Major Copeland pioneered the PNG Defence Training Familiarization Course from 1986 to help Australian Defence Schools be aware of problems for PNGDF trainees for whom English is a second language and technical English is a third language.
He would give the Australians on course in the Defence Schools a lesson in 21st century technical English that showed that on RAAF and RAN technical courses PNGDF personnel would have no idea of the theory.
"Today, I will show you the workings of the variable convovulator of the interstellar rocket. Last week you learned about the static convovulator that interpelates the forward thrust of the primary stellar intertactile fubilator.
This system is different because it is not static and impulsifies the propulsive retrograde thrust.
Let's go through that again:
(1) What is the function of the variable convovulator?
(2) Does it impulsify or interpelate?
(3) What is the intertactile fubilator?
(4) Why is the propulsive retrograde thrust important?
I really hate teaching these blackfellas. They just stare at you."
(1) There were compound names to be known and understood.
(2) There was no explanation of technical words.
(3) Technical terms were used to explain technical words.
(4) There was no simple English with simple explanation.
(5) There were technical language components but language ignored.
A request has come from a young man doing higher study on Australians working in the PNGDF. I am putting my input on blogspot for his benefit.
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