Tuesday 30 October 2018


I Gat Hop never talks about loving families. Their message on family is always negative.

Last week there was a report in The National newspaper on the HIV status and problems explained by one Tony Palme.

He wrote on stigma and discrimination of the family and friends of sufferer Yamo Ngants.

But now life has changed. Yamo is no longer living in a tent in a cave but seems to have come out to reveal to the nation that he is HIV positive. He was introduced to anti-retroviral drugs.

An earlier member of I Gat Hop Margaret Marabe claimed to see HIV sufferers buried alive. The report went viral but she could not remember the village when interviewed by police. 

There is always false information and tricks in I Gat Hop reports that date back to the beginning over a decade ago.

If Yamo lived in a tent, who cooked his food and washed his clothes? Was he a loving son and brother or a violent, drunken boozer on home brew and smoker of marijuana?

Stigma and discrimination were pushed on the PNG community by UN and AusAID gays, lesbians and paedophiles to destroy the family unit and turn children into street kids groomed for paedophile sex.

So (1) all men were violent (2) all women and girls were abused and (3) all PLWHA suffered stigma and discrimination. Students of schools Personal Development recognize this as stereotyping.

The nation has never been given a positive message about HIV/AIDS not from the UN, AusAID or I Gat Hop. It has been all anti-family.

Early I Gat Hop members were rogue trouble makers rejected by family but blaming them. Families need older children as role models not as violent trouble making drunks who disrupt the family.

The official paradigm shift to family with responsibilities of men and boys has been ignored by the UN with emphasis now moved to abuse of children in families.

No mention is made of abuse of street kids by foreign and national paedophiles.

I Gat Hop was formed over a decade ago when rogue PLWHA failed to steal 3 Angel Care centre to become their permanent private residence with collusion of AusAID lesbians.

They were put out on the street with the centre closed and sold despite threats to burn the building down and tried to murder the founder of AIDS Holistics to kill the Positive Living message.

Funding to 3 Angels Care stopped so rogue PLWHA Momo (deceased) Marabe and Elaripe formed I Gat Hop. Their message totally anti-family was intended to win favour with UN paedophiles.

There has been a letter to the editor today from I Gat Hop to congratulate Tony Palme on his report on Yamo John Ngants.

So the HIV sufferer did not write the report. Is Tony Palme from I Gat Hop? Did he also write the letter to the editor today?

There has been no positive message go out to families on HIV and Positive Living except from AIDS Holistics.

People who are HIV positive can live long if they (1) follow Positive Living (2) remain on anti-retroviral medication for the rest of their lives and (3) do not infect other people as they may not be HIV free.

I Gat Hop now seeks rights of PLWHA to be protected through the Courts and Constitution. Is it too late to take rogue tenants of 3 Angels Care to Court for attempted murder?

They were experts in stigma and discrimination, accusing the founder of AIDS Holistics of (1) killing people with Positive Living (2) murdering son and mother and (3) molesting girls including own daughters.

The message on living with HIV infection has never gone out to the community in English, Tok Pisin or the vernacular except through AIDS Holistics.

People are afraid and think that HIV is a death sentence with infection merely by touch or sitting on the same toilet seat.

I have been HIV positive for 4 years now which makes me angry at my own stupid carelessness.

I have never suffered the faintest whiff of stigma and discrimination from any person in all that time. Life has gone on regardless.

Perhaps the time has come for I Gat Hop to abandon their anti-family focus and promote love and caring of family members to loved ones living with HIV/AIDS.

That is reality not a stereotyped fantasy on stigma and discrimination.

Sunday 28 October 2018


All life forms on earth are based on DNA. Do this mean that we are all related or all designed by the one God?

I have become fascinated by the programs on the cable TV Discovery and the H2 Channels on the beginnings of life on earth.

We have had over a century to digest the writings of Charles Darwin on the origins of the species. He caused scandal over two hundred years ago with the theory that life began in the warm seas.

Of particular insult to the religious viewpoint of God creating Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, was the theory that we came from simple life forms and descended from primates
But modern archaeology is bringing to light a panorama of evidence from the fossil record of 400 billion years ago.

Of particular interest is the finding of simple life forms in volcanoes and asteroids. Life forms were found floating in space and surely came to earth in asteroids.

Scientists with sophisticated telescopes and satellites are discovering other planets close to our solar system with moons that exhibit water, sulphur, carbon dioxide and volcanoes.

