Sunday, 31 January 2016


BBC reports that large numbers of refugee children have gone missing as they move into Europe. If so, there is a great tragedy taking place with more sexual crime among the children of refugees than within the European community. 

It may be New Years Eve Cologne every day on the refugee trail. Boys and girls are kidnapped and trafficked every day. Please click:

Migrant crisis: More than 10,000 children 'missing' - BBC News
12 hours ago - More than 10000 migrant children may have disappeared after arriving unaccompanied refugee children and young adults who arrived in the ...

But that is only one side of the coin. It may be that massive fraud is occurring among refugees. BBC quotes Sweden allowing unaccompanied children to bring their family at a later date. 

So the trick would be for young men and women to pose as children. They register and never come back in case they are made to provide proof of age.

BBC quotes one family taking a teenage refugee boy into their home to find out later he was 28 years old.

That accounts for the large percentage of adult men and less of women and children. Many of the children are men and women. They may continue their fake age to bring other people. But they make sure they stay by never going back to the registry office.

But there must be massive crime taking place on the refugee trail. Women and children are robbed, raped and murdered. Their papers are stolen. Young girls are forced into sex and marriage.

The people of European nations must have compassion for the suffering that must indeed be taking place on the refugee trail.

Thursday, 28 January 2016


There is something romantic in going overseas to fight in some foreign war. It can be seen as a rite of passage for young people who can come back with pride at having done something away from their family as men and women.

In the 1930s, hundreds of Australians went to fight against the forces of the right wing Spanish dictator Franco in the Spanish Civil War. Many never came back. The German air force used them as target practice for World War 2, yet to come.

We saw the famous photo of the Spanish soldier taken by war photographer Robert Capa the moment a bullet killed him and he fell backwards with his rifle falling from lifeless hands.

There are now many young Australians and others going overseas to fight for the so-called Islamic State. All appear to be Moslem second or third generation Australian.

Some plan to come back to Australia at the end of their time to kill fellow countrymen. It is a great adventure. Many will never come back. It was not wise to have the profile of Jihad John in beheading innocent men. He did not learn that as a computer engineer at university in Australia.

An exploding vest of grenades removes a young wearer forever, fit only to be hosed away with water not buried. They will never be reassembled like a cartoon character ready for the next episode.

Boom ........ silence. The brain can not feel pain if it instantly becomes mince meat mixed with small pieces of intestine and bone, scattered over 50 square metres.

Do they really believe that a loving Allah will take them straight to heaven with the 20 plus innocent victims they have just killed? It is time for them to read of the mercy of Allah in the Quran. They are being tricked.

We read that they have been radicalized. What does that mean? Have they been filled with hate and the glory of Allah proud that they are beheading infidels? in their dreams.

Do they now consider that all their Moslem neighbours are enemy? Do all the Moslems in their Australian mosque deserve to die. I recall the story in the Bible of the man who said to God I am not like the rest of these sinners.

We have young girls who think it is a great adventure to leave an Australian school at 15-17, trick their parents and go to Syria to marry a so-called caliphate soldier. If it turns out not what they want, they cannot leave. They are now wives subject to Sharia discipline.

There was a report of one homesick young girl who wanted to go home. She was counselled by an IS soldier with a bullet in the brain.

Young men go to fight as so-called caliphate soldiers and may be allowed to return home to raise radical recruits. If they go home and change their minds, they are subject to execution.

Young men and women are playing with fire by travelling overseas or setting up a plan to kill Australians.

Death is at the end ......... not heaven.

Monday, 25 January 2016


The world is witnessing a new global strategy. It is what we feared would happen with the Russian communists in the 1930s. 

This was to set up conflict simultaneously in every nation and with every neighbouring nation. We see this with Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia at the present. 

The Somali Al-Shabab would have to have links with the pirates who preyed on ships in the last decade. They are still a danger. Afghanistan and Taliban reject IS violence and depravity.

Keep every nation occupied with defensive/offensive responses.

Plan to extend terror over many decades until nations become tired.

Attack tourists to stop the tourist industry of the world.

Attack hotels, embassies, restaurants, ships, trains, aircraft and markets.

