Saturday, 28 February 2015


I had known Malum Nalu for over 14  years since the beginning of the AIDS campaign. He was a journalist who would stop to talk to me and tell how he admired the Positive Living message. We became friends over the time. 

I came to know about his family. Malum was born in Salamaua. He and his sister went to Bugandi High School. His father was a primary school inspector who died a number of years ago. 

I was interested in the colonial and war history of Salamaua and had a report posted on PNG Attitude. I used the writings of Malum Nalu to confirm the facts in my report. Over recent years, I had met with Malum Nalu to discuss how we would promote the Black Cat Track through the media.

But 4 years ago, there was a report in the Post Courier by Simon Eroro stating that Australian trekking teams should be banned from the Kokoda Track and the trekking be taken over by village groups. I put a report on email disagreeing with him.

This aroused a fierce outburst from my friend Malum Nalu who screamed on email that I should be deported as I was an alien who had no right to comment on the Kokoda issue.

He is an alien. Deport him!

Nalu added a number of his own addressees from Oro including one Gary Juffa. After an exchange of sharp words, Gary and I have come to respect the work that each of us does. I regard Hon. Gary Juffa Governor of Oro as a friend. That was something positive to come out of a bad situation.

The issue went quiet and new developments started. There was someone sending out emails to all my addressees telling them he was the real Bruce Copeland and that I was the fake. He started sending out vicious messages to my addressees many of whom demanded that they be taken off my email list.

The person then sent emails addressed as He started abusing people who lost interest in the Positive Living message. My email address was

Then hate reports appeared on Google telling readers that Bruce Copeland was a cyberstalker who was harrassing women, particularly Lydia Kailap who was an Australian woman happily married to a PNG man and running a cultural centre. He made filthy comments to her.

But it all came unstuck when Lydia sent out an internet report saying that I was not involved but suffering from a deranged man who had stolen my name, addressee list and email address. 

She was too afraid to report that it was Malum Nalu. But logging activist Nancy Sullivan was not so shy. She named him. Malum Nalu. She and Lydia Kailap had been criticizing the Rimbunan Hijau logging at Pomio and Nalu had been defending his employer owner of The National newspaper.

I can never forgive the treachery of a friend who thought he would take revenge on the logging activists and the founder of AIDS Holistics who had written on Kokoda trekking.

On his report on internet, he had stated that I had sent filthy texts to women when it was him all along. He reported that I was a documented cyberstalker when it was he who documented me. He said I should have my daughters taken from me as I was mentally ill. He had a wife who died leaving him with three sons.

He is now a senior journalist with The National. He betrayed the Positive Living message for his own rotten sense of revenge. He thought he would be hidden by appearing to be part of the gay and lesbian hate campaign.

He and others claimed that I labelled all opponents as gay and lesbian. It is more that those who opposed Family Positive Living were gay and lesbian activists. Ordinary heterosexual people have no reason to oppose the strengthening of family and family values.

The claims of many women being harassed by Copeland the cyberstalker were really to cover-up the individual attack on Lydia Kailap by Malum Nalu. Nancy Sullivan writes in detail on Malum Nalu in her blog Nineteen Years and Counting on his role in the logging dispute. Please click:

Whatever It Takes - Nineteen years and counting in Papua
my_weblog/2011/11/whatever-it-takes.htmlNov Naluforced to come out and defend himself.close to the nameBruce Copeland, an Australian Kokoda Trail trek leader, 'military

 Black cock whore!
 White cocks can't satisfy so you head up to PNG!
31/10/11 – sent to Lydia only—from the same address:

Please click:

great lady speaks out - family positive living - aids holistics
Jan 5, 2012 - GREAT LADY SPEAKS OUT. This has been a very difficult blow.
The problem is that the Nalu hate internet reports stay on Google for ever. A new generation is reading. The Positive Living message must not be compromised.

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