There are no martians on Mars but only a massive configuration of channels and mountains that dwarf those on earth.

Scientists are studying the moons to discover parallel phenomena to the formation of earth. There is a renewed conviction that life on earth came from outer space.

Of equal interest is the growing study of the history of so-called aliens visiting the earth.

Scientists have been studying the ancient monuments, carvings and hieroglyphs and concluded unknown civilisations that lived when our ancestors were hunter gatherers.

There is a commonality among carvings from Easter Island, Marqueses Island, Peru and Central America to indicate possible interaction of aliens with the human population, even to the point of interbreeding.

Structures like Stonehenge and pyramids of Central America appeared to be celestial navigation devices built to guide alien space ships. These monuments are said to be aligned with distant galaxies.

We have long known of the enormous designs on the landscape in Peru and the wheat fields of England. These were revealed to the world by Eric Von Daniken in the 1970s.

We are now being told that these designs have been discovered all over the world with the aid of satellite  technology.

Research has shown that humans on earth have seen alien space craft for thousands of years.

The theory is put forward that the ancient Gods who came from the heavens in fiery chariots were alien visitors to earth in space ships to study us or introduce advanced technology to hunter gatherers. Many were giants, even reported in Scripture.

There is the theory that the huge slabs of stonehenge and Easter island were levitated by alien technology. The ancient builders are unknown even to the experts.

It comes as a massive surprise to find that UFOs are regularly sighted across the world particularly around atomic power stations, air force bases and rocket launching sites.

Astronauts and pilots have reported sighting UFOs at high altitudes that made right angle turns to disappear at thousands of kilometers an hour. There is the theory of alien space stations under the sea.

Official explanations were that sightings were mere refractions from space craft windows or military aircraft on night manoeuvres.

One space craft was reported to have collided with a light aircraft at Roswell in Mexico. The US Air Force always claimed that sightings were military aircraft. Military witnesses never came to the phone.

There has been a conspiracy of cover-up according to the scientists and ancient astronaut theorists who claim that the US Government knows more than has ever been revealed.

The crashed space craft from Roswell was reported to have been taken away by the US Air Force.

But eye witnesses have produced camera shots of strange lights, some claiming to be followed as they drove along the highway and abducted by strange beings.

Reports of people have claimed to have been abducted and years later, found metallic inserts under their skin that gave off radiation but promptly stopped when removed by experts.

Others reported lights on their farms and livestock found dead the next morning with body parts removed.

The question is being left open as to the reason for so-called centuries of alien visits.

Why have they come? Are they friendly or planning to destroy the human race? Or is it a gigantic hoax?

None of this denies the existence of God. The scope of God’s creation is getting larger all the time.


There is a debate in Australian political circles on the future of the refugees on Nauru and Manus Island.  

The Government view id that if the refugees are allowed  to come to Australia, the boat people will start all over again with many drowning en route to PNG. 

The alternative is to send them to a locked back door arrangement with New Zealand or United States.

But surely this is just shifting the problem to another country, particularly New Zealand. The refugee boats will head for New Zealand not Australia.

The problem may be addressed with a greater surveillance of the seas by the RAN to intercept refugee boats. Perhaps satellite surveillance could continue to be employed.

Are school classes made available to refugee children? That would be too kind and give the impression that the refugees are welcome. 

The kids have undoubtedly been sitting around the refugee camps for years doing nothing. Many would cry for their mothers.

How does the Government think that refugees could follow correct procedure in seeking to come to Australia? So many have escaped from their homeland with their lives.

Wednesday 24 October 2018


As a teacher of history and a past tutor in Current Affairs in the Australian Army, I can see a logical time line running through world history at least from the Cold War that came out of World War 2. 

The refugees in Europe and South America are victims of the Soviet, Communist Chinese and United States paranoia that grew out of the Stalinist plan for Socialism to take over the world.

After World War 2, the USA became the guardians of the freedoms of the world particularly in Europe, South America and S-E Asia. Out of this came the division of Germany, Korean War and the Vietnam War.

The USA determined that the way to take over was by pouring of aid money. At the point that the Soviet Union was invading Eastern European nations and stripping the factories, the US Marshall Plan was pouring funding into war devastated Europe to build up the economies against Soviet imperialism. 

The older generation will remember the very real fear of nuclear war between the Soviet Union and USA. We recall the standoff between President Kennedy and the Soviets in the US demand that Soviet ships not move to Cuba with missiles.  Householders in the USA built bomb shelters.

