Friday, 29 July 2011


The National 29 July 2011

There was a fascinating report in Papua New Guinea daily newspaper The National on the fact that the modern race of human beings has harmed our bodies with antibiotics. There are a large number of bacteria in our bodies, particularly in the gut that harm us or help us.

Helpful bacteria assists us to digest food. We have a colony of helpful bacteria in our appendix. Cows have a massive colony of bacteria in their stomachs to break down cellulose in grass.

But the human race has made life difficult for our immune system by being too clean and preventing much bacteria from passing into our bodies.

As well, we have killed out both good and harmful bacteria with antibiotics. In the modern family, parents reach automatically for ammoxylin as soon as the child has a cut or sore. This is overuse of antibiotics applied even before infection has set in. Antibiotics are useless against viruses.

The Danger of Antibiotic Overuse
When you bring your child to the doctor for a cold or flu, do you ... Here's why taking antibiotics
too often or for the wrong reason can do more harm than good. ... Every year, your family probably
faces its share of colds, sore throats, ... Taking antibiotics for colds and other viral illnesses not
only won't › ParentsFlu Center - Cached - Similar

As a boy, any sore or cut on my body was bathed in hot water and Dettol until the inflammation had gone down. My mother had no antibiotics in the house. But then no-one did. We had to go to the hospital for a penicillin injection.

This report does not refer to the coccidian gut parasites that infest the gut lining of gay men who eat faeces. These are the parasites out of hell that overwork the immune system.

If the medicine that gay men take is antibiotic, they are routinely weakening their health. We all have to go back to bathing our external infections in hot water and Dettol antiseptic.

The humorous part of the newspaper report was the sweet young lady with a lolly earthworm in her mouth. Not an earthworm dear. It is a much smaller gut parasite that you can scarcely see.

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