Attack the home front of key nations fighting the Islamic State.

Kill by ground attack, siege, assassination, execution and suicide bombing.

Infiltrate with refugees many of whom are sleepers for future attacks.

Set up training bases in countries not yet involved.

Destabilize other nations through refugees violence and sex attacks.

Return IS soldiers to their homes for recruiting, training and bomb making.

Radicalize and seek young people as fighters, sex slaves and suicide bombers.

Seek affiliation with other jihadist groups.

Require such groups to recognize the so-called IS caliphate.

Be ready to attack rejecting jihadist groups at a later time.

Set up IS cells in rejecting nations. Afghanistan Taliban rejects IS.

Seize weapons, ammunition and vehicles from military and police.

Infiltrate armed services to kill personnel, for information and weapons.

Recruit soldiers and police to be so-called caliphate soldiers.

Block oil supply from Russia, Middle East, Indonesia and Venezuela.

Support Islamic republics across the world and Sharia Law.

Promote Sharia courts in non-Moslem nations.

Punish non-Moslems for breach of Sharia Law.

Kill non-Moslems for refusing to renounce their faith.

Set up violence in target nations against women and girls.

Intimidate long term resident Moslems.

Recruit 2nd and 3rd generation Moslem men and women across the world.

Recruit 15-17 year old boys and girls unaccompanied as refugees.

Torture children for information.

Centralize command and decentralize combat.

Maintain terror by execution with beheading and crucifixion.

Kill foreign trainers of national armed forces and police.

Seek support of criminal groups as reported to BBC by Europol.

Promote a positive image for potential recruits on social media.

Why do the allied nations not make videos of the cruelty of the IS to be posted on the social media. The IS is impressing impressionable young people. 

Every nation has to think of other potential sites for bomb attack. Think of sports stadiums, houses of parliament, residences of royalty and gay pride processions. The sky is the limit. It is too late after the attack.

Let young people see a village of dead with their throats cut. Let them see the old man beheaded and hanging from the arch of an ancient building in Palmyra. He had spent his life preserving antiquities. Please click:

Search Results

    Syrian archaeologist 'killed in Palmyra' by IS militants - BBC ...

    Aug 19, 2015 - The archaeologist who looked after ancient ruins of Palmyra in Syria for 40. They murdered a great man, but they will never silence history."
Let them see beheading and village men forced to die sitting on bombs. Let them see Christians crucified. Let them see men, women and children starving from a siege of their village. Please click:

Crucifixion from ancient Rome to modern Syria - BBC News -
  1. May 8, 2014 ... A jihadist group, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), 

ISLAMIC STATE (ISIS) savages force 10 men to kneel atop ...

Aug 10, 2015 - ISLAMIC STATE (ISIS) savages force 10 men to kneel atop buried bombs, then blow them up for rejecting Islam. The bloodthirsty ISIS terrorists known for their mass executions and sickening beheading videos have released 

Let them see a young girl attacked by a gang of Arab and North African criminals in Cologne on New Years Eve. Is this all in the name of Allah?

Danger of publishing such images is that it may inspire copycat violence. Deep depravity towards innocent people may inspire others to join in the killing as so-called caliphate soldiers. 

BBC reports that mental instability is no bar to being accepted as a recruit in so-called IS.

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Thursday, 21 January 2016


The National 22 January 2016

The ease  with which three separate groups of ethnic Uighur militiamen sneaked into Indonesia is ringing alarm bells for security forces, who are on high alert for a far deadlier attack than last week's assault on Jakarta.

At least 10 Uighurs from China arrived in the world's most populous Moslem nation over the last 18 months to join Islamic radicals exposing an extensive network ready to welcome wanabee radicals.

Police fear that the same network could assist in the return of battle-hardened Islamic IS fighters from Syria who could then launch more calculated attacks, similar to that which hit Paris.

Indonesia's sprawling archipelago of 18,000 islands is too vast to control the movements of militants, drug smugglers, human traffickers and refugees, police say.

There is enough security at the main entry points. But there are more traditional points for entering illegally where fishermen bring people in.

