Friday, 17 July 2015


AIDS Holistics has always advised that a win for gay and lesbian sex will not stop at that. There will be a new range of stepping stones. 

Already there are new stepping stones being put into place including school curriculum, limits to parental authority, smacking banned and children not to do child labour even to help their parents. 

It will all be designed for the big aim to remove authority of parents and replace with the authority of paedophile teachers, lawyers, politicians, police, judges, welfare officers and clergy.

Now we find that the story has been turned upside down. The paedophiles are the heroes. Parents are to be the authoritarian law breakers who block their children from having sex. Children have the right to sex at very young ages. Check the reports of Kinsey. 

So now the paedophiles are heroes, they will lift their profile as defenders of children. It is their responsibility now to advise kids to ignore their parents and tell them lies. They can have sex and abortions all before the age of 12 years.

Early on the scene was the Russian Parliament or Duma that created a stir among the gay and lesbian paedophiles by banning homosexual propaganda to minors.

President Putin has made a wise move to ban the paedophiles from sexual contact with children. Russian school curriculum can not be changed. If it is, teachers and educationists go to prison. Gays and lesbians can not adopt Russian children.

The countries that legalizate gay and lesbian sex have neatly laid down the first stepping stone towards societal break-down. If the illuminate are now involved, the matter has become deeply serious.

The trick will be to lay down the sexual rights of children in the UN Charter of Children's Rights to allow every paedophile judge, lawyer and welfare officer to claim they are just obeying the law. Already the Charter has given kids the right of association. Another stepping stone falls into place.

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