But that is not the issue. It is about the anti-family, anti-faith corruption of the gay and lesbian lobby. Ms Clinton says that the US will make decisions on aid and alliance to nations based on their gay rights record. What rubbish. Does this mean that US will move out of Afghanistan?
The people of the US can not win. Vote for Republicans and the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Vote for Obama and the nation will have a take-over by gays, lesbians and paedophiles.
I have always supported the election of President Obama as the first African-American president. But it is becoming obvious that he is betraying the families of the United States.
The Republicans will be giving him hell in the next election as the result of his economic record. So he is seeking the support of gays and lesbians of America.
They will bring America down to its knees. The gay and lesbian lobby is worse than a coalition of Klu Klux Klan, Mafia and extremists of all kinds.
Now we have Obama and Cameron Prime Minister of Britain threatening to discriminate against countries acting in their own defence against a sexual enemy. But not Moslem countries.
Mr Obama and Ms Clinton, come down, come down from your ivory tower and see the world. Will you be supporting the following:
(1) gay / lesbian anti-family agenda and destroying of authority of parents?
(2) discrimination in favour of gays/ lesbians in job employment?
(3) removal of bans on gays / lesbians in the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides?
(4) churches required in law to accept gay / lesbian clergy?
(5) lowering the age of consent for paedophiles to have sex with children?
(6) American paedophiles to infiltrate aid organizations overseas?
(7) recognition of the North American Man Boy Love Association?
(9) American gays / lesbians to promote anti-family messages overseas?
You are widening the gap with Moslem countries that see America as the home of Satan. What if China supports family in the South Pacific?
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5 days ago – The world is under the greatest threat from within in the whole history of the world.
The Christian world is being taken over by the world ...
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