Thursday, 14 July 2011


Kaikai bilong tingting ( food for thought)

Australians are not good role models as wantoks in Papua New Guinea. They have made great administrators and kiaps. On the Kokoda Track, they were second to none. But they were all individuals. As family role models, Australians have been as useless as tits on a bull.

In an earlier period, Australians came to PNG with wife and kids. That was good as they could face the community as a family. But now only single people are coming and they have their own understanding of family.

Even so, Australians still make lousy wantoks. Papua New Guinea has many other nations that provide the model for strong family. Most Aussies are basically just a herd of English peasants who flocked to the cities of England in the Industrial Revolution and never formed strong families again.

But take the Chinese, Vietnamese, Turks, Italians and Greeks. They are family focused socially, ethnically and financially. Many of these people have saved and invested the first money ever earned.

The Australians following on from their British ancestors have pissed their money against the wall behind the pub. In this country, the PNG men do the same. That is why PNG and Australia are being taken over by foreigners.

Many people came to Australia after World War 2 as refugees. Guisseppi and Maria came out from Italy and set up a fish shop where all the family worked. Within 12 years, they had 5 fish shops and brought brothers out to work from the old country.

Now 30 years later, Guiseppi has retired with 12 shops, 4 retail stores, an export business and 25 children and grandchildren graduated from university. He has given each shop to a son and all are in the process of expanding.

He has a daughter who has married a lawyer from another family and has given them a lovely house as a wedding present. That is his thanks to her for working in his shop for 20 years and never asking for pay. Did you see the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding? “

But English Australians have no idea of wantoks. Brothers and sisters do not help one another. They wait for their parents to be old to put them into an old people’s home and sell their house. They never lend to one another.

There is a good reason for this. Women in peasant English families always marry whomever they like. Often they will marry some lame brain who has no loyalty to the family.

My sisters and daughters in Australia did that. And this helps to keep the family weak. Daughters are to strengthen families. English peasants have no idea of that. I wish I were Greek. My brothers and I might be shipping magnates by now.

So we have useless Australians working in the United Nations and AusAID who have a double reason for their strategy in Papua New Guinea.

Firstly they are gay, lesbian and anti-family. Secondly, they are useless individualist Australians who just want to go back to Australia, buy an apartment on the Gold Coast and live without any caring for their old family. Every Christmas, they will visit mother in the nursing home.

It is cultural. We of British descent are an inferior family race. That is why the blackfellas in Papua New Guinea like us. Have another SP wantok. Let me have a piss first. I will come with you.

Since the LNG money has started to flow in Papua New Guinea, there has been a massive increase in money spent on cars, sex workers and beer. Real Aussie wantoks.

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