Having just bought a DVD on the BBC history of World War 2, I have sat and watched about 6 hours of the nazi holocaust against the Jews.
I had always known of the holocaust but never before seen destruction of a race by nazis in immaculate uniforms taken from files released from former East Germany.
It was the story of a nation of Germans who allowed wholesale destruction of Jewish people whom they blamed for all economic ills of the nation.
The Jews were blamed for having prematurely stopped World War 1, betrayal at the Versailles peace talks, hyper-inflation of the 1920s, collaboration with USA and Great Britain and Great Depression of 1930.
We need to understand that in setting up of nation states five hundred years before, Jews were welcomed as traders, shop keepers and bankers.
They were the key to the commercial infrastructure of new nation states.
For centuries, the financial world was dominated by a Jewish infrastructure that extended from the USA to Britain and Europe.
In many ways, Germany had relied on this infrastructure for centuries. It was time to annihilate and dismantle Jewish infrastructure to be replaced by a Germanic financial network.
It may have been that the industrialization of Germany under Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck in the late 1800s was financed through the Jewish financial network.
It follows that the Jews of Wall Street may have helped build the German navy that led into World War 2.
The battleship Bismarck may have been funded by Jewish arranged loans.
It follows that criticisms by Germans that the Jews stopped WW1 may have a grain of truth if the Jews could not or would not give the Germans a blank cheque to continue the war.
Surely Jews were not responsible for the hyper-inflation in the Weimar Republic in the 1920s. Money had to be carried by wheelbarrow to buy minor items. The Jews were smarter than that. Printing money was the simple-minded strategy of the Weimar Government.
We need to understand that Germany as a nation state began after the Middle Ages in the north where a strong merchant class grew. The direction of capital growth was in the hands of the Hanseatic League and focused on trade. This League of merchants would have been mainly Jewish.
We know that German society thrived in the northern ports by the fact that this is where the children were educated, read their Bibles that were being mass produced and provided the impetus for the Reformation. Southern rural Germany remained mainly Catholic.
The Jews were behind the industrial growth of Germany. But it seemed to sour after World War 1 which was the first major crisis of capitalism. The Jews were behind all heavy industry but found themselves being accused by Hitler. It was not in the interests of the Jews to damage the German economy.
It was not in their interests to push for war reparations at the Versailles Peace Conference. The German Government undoubtedly owed massive debt to the Jewish industrialists.
It was not in their interests for the German empire in Africa and New Guinea to be lost. It would have harmed the Jewish industrialists for Germany to have lost the Saar, the heartland of industry.
They were set up by Hitler and the Nazis.
Were the gas chambers the Nazi solution to repudiating massive debts to Jewish financiers?
We see a similar parallel with Chinese in Papua New Guinea. The same criticisms are made. They are aloof, not supporting the nation and not kind to the people.
The Jews could not win in Germany of the 1930s. They would be reluctant to attend Nazi parades and give Hitler salutes.
They would have been attacked. But then they were criticized for not doing so. A no-win situation.
How many PNG people would cheer if the Chinese were systematically killed?
The King of Poland welcomed Jews by the thousands to lift his kingdom into a nation. Five hundred years later they were to be killed in death camps.
If I have been a German in those days, I would cheer as Adolf Hitler rose to power. He was the force who would lift Germany out of the economic abyss and right the wrongs.
German people were not to know the horror of destruction he would bring to the nation. Hitler knew how to blame others.
Viewers to this BBC series would have watched transfixed at progressive take-over by Nazis of the nations of Europe and the immediate program to rid the conquered nations of Jews.
Not all conquered nations cooperated particularly Denmark. Jews found safety in Britain, the beleagured nation protected by the RAF and by breaking of the enigma code by the military.
Jews had been deported from the Island of Man to die at Auschwitz. That is as close as the nazis got.
Germans had a plan of the steps to take on invading Britain. Trade union leaders would be first to be arrested and killed. The plan was not needed.
There was entry of Austria, reuniting of Germans of Sudetanland, takeover of Czechoslavakia and occupation of Poland.
Then came occupation of the rest of Europe. The ultimate betrayal of Hitler was signing of a non-aggression pact with the Russians. He would deal with them later.
Then he set up the Eastern Front. Invaders can never learn the lessons that the Russian winter will bring. It is a long way home through the Russian winter.
Genocide of the Jews may have been modelled on genocide of the Irish over 600 years at the hands of the English. Penal laws in Ireland were draconian.
It was almost against the law for the Irish to live. The nazis may have thought that the English would turn a blind eye to the genocide that they planned. Besides, Britain would soon be occupied.