With around 500 Indonesians taking one way trips to join the Islamic state in Syria and Iraq, authorities had not considered the South East Asian nations porous borders to be a problem.

But last month, after arrest of Uighur Ali Mahmet, police found bomb making equipment in a house in a Jakarta suburb.

Uighurs come from Xinjiang in far western China, a region Beijing says is the home of Islamic militants. 

Jakarta says it is working with China to stem the flow of Islamic militants who police say are responding to Samoso, Indonesia's backer of IS.

Comment:  The Muslims have already taken over the province of Aceh that can now be the focal point of jihadism in the archipelago.

Australia and Papua New Guinea have to be aware of the large numbers of Indonesians who were transmigrated to West Papua. There must surely be IS extremists in West Papua who may set up links with the Free Papua Movement.

Freedom for West Papua will be a Moslem freedom with IS support to set up a Sharia state. There will be large numbers of refugees flooding into Papua New Guinea. 

IS leadership does not recognise borders and will attack Papua New Guinea. The headquarters of Second Royal Pacific Islands Regiment in Wewak needs to be strengthened. So too the military and police bases in West Papua.

In recent weeks, we read of attacks on so many military and police bases in the Middle East and Africa. Personnel were killed with weapons and ammunition taken and vehicles captured.

The Islamic State is now supporting terrorist attacks in a large circle around Syria from North, West and East Africa to Middle East and South East Asia. 

The Boko Haram in Nigeria has affiliated with Islamic state. But the Al-Shabab from Somalia does not want to be controlled from outside jihadists namely Islamic State. Trouble will come on the issue of power. The IS demand that they have the only caliphate.

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Thursday, 14 January 2016


This week a terrorist attack was mounted in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, targeting the commercial centre.

The so-called Islamic State has declared it was behind the attack. BBC quotes a released statement online that the attack was carried out by “ soldiers of the Caliphate”.

So IS is moving into the South Pacific and taking ownership of terrorist activity.

The next domino in the pack is West Papua rich in copper and mined by the United States. But the IS will first support the so-called  "caliphate soldiers" in Java and the islands of the archipelago.

The gentle Islam of the Indonesian people is not acceptable to the IS of the Middle East. It will have to be destroyed.

The following domino will be Papua New Guinea the home of less than 1000 gentle  Melanesian Moslems who would be most unlikely to mount terror attacks.

The IS leadership will seek to draw Australia into the defence of Papua New Guinea and Indonesia to weaken the Australian role in the Middle East.

Australia will come to the support of Papua New Guinea. There is a RAAF Base in the far north that will enable air support from Australia and United States.

The Indonesian military has worked tirelessly to neutralize terrorist cells in Indonesia. The key province is Aceh based that promotes Sharia Law and is known as the centre for terrorist training. 

The IS will undoubtedly seek to destroy Indonesian oil production under the company PERTAMINA to monopolize sales from the seized installations in the Middle East.

Recently oil installations in Libya were attacked and destroyed. Islamic State plans to monopolize sale of oil. 

So the production will have to be controlled in the Middle East, Russia, Indonesia and Venezuela. Chechan "caliphate soldiers " will destroy Russian oil pipelines.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016


The introduction of Islam to Europe goes back to the middle of the last century after World War 2 with the decline of empires - British, German and French.

With the birth of new nations emerging from colonial status, there were large movements of refugees to Britain, Germany and France.

Refugees from Africa came from former colonies of empire of Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco and brought Islam to Europe.

Governments of Britain, Germany and France supported the arrival of new refugees and saw that the enclaves of new arrivals could be controlled by Sharia Law. Let the blacks control the blacks.

Hence the rise of Sharia law in Europe from the 1950s to the present. Former refugees now moving into second and third generations were allowed to control themselves. It kept them out of Courts and police stations.

Over the decades from that time, the population rose and so did the need for Sharia Law. It was being seen as part of the legal process on  a par with Common Law in Britain.

Since that time, the Moslem groups in Europe were having a role in finance and legal matters. They promoted the prominence of Sharia law.

Western nations find difficulty in controlling the financial back-up to the so-called Islamic State even the United States.

