Saturday, 25 July 2015


Port Moresby General Hospital Sunday Chronicle 26 July 2015

Potassium is one of the seven essential macro-minerals along with calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride and sulphur. 

It is part of every cell in the body. Life would be impossible without this essential mineral that maintains fluid balance and keeps brain, nerves, heart, kidneys and muscles functioning properly.

Potassium is a key player in good health but you may not be getting enough in your diet. Falling short on potassium can jeopardise your long term health. Potassium is necessary for the kidneys and other organs to operate properly.

The best way to get enough potassium is to eat fruit and vegetables, dairy products, whole grain cereals, meat and fish. Try to get your daily requitrement of potassium from food sources not supplements.

One problem is to eat too much sodium and not enough potassium. Boosting your intake of potassium can reduce the risk of stroke and heart problems.

Low potassium is associated with high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, cancer, digestive disorders and infertility.

Consuming too much potassium can be harmful to those with kidney disorders. If your kidneys can not remove excess potassium from the blood it could be fatal.

Potassium is found in many unprocessed foods. A diet high in processed food will be low in potassium. Bananas are a good source of potassium with potatoes, leafy greens, beans, butternut squash, dates, yoghurt, avocado, fish, cantaloupe and papaya.

The great health benefits are instant energy boost, keeping regular, reducing blood pressure, reducing menstrual cramps, containing antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, helping strong bones, powering the brain, preventing ulcers and reducing depression.

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