Then there were the Hungarian and Czechoslavakian invasions by Soviet forces. Thousands of Czech refugees came to Australia. We entered the Korean and Vietnam amid fears of the Domino Theory which told of Chinese moving through S-E Asian nations like dominoes. 

Money was poured into Japan as an economic bulwark against Communist China. There was paranoia against the US imperialism in the Soviet Union which fueled a policy to strengthen the borders against US imperialism. 

China had taken Tibet in the 1950s which led to the Soviet Union setting up strategic policies in India with half an eye on the Indian Ocean.

When the Soviet Union entered Afghanistan, the USA began to support the resistance fighters known as the Mujahadeen. Within a decade the Soviet invasion was defeated with a Vietnam style withdrawal. Soviet support to North Vietnam was avenged.

Out of the Mujahadeen ranks came the jihadist Moslems. The rise of Osama Bin Laden led directly to the 9/11 attack on the New York Trade Centre. Out of all this the Moslem jihad arose with IS fighting to set up a Caliphate in the Middle East.

The US was determined to set up a power balance against Communist dictatorships in South America so right wing dictatorships were supported bolstered by the export of cocaine to the USA . 

US failed to overthrow Castro with the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion at the hands of President Kennedy which may have been a factor in his assassination. Lee Harvey Oswald did have Cuban links.

The CIA was directly involved in the cocaine traffic and the violence of drug cartels that eventually destroyed economies and slowly sent caravans of refugees heading for the US border. 

President Trump lays the blame everywhere but the US was the catalyst of the refugee movement with families seeking to escape the poverty and death in the South American nations.

Now the people in the Middle East have suffered at the hands of the US and Russia still playing their major power politics. Both powers support the opposing sides in Syria. 

Refugees have changed the political balance in European nations and raised a right-wing ideology in Germany. 

The refugees who planned to live in Australia have been put in refugee prisons on Nauru and Manus Island. Family men and children are suffering at the hands of callous Australian politicians.

Islam has come to Christian Europe in ways that will change the balance. Right wing fascist politics is on the rise in the world. There are neo-nazis in the USA spewing anti-semitism and black hatred. There was a massacre at a synogogue in Pennsylvania  this week.

Some people are talking of an anti-Christ on the way. Prophesies of Nostradamus are regularly featured on cable television. Volcanoes and earthquakes are part of the prophesy. These occur on a weekly basis across the world.

Sunday 21 October 2018


What do you think, Dr Ambi?

Over recent years, there has been an ongoing propaganda campaign in the PNG media on the violence of men towards women and girls.

This was mounted by the UN and AusAID lesbians in their efforts to destroy the role of men in families.

The picture is given that PNG men subject women and girls to rape  and violence. The foreign lesbians are untrained amateurs on mental health and focused strictly on an anti-man hate campaign.

But there is a different picture of men being painted in the international TV media of men committing suicide, the result of despair and hopelessness.

BBC reports of 45,000 men in the US committing suicide every year with hundreds of thousands more men, women and young people dying of cocaine and heroin overdose.

ABC news reports that 8000 Australian men commit suicide every year. They consist of farmers and veteran soldiers suffering from a sense of hopelessness. 

Farmers  face inability to succeed and family poverty in time of drought and global warning. Retired soldiers suffer from a  lack of job opportunities and poverty.

It may be that domestic violence is a symptom of mental and emotional breakdown. Recently a farmer shot his wife and children before turning the gun on himself.

Media reports on the ABC Mundine Show revealed the high levels of suicides among aboriginal men. It may be that there is a high level of suicides among PNG men and women too.

But foreign lesbians in PNG are cashing in on the social chaos in PNG and ignoring high levels of mental illness particularly among men and women caused by hopelessness, alcohol, home brew and marijuana.

This may account for the increasingly high levels of child abuse and rape of women.

Foreign lesbians seek to destroy the mental stability of men by laying blame on them for all violence when women are also involved. They too would be suffering from mental illness.

The PNG Government has sought to take the pressure off men by the paradigm shift to loving families and the responsibilities of men and boys. But the foreign lesbians will put on more pressure.

As founder of  AIDS Holistics, I feel that the foreign lesbians were working to tip me over the edge with false accusations of violence to women and daughters.

They could have tipped me into mental breakdown if I had not fought back with the message of family Positive Living.

