Monday, 13 July 2015


I am reminded that gay and lesbian AusAID advisors insisted we remove family and faith from the Positive Living message. As we did not AIDS Holistics was banned from UN and AusAID recognition from 2002 until the present time.

Word has come to us that there was indeed a UNAIDS conference planned to be held at the Holiday Inn but cancelled because of negative publicity.

The theme was to be centred on the rights of children in the modern era. We have been studying the work of UNAIDS over recent years including the multitude of reports on Google.

We fear there is the One World Government that would be in total control and under the authority of the United Nations.

We find from Google that UNAIDS has a family approach like no other. The UNAIDS family consists of one large group of children across the world of all races and creeds. 

Biological mothers and fathers have the responsibility to care for children with food, shelter and health. But there is no right of parents to teach family values. They are all homophobic and unacceptable.

We can see the action particularly of lesbian activists who have worked to infiltrate Education, Legal, Health and Welfare.

Children would be groomed for gay and lesbian sex through school curriculum. They would be taken into care through gay and lesbian legal and welfare officers. Reports on abuse would be prepared by gay and lesbian health officers.

Children would be free to pursue their needs without the authority of parents to shame them for being transsexual, bisexual, and homosexual. The age of consent would no longer exist allowing all children to have sex with any person. The UN gives children the right of association.

Parents who breached the regulations could be reported to the accredited officers and children placed into care. UN lesbian advisors in PNG sought to control the function of welfare but failed. 

I was threatened by a gay paedophile that my daughters were to be taken into care. That was paedophile Pete. Children in care is a major issue in the USA. It is a perfect way for paedophiles to take children for sex.

We have been given warning of the future by the present gay Head of UNAIDS in PNG who told the community not to hide behind FAMILY and FAITH. These are no longer relevant. 

He was quietly warning the PNG care organizations that they would be banned like AIDS Holistics if they disobeyed. The One World Government has already started as a government within a government. It will be in place when all key positions are taken by gays, lesbians and paedophiles.

Are we being warned that these will be removed by the One World Government? Children are to be free from the authoritarian family and church. The family is under threat. UNAIDS makes friendly sounds on Google about family but the family is seen as the enemy.

Perhaps this is all foolish nonsense to have been dreamed up by the UNAIDS officers in New York. It is not planned to succeed but to cover enough families for paedophiles of the UN to take children to bed. UNAIDS officers are not unlike Don Quixote tilting at windmills.

We read in the Post Courier today that child abuse is on the rise in Papua New Guinea. Families are under attack from strangers and family child molesters.

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