Thursday, 28 July 2011


An explanation for newcomers to this blogspot

AIDS Holistics has been warning the PNG nation about the expatriate gays and lesbians since 2001 when they first arrived in PNG as workers for the Australian firm ACIL-Burnett.

Within 6 months, they had laid down their agenda. It was not an agenda that pleased many PNG people. But the nation was still in the grip of the colonial assumption that if it was expatriate, it must be good. “Yes missus, no missus, three bags full missus”.

In 2002, AIDS Holistics came on the scene as a family dying of HIV/AIDS. A small boy and his mother were sick with the virus. We promoted a message that was spreading around the world called Positive Living.

But to our amazement, we found that we were ordered by Australian advisors to stop the message, particularly to remove any mention of family and faith. But they would not explain why and we did not stop.

That started almost a decade of a hate campaign by AusAID and United Nations advisors who played every possible trick to stop us from promoting the message. You would think the UN was on the side of goodness. Think again.

But that has never happened to this day. It took a while to realize that these people were following a gay and lesbian agenda that covered almost the whole campaign from then until now.

AIDS Holistics is led by an Australian. This has been an Australian fight. All the gay and lesbian advisors encountered so far have been Australian. They use AusAID as a career stepping stone through Save the Children to the United Nations.

The campaign in Papua New Guinea is only a small part of the world gay and lesbian campaign to capitalize on the power that control of the world AIDS pandemic has given them. They plan to use this power to achieve world recognition of single-sex marriage and adoption of children.

But PNG is becoming a stumbling block across the world, even though supported by leading supporters of gays and lesbians Dame Carol Kidu and paedophile Sir Peter Barter.

They have had leading gay activists come to PNG in the persons of Senator Bob Brown and retired judge Michael Kirby. They have had a set-up debate at Divine Word University about decriminalizing gay and lesbian sex.

The foreign gays and lesbians have thought they would be able to bulldoze gay and lesbian relations into the blackfella community.

Recently the paedophile chairman of the National AIDS Council announced to the media that his contract ends in 3 months and he looks forward to the gay and lesbian legislation being passed by parliament before he leaves.

He wants to be free to have sex with young males. He also has some involvement with a gay tourist organization. The mind boggles at the thought of trips up the Sepik and down to the Trobriands. Partner supplied? Globalgayz warns world gays about gaol for gays in PNG. False advice.

News & Reports. GlobalGayz is a gay-owned charitable travel and culture website ... - Cached

So this is why AIDS Holistics continues to go on about gays and lesbians. These people have moved in again and taken over the National HIV/AIDS response. Despite assurances from the Director of the National AIDS Secretariat, the family strategy has been blocked again.

But Positive Living is part of the national response. There is strong focus on nutrition. Churches are placing stress on families, rights and responsibilities.

The real sad part of the campaign is the expatriate gay and lesbian banning of the real AIDS story of the HIV attack on the gut lining.

10 May 2011 – e. role of the small intestine or gut;. f. role of mucous and epithelial
layers of gut;. g. gut attack by HIV coming in the artery; ...
html - Cached

It can only be stopped by ARV drugs and strong nutrition. Advisors want that kept secret as it is far too close to the parasite attack on the gut caused by gays licking anuses and eating faeces. Yuk. I thought only dogs ate faeces.

12 Jul 2011 – There is not just one gut parasite but dozens. Gays can be infected by
... But not HIV/AIDS and coccidian parasites. And gay and lesbian ... - Cached

So AIDS Holistics will continue to campaign against the gay and lesbian agenda. They had hoped we would lose interest about 10 years ago. The homosexual doctors of Burnett have advertised that the founder of AIDS Holistics is mentally ill. Wishful thinking. Never go to a gay or lesbian doctor. They make up stories and then blab.

He told all that the founder was anally-fixated. At least the founder does not have a small intestine full of gut parasites.  We are not sure about the professor.

Our blog site is becoming popular with about 120 hits a day mainly from PNG and Australia. We are now getting increasing hits from the USA hence the recent report “ America Awake”.

There are three nations very much under the grip of world gays and lesbians – Australia, South Africa and America. Papua New Guinea has to stand strong.

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