dementia/delirium, there can be anger, paranoia, forgetfulness,
violence, delusions and hallucinations. The virus and break-down in
body systems will harm the functioning of the brain.

There is no mention whatever of the importance of nutrition in building
up the cells and tissues. The ARV stops the attack on the gut lining by
killing the virus in the blood. Strong nutrition and clean water do the

Then the book goes on to say there are no symptoms of AIDS. There
are only signs and symptoms of infections that occur. Not true. The old
story is never far away.

The book touches on Positive Living. There is a foolish explanation based
on a tank full of water. As an experienced trainer of HIV/AIDS, I know
that participants on workshops would have no idea of what was intended.

They would go back to the village with the story that to prevent HIV in
the village, they have to get a water tank and turn the tap on every day.
Uneducated people do not understand analogies. Perhaps the advisors
were trying to kill the Positive Living by explaining in nonsense terms.

If this book was published in 2006, these advisors have no excuse. The
first reports on the attack on the gut came out on Google in 2005. There
has been no acceptance up to the present as if the new advice was that
the world was round, not flat.

Perhaps it was a political decision. AusAID did not want to admit error
and recall and rewrite all the reference books. Just keep to the old story.

This is a lesbian propaganda book against men. Nazis put out books and
placed all blame on Jews. Australian lesbians put all the blame on PNG
men. You can fool some of the people some of the time.


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