The newspaper headline in Papua New Guinea was "London is burning". Terrorists have been causing massive damage. Most are kids led by junior generals who have found power in rallying troops on internet. We read of rioting in Philadelphia and Mt Hagen.
This is the fruit of adults telling kids of their rights and no responsibilities. They have been telling them that parents have no rights. It will get worse across the world. Countries may have to declare martial law against kids. Arrest the gay and lesbian activists.
This is going to get more serious before it gets better. People are going to be killed by kids. Police are going to open fire. Kids are going to realise that they can fight, destroy and then disappear into the crowd. They will be rallying by mobile phone.
This is going to spread across the western world. Parents will be helpless to stop their kids. In America, we read that they need a judicial committee to permit them to open the Facebook account of their kids. Activists have made parents helpless.
Out of all this will come a new gay, lesbian and paedophile world order based on sexual freedom and chaos. Family will be destroyed and replaced by kids who have taken control of the streets. That is why the UN and AusAID activists have been anti-family and focused on children's rights without responsibilities. They have been weakening the nation for what may be about to happen.
faith, hope, peace, love, truth, compassion, trust, patience, honesty, kindness, family, friends, forgiveness, fellowship, work, sleep, exercise, relax, clean water, morning sun, nutritious food, fresh vegetables, fruit, grains and nuts, rights, responsibilities, obligations, clean blood and tissues, clean in body, mind and soul AND FREEDOM FROM hate, greed, fear, stress, violence, rejection, infection, starvation, beer, homebrew, tobacco, marijuana and drugs, less salt and sugar
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