It seems that the hate mail that Jackson had posted on his blog PNG Attitude has been removed. He made a really bad mistake in becoming involved with the gay, lesbian and paedophile agenda.
Fortunately, the report was cut and pasted on to our blog in anticipation of possible removal.
I have a strong suspicion that Jackson is closely involved with the hate mailer. There have been one-to-one emails between Jackson and me that the hate mailer acted upon. The person quotes almost exclusively from the hate mail of Jackson.
In the blog report below, Jackson wrote a report that crossed two or three issues - Campbell, Kailap and RH with Copeland thrown in for good luck.
Perhaps he was hoping some of the mud would somehow stick to Copeland. This is an attack you have when you are afraid to attack.
It seems that he wanted his faithful contributors to denounce Copeland for the vulgar hate emails that have come from the fake email below. When all else fails, convene a website kangaroo court.
He did not expect that his faithful readers would reject what was posted as not having being made by the founder of AIDS Holistics.
Thank you to you all. AIDS Holistics is putting out a helpful blog on Positive Living with HIV/AIDS. We do not expect to be attacked by Jackson and the gay, lesbian and paedophile hate mailers.
He should not spoil the credibility of the Crocodile Prize by going off at a tangent. Please click:
Forgive us, overseas readers but the issue has to be resolved as publicly as possible.
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