Sharia Courts are finding a place in the legal system of European nations though there are Western issues that are diametrically opposed to the Moslem way.

These include the rights of men and women in marriage and the gay and lesbian rights issues. Moslem men accept the right to marry and consumate sex with small girls.


Londoners are experiencing harrassment at the hands of Muslim gangs demanding that they conform to Sharia law even though they are non-Moslem. 

This is a situation that will arise in Europe with groups forming from the refugees. As well there are Sharia Courts in Britain and other countries in Europe. Please click:

Muslim Gangs Enforcing Sharia on London Streets
Muslim gangs have been filmed loitering on streets in London and demanding that passersby conform to Islamic Sharia law. The self-proclaimed vigilantes, who ...

Britain has 85 sharia courts: The astonishing spread of the ...
Jun 29, 2009 - At least 85 Islamic sharia courts are operating in Britain, a study claimed ... And a 2003 judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in 

Sharia Law in Europe - Sharia Law in France, UK, Germany ...
Sharia Law in Europe today - Here is the current status of the Sharia law in France, ... Sharia courts presided by Muslim "peace judges" now dot Germany, where ...

This has to have a massive influence on the current refugee problem in Europe.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016


Leadership of the so-called Islamic State would have an army of extremists hidden among the refugees of Europe. That is why there is a far greater percentage of young men. Donald Trump made this point once and was howled down.

Now read on:

Post Courier 12 January 2016

As millions of asylum seekers flee the deepening crisis in the Middle East, there is a need to preserve the natural gender imbalance in European nations. According to UNHCR, 55% of the refugees are adult men with 17% women and the rest children.

Gender imbalance can cause serious problems in the community with higher levels of violence and mistreatment of women.

In countries with a gender imbalance, there is a rise in crime, particularly violent crime, property crime and crime against women. There is a demand for trafficked women either as brides or prostitutes.

Problems from gender imbalance could be developing with sexual violence in Germany and attacks on women on New Years Eve.

Comment: Mob violence of refugee men will serve to scare European women. Where could the refugees take these women as their girl friends? If taken to refugee camps the women would run the risk of being gang raped.

German women would be reluctant to be part of the violence, inequality and dominance of many Moslem men. 

The western world is working to go past the subservience of women at the hands of violent men. Why would European non-Moslem women willingly take themselves back to the Middle Ages?

It may be that the New Years Eve assaults were part of the IS strategy to destabilize European nations. There will be more to come across Europe. The German Government has been turned on its head in the last fortnight. More nations to come.

Monday, 11 January 2016


The Western world is being given a free insight into those Moslem men with a neanderthal attitude to sex and women.

Many of us in the west are seeking to understand Islam. Moslems in our community tell us that Allah is good with love and seeking forgiveness and equality between men and women. Compassion of Allah was taught to the world by Mohammed.

But the reality is different in the modern world. Allah remains great with love for all. There are Moslem men who are violent and cruel all in the name of Allah.

There is no equality with women who are subject to brutal treatment even by Moslem men on the street. Egyptian men have raped women and girls for inappropriate clothing. Women have no rights and must bow before all men even their brothers.

We are told by the US SEAL team that Osama Bin laden had a collection of pornographic videos in his study. He claimed that the US was the home of Satan. 

In western countries, the culture allows boys and girls to mix together and learn the skills of treating each other as human beings. They can sit together in class and play games together. They learn to value themselves as people.

Yet the Moslems would regard this as an insult to Allah. Girls can only be seen by their husbands and family. The Boko Haram in Nigeria banned girls from going to school. As the result, there is not a healthy relationship between boys and girls.

For a Moslem girl to have any friendship with a boy is to run the risk of being murdered by family men as an "honour killing". There is no honour in killing a girl or woman.

Yet latest reports reveal that most men who attacked women and girls in Cologne on New Years Eve were North Africans and Arabs. Please click:

Cologne attackers were of migrant origin - minister -
8 hours ago - Apparent retaliatory attacks in Cologne on Sunday were condemned by ... 1,000 men of North African and Arabic origin gathered on 31 December. ... These groups were predominately made up of North African men who had ...

