Monday, 20 July 2015


This report is to reduce the issue of child sex rights to absurdity and depraved insanity. It could still happen in the United States.

In recent weeks, the world has observed the legalization of gay and lesbian sex by the US Supreme Court. 

This was followed by claims from US paedophile organizations that paedophiles have the same rights as gays and lesbians.

We have not known this before but it is obvious that paedophiles are often gays and lesbians with a different hat.

So the paedophiles are now telling us that all children have the same rights to sex as adults. This raises many troubling questions.

These creeps want children to have the right of association with adults without the knowledge of parents. Who cares for the children – parents or paedophiles?

Do paedophiles plan to marry small children to be their permanent sex partners separate from the parents? Or are kids just for one night stands to be dropped off on a street corner? Are they just sex workers to paedophiles?

Who warns children of the dangers of HIV infection? Parents or paedophiles? Is a small child old enough to understand the danger of HIV?

Now that small children are to have rights of sex, who takes the child for AIDS testing? If a child has been infected by a paedophile, who is responsible for care of the child? parents or paedophile?

Do paedophiles plan just for sex with a child and dump on a street corner. Children really are seen by paedophile activists as junior sex workers.

Who helps the child with supplies of antiretroviral drugs? Will a seven year old child have the discipline to take the drugs for the rest of his/her life? Any capacity for marriage is limited.

Will a small child have the maturity to go to a medical centre for blood tests and seek new supplies of drugs? Who will be responsible? parents or paedophile?

Will a small child have psychological trauma that comes from sex with adults? Who helps the small boy with medical treatment on a ripped and torn anus? He can not control his faeces because of damage to the sphincter muscle - parents or paedophile?

So the paedophiles will destroy millions of loving families of parents and children by molesting children too young to handle any of the problems that arise. Some may die.

Civilization will crumble if the paedophiles have rights of sex over children. The place of children is with parents.

Small girls are to study and seek careers before marriage. That is why the age of consent was raised. That is modern democracy we would hope supported by the women's movement. Boys and girls don’t need to be victims of one night stands with paedophile creeps.

When families lose the rights of caring for their children, it is time to take up arms. Civilization is in anarchy. If not, the kids are dead meat. The place for paedophiles is in the prison system.

We read that UN lesbians claim that a child can not be smacked under 3 years old. But the paedophiles claim that it is OK to have sex with a small child under 3 years old. Go get them lesbians. Mortein spray is deadly against rock spiders.

Stop press: There is a report in the PNG Post Courier 21 July 2015 of a man who allowed his 12 year old daughter to marry a 26 year old man in an Islamic wedding in Australia. The father was sentenced to 7 years in prison. 

Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi

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