Sunday 14 October 2018


I arrived in Papua New Guinea in 1993 and posted to Dregerhafen High School as Deputy Headmaster.

I stayed 6 months before demanding to be posted out. It was the worst school I have ever had the misfortune of being posted to. I decided to leave after being threatened by a security guard with a bow and arrow. He was not at his post regularly at night.

The school was in the control of elderly trouble making senior teachers who all wanted my job as Deputy. They were retired trouble makers from other schools, retired and gone back to their villages but trying their luck again at Dregerhafen High School.

They worked to sabotage all that I did. My job was to clean up the mess and make life a little more bearable for boarding students. Many teachers were lazy and would not supervise boarding students after school hours.

The senior rogue teachers had control of the school vehicle to use for their family needs and banana boat that was used for fishing. They lost the outboard motor off the coast of Finschhafen on one of their fishing trips.

When I arrived, the school had been under the dictatorship of a principal and his deputy wife. There had been a crisis in the school that no one would tell me about.

I guess that a girl had been raped in the mess one night while students watched a video movie on the school TV.

All girls were banned by the foolish principal from being out of their dormitory compound after night study and prayers.

Only boys could watch TV not the girls. As deputy, I found this grossly unfair. Girls were being punished for the sins of the boys. I threatened to put the TV in the girls’ dormitory.

There was a word out around the school that any girl found outside the dormitory after evening study would be raped by boys. Gender abuse was unchallenged before I arrived.

Boys used to come and go from the nearby villages until early morning after drinking home brew and smoking marijuana. Not the girls.

The school captain was a boy while a girl was vice-captain and slave to the captain. She had no say except to obey orders of the captain.

It was inconceivable that a girl could be captain while a boy was vice. There would be violence between boys and girls if a girl were nominated and elected as captain.

I recall an incident one afternoon in the mess while the boarding students were having their evening meal.

The captain went up to the vice-captain and told her the boys were to have a meeting. He snarled at her to tell the girls to “get out”.

All girls scurried out like frightened rabbits and ran to their dormitories. Many did not finish their meal.

As deputy I spent time on assembly scolding students for their lack of gender equality.

Many of the male and female students were well behaved but dominated by a group of student thugs.

The following year, I was posted to Bumayong Lutheran High school where the situation was better. 

As senior subject master I organized the elections of captain and vice. The same fear was held by the girls in nominating and electing a girl as captain.

The school was run better than Dregerhafen High as there was a strong corps of professional teachers at Bumayong. Girls were not under the threat of rape as at the first school.

My only misgiving at Bumayong was that the school grounds bordered on the jungle. 

I am sure that when all the teachers were asleep at night, there would be students going off bush tracks to their cult grounds to smoke and drink home brew. 
School violence has flourished at Bumayong over the last decade. Girls suffer at the hands of cult boys. Remember the girl who died at a Gerehu High cult home brew session. No arrests ever made.

Like Dregerhafen there was strict apartheid between boys and girls but not as vicious.

Some boys would grow up to be violent husbands with no idea of how to talk to their wives and daughters. They would remember the ways they terrorized boarding girls at school.

The best school was Busu High School that had removed many problems by having only girls as boarders. The school was run in a most professional way by the principal Mr Betong Bega.

The grade 9 students sat in class with boys seated next to girls. Over the year, they became friends and helped one another.

They would carry a gentle kindness from school to their future marriage and the ability to talk, laugh and discuss with the opposite sex.

There was no male-female apartheid except the boys and girls were separated in the chapel by the aisle.

But times may have changed from the bad old days with the introduction of Personal Development studies in all schools.

I support Immanuel Lutheran School in Lae and find only friendship between boys and girls and professionalism among the teachers.

This is a gender equality school with no problems between boys and girls.

Tuesday 9 October 2018


Domestic violence has its beginnings in the home, schools and churches. It starts with uneducated parents who lack the ability to communicate with each other.

Neither may speak English and both have different mother tongues. So they can not talk with each other or their children. They lack the ability to discuss family issues even in tok pisin.

My family is lucky. I have been a single father in Papua New Guinea for 19 years with two daughters, Though fluent in tok pisin, I only ever spoke to them in English. Both regard English as their first language.

They speak English like expatriates and have friendly openness. They are able to talk, discuss and make jokes which makes them of interest to educated young men. They can thank their white dad.