Starvation of citizens was perfected by the English particularly in Irish potato famines. Germans practised starvation on the steppes of Russia. But their own soldiers starved in retreat.
Planning was underway for the building of concentration camps equipped with gas chambers and incinerators. This was to become the final solution.
Disabled babies could be killed which soon extended to all disabled. Centres for disabled evolved into killing centres for Russian prisoners of war, political prisoners, Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals.
These were spread out across conquered nations, particularly Poland. Killing took place mainly outside of Germany.
But it was forced relocation of Jews and killings in camps of Auschwitz, Treblinka, Dachau, Sobibor that creates the greatest horror.
The daily killings became so great that there was not the means to dispose of bodies. Incinerators burned day and night year in year out.
Families were herded into ghettos, separated, and loaded on to rail trucks, believing they were going to a new life.
They were systematically and ruthlessly killed in sealed rooms built for thousands of prisoners. Train journeys ended outside a gas chamber.
The old, sick and babies were the first to die, poisoned by Zyklon B or prussic acid that formed gas on being taken from cannisters and dropped through the ceiling into the sealed room.
Nazis in camps made fortunes in plundering possessions of dead Jews. It is difficult to forget long lines of Jews being herded to their deaths.
They had no hope just the prospect of death for entire villages, towns and families.
SS guards were unconcerned as if herding pigs into a slaughter house. They should not have earned combat medals by killing defenceless civilians. They were not at war but living in a holiday camp that killed people.
German people moved into the vacated homes of Jews to stay. Germans denounced neighbours to take their homes.
The killings of the Jews was not forced on the German people. It was part of the German psyche to feed the killing machine by betraying neighbours and turning a blind eye.
Germans claimed not to know what was going on. Amazingly, so did some Jews.
Killings remind us on a much smaller scale of massacres by Breuvik in Norway. There are parallels between the two eras.
Economic troubles in Europe have brought the rise of extreme right and left wing politics. So too in Norway.
Breuvik says he opposes the Nazis. But he is a Nazi in his outlook. He says he supports the Jews but hates the Moslems.
Perhaps his plan would be for ethnic cleansing of Moslems rather than Jews. This can happen as we saw in the Balkan states two decades ago, centred on Bosnia. Mass killings have been part of Balkan life.
Ethnic hatred brings out the worst in the human race. It forces people to kill even babies to prevent them from growing to become vengeful adults.
It was amazing to listen to old German men who expressed no regret. Only regret for some was that they lost the war. They have learned nothing in the last 70 years.
The world is part of the hatred of the times. In the Soviet Union, Stalin declared pogroms against the Jews.
This was a period of time in which ethnic Russians could do what they liked to the Jews. Hitler declared a permanent pogrom against Jews. Nothing done was against the law.
The psychiatric studies of the 1800s and 1900s played a part too.
It was believed intelligence and personal traits could be determined by the shape of the head. It was called phrenology.
Australian visitors to the Old Melbourne Gaol can see the plaster casts made of men and women hanged in the 1800s, including Ned Kelly.
High foreheads of Aryans showed high intelligence. It was measured by the angle between jaw line and forehead and known as the Cephalic Index.
High foreheads showed brain space. Sloping foreheads showed a lack of intellect. This was lowest common denominator science.
It grew from scientific mythology about Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon man.
The tale was that Cro-Magnon men defeated the Neanderthals because of higher intellect. Aryans were obviously Cro-Magnon.
We read on BBC internet news recently of the studies of DNA mixing of the hunter gatherers of Europe with the farmers. Racial purity is a myth.
Slavic races were obviously of low intelligence and sub-human as seen in their flat foreheads. They had to be exterminated as an inferior sub-human race.
Little heed was paid to art, literature, science, philosophy, architecture, music and general culture of Jewish and Slavic people.
This meant that Slavic Russian prisoners of war suffered from a nazi genocide program.
It explains why the Russians pursued retreating Germans all the way back to Berlin. Hitler was wise to commit suicide.
Twin children died in Auschwitz at the hands of Dr Mengele fascinated by experiments that resulted in the deaths of large numbers of twin children.
Footnote: Second review of the DVD showed that senior SS officers generally had high foreheads. Cephalic index was a selection criterion. SS guards had mainly sloping heads. Polish prisoners on film had some sloping and some high foreheads.
Psychiatric knowledge of the era was primitive. Studying cranial bumps has only died in the civilised world in the last 50 years. There is much more to personality and intelligence than the shape of the cranium.
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