They were in a western city and surrounded by vaginas, vaginas, vaginas and breasts, breasts and breasts !! They had to have some. Moslems reported drunk were in breach of Sharia law.

Can we imagine a girl having a gang of strangers tearing her clothes off in the street, throwing her to the ground  and groping, pushing, groping and pushing to feel her breasts and vagina ?

These people have to learn the hard way. Put them in a German prison. They knew they were doing wrong even in Libya or Syria. Make a navy ship into a prison and drop the deportees off in the Mediterranean Sea coast after a term in gaol.

But now Sharia law is being forced on Germany by the back door. It is dangerous for a woman or girl to be on the street. They need to stay indoors by the sexual violence of Moslem men who claim to be champions of Allah and Sharia law.

We are learning lessons about Moslem men and women. Many have arrived in Europe with no passport or means of identification. Angela Merkel claims that detailed checks will be done. Will they all receive social service benefits?

Sunday, 10 January 2016


There seems to be so much silly thinking among leaders of European nations on the refugee issue and the future plans of the Islamic State.

A leader like Ms Angela Merkel seems to be afraid to think ahead on the issue. Perhaps she fears that she may have to commit herself to doing something. Surely she knows that Germany is deeply over its head.

The world has no idea of the plans of the  Islamic State. We only think that the capital of IS is Mosul in Iraq. It may be any one of a dozen cities across Europe and the world.

How far does the so-called IS plan to extend? Is it only the nations of the Middle East? Or does the IS plan to take over the world? Every other military campaign to do that has failed over the centuries. Napoleon failed as did Alexander the Great. 

How many refugees are IS supporters and activists? Have the refugees set up IS headquarters across Europe? How far will the IS extend? Will they seek to take control of world oil supplies? That will take them to the Middle East, Russia, Indonesia and Venezuela.

Will the nations of the world be denied oil? The USA has a decade of oil reserves. So too Japan that suffered with blockage of oil early in World War 2 before moving into Manchuria.

Does the so-called IS plan to take over the countries bombing their troops in Syria and Iraq? Will there be terrorist activities in these countries? 

What of the recent attacks on women in Cologne on New Years Eve? Is this a backhanded way of introducing Sharia law that keeps women off the streets without escort? Will this tactic be implemented by refugee men supporting IS?

Will attacks on women be extended across Europe and the world? Will women be attacked on the street for wearing inappropriate clothing? Men have used this excuse in Egypt for raping women.

Will the Caliphate extend to other nations? Indonesians speak of a Caliphate in the future. Will the gentle Archipelago Islam of Indonesia be torn down and replaced with IS Islam?

Will all Moslems in the world be declared subjects of Allah through the IS caliphate? Will moderate Moslems of the world be punished for disloyalty? Will Moslems set up Sharia law councils in non-Moslem nations. 

Sharia law seems to focus on insult to Allah. It does not cover war crimes and sex attacks. Moslem men have a free hand in those activities.

There are silly people in Europe who state that rape of women takes place in Germany on every New Years Eve and every beer festival. They have banners that say " No sexism. No racism".  

What assumptions are they making? How many refugees attacked women in Cologne? How many German or other IS supporters were part of the crowd? Let us shut up until we know for sure. It will happen again in other countries.


Over recent weeks, we have expressed misgivings on this blog about the massive influx of refugees into Europe mainly from Libya and Syria.

We expressed that large numbers of these people are family men and women seeking safety and a new life for their children. They will lift the quality of living in European nations. 

Germany will find that a new lease of life given to a nation suffering from an aging population. With the warm welcome, we did wonder what had happened to the Nazis who grew out of World War 2.

But the events in Cologne on New Year's Eve may have completed the picture. The media reported today that there were over 500 reports of violent assaults on women outside the Cologne Cathedral by gangs of men said to be of African and Arab descent. Please click

Number of cases in Cologne New Year's Eve sexual violence probe rises to 516 Police in Cologne say the number of criminal cases relating to violent attacks in the city on New Year's Eve has risen above 500. The German .

