Power in the Blood David Chilton
1987 ISBN 0-943497-05-4
Without Him nothing was made. This report has been written in response to the impending decriminalization of gay and lesbian relations and later legaiization of same sex marriage and adoption of children in Papua New Guinea .
We must never allow ourselves to forget that Scripture tells us that gay and lesbian sex is an abomination. The human race is part of creation. God is in control of the world at every moment, but allows us to make a mess.
This does not mean that we have to be fatalistic and resigned to everything on the basis that it is all God’s will. There is sin in the world. There are disasters and tragedies. There are evils that we must fight.
Nature is a word commonly used as the reflection of reality. Those who profess not to believe in God often sneak another God in through the back door, capitalizing Nature as speaking as if the creation were the Creator itself.
To Nature are ascribed attributes of personality and of deity as well. But the Biblical world view is that God as Creator rules every aspect of reality. Scripture never uses the term nature. The unity in the created order is in the Creator alone.
Our God brings the normal events of life: sunshine, darkness, heat and cold, seasonal changes, wind and rain, thunder and lightening.
As a Biology teacher, I have always been in awe of the magnificent and panoramic detail of creation.
Out there in the world is a massive ecosystem that has been in operation for billions of years and provided living space for creatures all living together from bacteria to snails, caterpillars, cockroaches, dinosaurs and birds. It did not grow out of amino-acids in the swamps.
Billions of creatures live in harmony with the seasons, rain, vegetation, reproductive cycles, winds, and sunshine. Some butterflies have been pollinating the same flowers of the same bush for millions of years.
The palolo worm has bred in the sand on the same Pacific island on the same night every year from the beginning of time.
Their female organs mature minutes after their male organs to prevent self-fertilization. Within those minutes, another palolo worm is fertilized.
I am too overawed to think of creation versus evolution. Whatever happened was brilliant and the work of the Creator. Perhaps we are not meant to know.
I once saw a cartoon in a university magazine in 1965 that I have never forgotten. Two fish were talking in a fish bowl. One said to the other “If there is no God, tell me, who changes our water”? Are there other civilizations in the universe? We are not meant to know. It is all outside our fish bowl.
The discovery of DNA has opened up the magic of creation. Every creature and plant on the planet has its own DNA that replicates in basically similar ways. Every cell has its own mitochondria that is the blast furnace for metabolism and the Kreb’s Cycle.
The earthworm, snail and cockroach are brilliant in design. The body systems of all are basically identical to other living creatures. The rows of pseudo hearts beat in the anterior section of the earthworm. Fertilization is external.
The snail has small arrows for sexual arousal. The cockroach has a keratin layer that makes it breathe through portholes on the side that are covered with a sticky fluid to prevent water loss.
It extracts water and excretes uric acid crystals that make cockroaches smell like urine. Every creature on the planet has the intricacy and brilliance of the Creator.
Whenever I have doubts about the Creator, I open my Biology textbooks not my Bible. Early lovers of the beautiful work of the Creator in nature were called Pantheists. In the ecosystems, He is there in all his glory.
I recall the Jesuit priest and poet Gerard Manley-Hopkins who wrote the poem “Glory be to God for dappled things; for skies as couple colour as a brinded cow. For rose moles all in stipple on trout that swim”. He was not a teacher of Biology. But what he wrote was from the heart.
Our Creator watches the land and seas of the planet being depleted of life while the planet is suffering from global warming, loss of rain forests and acidification of the seas. .
There are more people living today than ever lived and that number will double by the end of the next century. Please God help us.
The world is moving into apostasy. AIDS will always be with us. The gay community of the world will suffer the greatest loss of life over the next century.
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