Tuesday, 26 July 2011


A Marriage Counselling Handbook
ISBN 13:  978-0-7963-0967-9

What is the importance of a home to a husband and wife?

1.  a place of relaxation for man and woman,
2.  a shield and an insulation from the world,
3.  a place for refreshing and strengthening for family,
4.  a place of training for children.

How is family worship developed?

1.  hold regular quiet times together,
2.  attend church services,
3.  train children to know the importance of weekly worship.

What are the three types of love in a marriage?

1.  Agape: God kind of love, unconditional, only spouse,
2.  Phileo:  brotherly love that binds siblings, supportive, defending,
3.  Eros: sexual love, romance.

What should be avoided?

1.   shouting,
2.   insulting,
3.   arguing to win,
4.   talking without listening,
5.   refusing to talk,
6.   avoid words like “never” or “always.

How can we promote unfaithfulness?

1.   becoming unattractive,
2.   not caring about weight and hair,
3.   loss of interest in dressing,
4.   infrequent intercourse,
5.   lack of communication,
6.   failure to be interested in one another,
7.   failure to share the same bedroom,
8.   refusing sexual advances frequently.

How can we foster faithfulness in marriage?

1. fear God and be obedient to His word
2.  be active in church activities,
3.  avoid close relationships with opposite sex,
4.  have mutual friends,
5.  be prayerful on childlessness.
6.  wear wedding ring always,
7.  talk positively about your spouse,
8.  sit by your spouse in church,
9. infuse excitement into marriage.

What are the duties of a husband?

1.   be the head of the family,
2.   love your wife,
3.   make her feel happy at home,
4.   respect and honour her,
5.   protect and care for her,
6.   work to provide for the needs of the family,
7.   provide for her sexually.

What are the duties of a wife?

1.   love your husband,
2.   submit to your husband,
3.   keep the home,
4.   provide sexually for your husband,
5.   provide nice food for family,
6.   provide supportive company and friendship,
7.   be a virtuous woman.


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