Post Courier 16 April 2012
Rugby League against Violence is an organization set to raise awareness and speak out against domestic sexual violence. They include former and current captains of the Kumuls.
The Rugby League against Violence (RLAV) aims to use high profile rugby league players and personalities.
They will be used in an awareness campaign that runs along side community strategies that sees boys and men act as partners against family and sexual violence.
Comment: AIDS Holistics has long advocated the role of sporting figures to act as role models against violence and in support of living an honest and positive life.
This is nothing new. Other groups in the community have been doing this for many years.
The community has long expected that sporting figures act as role models in violence and restraint in drinking alcohol to give the example to young boys and girls.
Start with some football family men. Display posters showing them with wife and children.
Have the posters refer to rights and responsibilities of family members, love and respect.
Have posters refer to courage, determination, teamwork, strength, self-discipline, leadership, nutrition and health.
Rugby players have best chance of being accepted as real men.
It is not good when we read of star football players in Court on charges of drunken fighting and gang rape,
It happens in the world. It is not good when team spirit is translated into a vicious gang rape of some poor drunken girl.
Well done journalist Nellie Setepano.
faith, hope, peace, love, truth, compassion, trust, patience, honesty, kindness, family, friends, forgiveness, fellowship, work, sleep, exercise, relax, clean water, morning sun, nutritious food, fresh vegetables, fruit, grains and nuts, rights, responsibilities, obligations, clean blood and tissues, clean in body, mind and soul AND FREEDOM FROM hate, greed, fear, stress, violence, rejection, infection, starvation, beer, homebrew, tobacco, marijuana and drugs, less salt and sugar
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