The picture is becoming clearer. While there are genuine refugees coming in families, there will be criminals and violent activists under the secret banner of Islamic State.

It seems perfectly logical that the Islamic State has thousands of activists assigned the task of destabilizing all European nations. Donald Trump is on the right track. How better to slow down the bombing of Syria than to cause riots in every country from this time on.

Chancellor Merkel says the these people will be deported. To where? Outside the border? into another European nation? The IS trap has been set and caught most nations. The refugees are in Europe to stay with more on the way as more African and Middle East  nations are attacked.

The Minister for security in Cologne has expressed the view that the violence was planned. There was violence in three cities. In Cologne the large number of men gathered outside Cologne railway station and then dispersed into groups to attack women. This is a  picture of events to come across European nations.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016


Neither through Mohammed messenger of Allah. The Charlie Hebdo incident is a matter for which French people should be ashamed. Neither the ridicule of Mohammed nor the killing of cartoonists should ever have happened. To ridicule Mohammed is to ridicule Allah.

For centuries, the human race has been killing people in the name of the Almighty. People have been accused of insulting their Creator.

The Almighty can not be insulted. He is too great. We are too small and living on a small grain of sand in the Milky Way galaxy. We are like grains of sand on the beach, there for the blink of an eye and then gone.

The Catholic Church started the killings in the name of the Almighty when they burned women as witches at the stake. Through the Middle Ages hundreds of thousands of women died. The inquisitions killed people in the name of the Almighty.

Jesus is the saviour of Christians. He is prophet to the Moslems and told us to throw the first stone if we are without sin.

We read in Scripture that our Creator is love and forgives people. There is no right for religious authorities to hijack the compassion of the Almighty and replace it with zero tolerance. Our Creator would surely feel wrath. Faith redeems sinners and does not kill them. Please click:

Pope Francis: Why mercy is essential in faith and life - BBC ...
14 hours ago - Pope Francis returns to a major theme of his papacy - mercy - in a new book. The BBC's Caroline Wyatt has been reading. ... Its title - The Name of God is Mercy - will be on the cover in a bold red, in the Pope's own  ...

All human beings are on a learning curve from birth to death. We believe that sinners have found redemption in the last moments of their lives.

The Almighty is not insulted. That is a human response. Our ego has been dealt a blow by the words or actions of others. The ego of the Almighty is not an issue to us grains of sand to be concerned with. He is too great.

Now we are have a cleric in Nigeria sentenced to death by hanging for blasphemy against Allah. The sentence was to be carried out by a Sharia council operating parallel to the civil courts. Please click:

    Nigeria court in Kano sentences cleric to death for ... - BBC
    7 hours ago - An Islamic court sentences a Nigerian cleric to death after finding him guilty of blasphemy in the northern city of Kano.
If Allah were to be insulted, there would be so much to offend him. The Islamic State attacked villages and cut the throats of the old people, leaving them to die. Young boys killed people old enough to be their grand parents. Allah would feel wrath. But Sharia law ignores war crimes.

Extremists have stopped buses and killed all passengers who could not read the Koran as they were Christian. Allah would feel wrath.

Moslem men marry 9 year old girls who often suffer death from bleeding on their wedding night. Some commit suicide. What are their parents doing to allow them to be abused that way.? Allah would feel wrath for the suffering of babies.

In many Moslem countries, women and girls are murdered by family men in what they call "honour killing".  

The killing would be to cleanse the honour of family as the female family member had fallen in love with the wrong person or gone out at night with other women. The judge turns a blind eye as soon as the word honour killing is mentioned.

Last year there was a media report of a woman whose husband died. She was a widow and married another man. She and new family were slaughtered by the family of the dead husband some 29 years later. 

Her grown up children were killed. She did not seek her dead husband's family permission to marry and had to die. Honour killing.

Innocent people in the Middle East and elsewhere die from car bombs and suicide bombers with hand grenades attached to their belts. These misguided young people believe that killing innocent people will give them the pathway to heaven.  Many die in churches and mosques. How obscene.

Sharia law does not recognize war crimes. They just punish people who can not fight back. They stay in safety and never go to where the bullets and rockets are flying.