I hope that they will both marry PNG men who are educated and appreciate my daughters and their skill in listening, talking and joking. My younger daughter gained a Distinction in Grade 10 English in 2015.

There is a sad situation in many PNG schools where silence reigns in most schools. Students just sit and write.

Many girls and boys do not talk in class as they (1) do not understand the words of the teacher and (2) are unable to frame a statement or question. 

So many just sit like logs year in year out, afraid to speak. Many lack the ability to understand and analyze issues. Some are under pressure from fellow students to remain silent. Every class has its bullies.

When they marry, they may not be able to understand the words of their spouse who will be unable to understand them. They will find that communication takes place mainly through broken language and violence.

Schools need to focus on helping boys and girls to respect and be able to talk and help one another. At schools there should be natural gender equality in study.

The answer is to encourage boys and girls to sit together in class. Then they can help one another with school work and relax in the company of the opposite sex.

Many boys and girls are not experienced in doing that. They treat mixing with the opposite sex as serious business.

Young men treat girls as the enemy not as friends as they are totally uncomfortable in talking to them.

They may find rape easier than asking a young woman for sex. Such young people will be unable to find the language to talk to their spouse freely about family problems. Shouting and punching replace words.

Recently I was told of a cult group that punished boys and girls for mixing together in school. Boys were to keep away from girls.

My daughters have a cousin who lived with us and then moved in with a young man in a house some distance away.

She returned to us last week and said the boy was starting to bash her. They did not have a common language except that he spoke tok pisin and broken English. He got his message across with violence.

He told her she was not to leave the house. She was not to talk to other women and could not play volley ball in the street, What a cheeky bush kanaka who had not even paid bride price.

Churches contribute to disunity of families by requiring men and boys to sit on one side of the aisle and women and girls to sit on the other side. The aisle separates all parish families.

Churches should promote closeness of families not segregation of sexes during a church service. It sounds like a practice that missionaries brought from the Middle Ages.

In the Personal Development lessons in schools, I have always stressed the importance of a boy and girl able to speak the same language and be able to discuss family matters. The language may replace violence.

My younger daughter has a 24 year old boy friend who talks to her daily on their cell phones. She finds a corner of the yard, sits under a tree and talks, laughs and discusses with him by the hour …….  in English.

Last week he phoned at 3 am as he just wanted to talk. They both woke me up. I hope they marry. Their relationship will have talking, laughing and discussing but surely with no violence.

Children have reduced hope in schools if they cannot speak English and have parents who have no English as well.

Monday 8 October 2018


I have read the editorial in The National newspaper entitled    Let us fight domestic violence”. While reading with interest and accepting the explanation given, I find that there is a deep flaw in the report.

No attempt has been made to explain the causes of domestic violence. It is accepted that men are at the very sharp end of domestic violence with a high percentage of women bashed.

There has to be a reason why such domestic violence exists. Perhaps such violence always existed but was never reported. Or perhaps the violence has escalated over the last decade with the legislation on violence to women.

Perhaps the war between men and women has only arisen with the legislations against violence passed and women saw themselves as free from the men who bashed them. Women were telling men that they were no longer the boss.

I recall a report in the media some 6 years ago which set out the complaint of a man that families were in chaos because wives did what they liked and went to the police to complain about their husbands.

They came and went from the house, did no housework, demanded money to be spent on gambling and home brew and did not have the evening meal cooked when the husband came home from work. This was the recipe for violence.

It was probably an impossible task for legislators to consult men before the bill went before parliament.

There appeared to be no attempt to get men’s groups on side and to work with them. There was no publicity on loving marriages and families put out in the media.

Men found that their traditional role as head of the family was in danger. They still had to pay bride price for a woman who did what she liked. Her daughters did the same.

There is a broad view among men that a man does what a man does. If he wants to bash his wife that is what it is .  Neither the Government, Welfare, Police or the Courts will stop him.

There has never been an official campaign to appeal to violent men and stress their role as head of the family in gender equality with the wife.

The problem has been made worse with the Foreign lesbian advisors of the UN and AusAID who have done their best to open wide the dividing line between men and women.

They seek to destroy the role of men in families for their own private sexual agenda to break up families and take the young girls.

What is the cause of domestic violence in the Papua New Guinea community?

There is a multiplicity of causes ranging from poverty, unemployment, low wages, alcohol abuse, marijuana and home brew, bride price and low education of primitive men and women.

