Thursday, 2 July 2015


Head of PNG UNAIDS Stewart Watson " The community must not hide behind family and faith. These are not relevant in modern society." What a half wit. He is doing a great job for the paedophiles of the world.

Since the beginning of the human race, the family has been the foundation of life. Early groups of people were involved in violence with killing and stealing of property.

That has never stopped but changes have been made over the centuries.

The human race accepts the presence of a superior being responsible for all existence. 

Formal religious belief grew out of the Jewish culture and was modified by the coming of Jesus.

A focus on laws was replaced by Jesus with love and forgiveness given to the Jewish race by the creator God.

Over the last two thousand years, a culture of Christian faith has arisen. This was followed by the rise of Islam through the prophet Mohammed.

The rise of nation states over 700 years ago has brought the need for laws. Many were based on Christian love.

There was to be peace and loving of a neighbour. Stealing and bearing false witness were sins. There was to be no other being except the one true God. These were enshrined in laws of the nation.

Over the centuries of learned men and women, there has been no real picture given of life after death. It is still a mystery.

People claim to have had near death experiences but none of us are sure of what we are being told.

Did that person really float above his death bed and look down on family grieving below? Was there a light that led her to a better place.

Scientists tell us that the light comes from the brain slowly dying. It is like the light on our mobile phone that switches on to tell us that the battery is almost flat.

But Christian faiths have Scripture and Moslems have the Koran which contain truths to be handed down through the generations. It keeps the generations on an even keel.

The truths of Scripture give a picture of spiritual perfection. This is what the writers had when they wrote their part of Scripture.

There is other perfection in the world. All living plants and animals have perfection in creation passed down from generation to generation over the eons.

Embryos develop in the same way. All animals have basically the same structure. All take in food and oxygen.

They have structures to exhale carbon dioxide. They have skeletons modified according to their environment.

Trees convert waste gas back to oxygen. All have chromosomes that vary in number from species to species.

The writings of Scripture give a picture of love and forgiveness that our ancestors did not experience. It is the culture of peace.

All of us would like to live in peace with our neighbour if only our neighbour would stop killing us, stealing, raping our women and taking our land.

Modern culture and national laws allow us to kill in self defence. This has been much misused. Nations may convince citizens to kill by presenting atrocities of neighbours that have to be stopped.

At times, Governments present false propaganda to citizens to justify the need to form armies and go out and kill. All Governments do it.

Hitler presented the need for the German race to annihilate the Jews for many false crimes.

The free world put out propaganda of the need to stop the yellow hordes from sweeping down through Asia as the Mongols did centuries before. Hence the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

Some church groups refused to go to war to kill as the Bible told us not to kill. They became conscientious objectors. Many worked and died on the battlefield as stretcher bearers.

There is massive killing among the Moslem extremists who believe they die as martyrs if they kill people even at prayer in churches and mosques. Let us hope they are in for a big surprise.

Faith keeps believers strong with a set of Godly rules. Now they are under attack by activists who put out the propaganda that faith is the mark of intellectual and emotional weakness.

Faith is only for people with grey hair not the young people of today. Faith is not cool. There is no God and no Allah. All commandments were written by men of centuries past deluded that they write in the name of God.

There are gay and lesbian organizations spreading this message across the world.  There has been expulsion of Save the Children in certain African nations.

Education is preparing youth to reject faith and the messages of faith, particularly on men lying with men that St Paul calls an abomination.

The way around this is to have the young people reject FAITH and by this means reject FAMILY.

The gay, lesbian and paedophile activists want children to walk away from family and hit the streets as part of a loose collection able to do what they want, go where they want and have sex with whom they want.

There is developing a massive world build-up of men and women wanting sex with children. Many go to countries suffering from natural disasters and wars. They become wonderful people caring for children.....and molesting them.

Faith has suffered a body blow with the ongoing world scandal of Catholic priests molesting children in orphanages and schools.

There have been other churches that have experienced clergy molesting children. Several have quietly featured in scandals in Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea has suffered the attention of United Nations and Australian AIDS advisors seeking to weaken the family by false reports, bullying care groups and causing confrontation between men and women.

Women are told of their rights with no mention of responsibilities. Men are told men are all violent. Women are told they are not to be bashed with no mention that women are not to be violent to women, men and children.

Women know the tricks. There will be those who confront men and bash them. If the man retaliates, the woman runs to the police to report him for domestic violence.

If the man has no rights, the woman does not have to cook his food or wash his clothes. She can tell him to give the job to his prostitute girl friends.

She is busy playing cards. The children have already been given money to buy a dry biscuit and soft drink for their evening meal. All this makes the UN lesbians happy that the FAMILY has been weakened.

Where do we go from here? There is no value in empowering only women. We have to get with the strength and empower families. Fathers, mothers and children all have rights and responsibilities.

There will be a massive build up in pressure from UN gays and lesbians for the PNG Government to legalize same sex marriage. But the PNG law cannot say yes if culture says no. Politicians have to understand that.

Papua New Guinea like the Philippines is a traditional society with extended families and obligations of individuals to the clan. Sons and daughters have the responsibility to care for old parents.

There is no place for a woman to go back to the clan with her wife. There is no place for in vitro-fertilization and surrogate mothers either in PNG or any Moslem country.

Ask any PNG person about same sex marriage and the common response is that the couple will be killed.

Traditional society often accepts gay and transvestite boys and men. They are given peace to live in the village setting and do what they want.

Modern times has seen these people moving to the urban areas and forming groups. There are transvestite men and boys in Thailand, Philippines and Papua New Guinea who find their own way.

They may find employment in the night club industry and help family with school fees and hospital bills. Many will cut themselves off in their quest for a rich national or expatriate husband.

One transvestite man found death at the hands of a US soldier who took him back to his hotel room believing he was a good looking woman. The US serviceman has been charged with murder.

We must not allow the UN gays, lesbians and paedophiles to destroy FAMILY and FAITH across the world. They are seeking to destroy the key pillars of culture  and civilization.

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