Monday, 13 July 2015


PNG is a land of plenty with many lazy people who can not afford the time or energy to give nutritious food to their families.

If we check the food bars in any town, we find the Chinese owners have cooked rubbish in the form of fish in thick batter. They have trays of rubbish cheap meat covered in fat. Food stalls on the road side cook lamb or pig meat thick with fat.

The standard food for a family is rice and tinned fish which is not healthy and lacks fibre. It is mainly carbohydrates. If the mother is playing cards and can not come to cook, the family each gets a dry bun and cup of cordial.

PNG people are grossly unhealthy. They lack protein and fibre. There are large loads of greens that arrive at markets every day. But most families would not eat greens.

Men and women are fat. That means there is massive fat around their hearts that will strike them down in a heart attack. Men in particular die often at the age of 48-52 years old. They do not have a decent diet that often consists of fried fish in batter and stubbies of beer.

Many people think that they have eaten well if they feel full. But they are often full of batter, fried fish and oil. No greens.

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