Husbands and wives are unable to discuss issues. Men spend pay on booze and women use family food money for other purposes. Her child may have had to go to hospital and she spent food money. Or she bought home brew.

Men may use violence and rape to demonstrate their place as head of family. Women go their own way from family and do not carry out a traditional role as wife and mother.

Family money may be spent by the woman on a secret cell phone she uses to talk to men. She is selling her body to pay for food. She may be HIV positive.

Some families have no income with no money for food. The husband expects the wife to dig gardens and have food on the table every night. She is bashed when she cannot do that. He blames her for starvation of family.

There is no value in Governments and newspapers beating  their breasts on domestic violence.

The living conditions that breed family violence can never be changed but only get worse. There are thousands of young men and women in the community on their way to married life and poverty.

I come to the issue after two years spent in gross domestic violence at the hands of my daughters’ vicious mother. I belong to a group of men bashed by the woman in the family.

There is a core of men in this country who have suffered violence at the hands of a woman. My daughters and I have not lived with their mother in 19 years.

Domestic violence is a reflection of anger, frustration, hunger, crying children, dead babies, no money, no food and drunken husbands and wives who have spent their only money on themselves.

Families have no education, no employment, no land, no rent money, no gardens, no vegetables and no hope. They have worn out their welcome with wantoks living in the town who are struggling to live too.

In schools both boys and girls in all grades never speak in class to ask or answer questions. They never express a view. 

They will grow to be people who can not discuss issues with spouses but only resort to violence. But some boys and girls sit beside each other in class, talk and help each other. 

It should be compulsory for girls and boys to sit beside each other in all schools. Families should sit together in PNG churches. Separating males from females in church is quite primitive.

My daughter has a 24 year old boyfriend to whom she talks on cell phone every day. They laugh, discuss and enjoy talking to each other.  I hope they marry as there will be talking not violence in their relationship.

Thursday 4 October 2018


Foreign lesbians have taught PNG girls that it is OK to tell lies to their father. He has no right to know anything.So tell him anything. But you will be bashed if you tell lies to your lesbian lover.

I am starting to lose confidence in women’s groups in this country who spread misinformation about the violence of family men.

They are painting a false picture on the premise that (1) men are violent and (2) women are abused. This is partly true but does not explain the real picture.

It all started over a decade ago when the foreign lesbians came to this country from AusAID and the UN. They had a woman’s supremacy agenda that could only be implemented if they destroy the credibility of men.

They strictly censored the violence message to remove any reference to violence of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals. Google reports tell us that there is a secret epidemic of gay and lesbian violence across the world.

From the beginning, the foreign lesbians spread the word in community that women and girls have rights. No mention was made of responsibilities. Thank God for the school Personal Development studies that stress rights and responsibilities for all.

All teenage girls today have known for several years that they can disobey their parents and tell lies to cover what they do not want their father to know about. Foreign lesbians told them that.

Many girls prefer to be out with their girlfriends, boozing, going to nightclubs and meeting men. But they will tell their father that they are at their girlfriend’s house doing homework. Many tell lies to men about their age and the blame for underage sex falls on the men.

Telling lies comes naturally for many women and girls. They avoid trouble with their father by hiding what they are really doing.

Many fathers think their daughters are sweet virgins but do not know that the daughter has routine sex with men. Then she may come home pregnant.

Most women are tricky liars while husbands and fathers are naïve fools who want to believe their wives and  daughters. Most fathers can be tricked by their wives and daughters about where they are going and where they have been.

Many women and girls steal money from their family. All women carry their money around the house in a bilum. They know that their sisters will steal their money if the bilum is left lying around the house.

Wives and girls will go through their father’s trouser pockets at night and take whatever money they find regardless of the fact that it is food and bus fare money for the next day.

If a man does not give money it is called financial abuse. But he knows that the money will be spent on beer and that the food for the family will be unavailable for that night. 

The daughter needs the money to play cards down the road. She will deny stealing family money. Respect for the father is a distant dream.

They will never tell their parents where they are going, with whom and when they will be back. Their parents may tell them they are not allowed to go. So they just disappear.

So how do the lesbian supporting women’s groups handle the matter?. They support women and girls against husbands and fathers. All fatherly anger at lying and cheating daughters and wives is called abuse.

When are they going to promote honesty among women and girls together with family responsibility, truthfulness and commitment to family obligations?

The real danger comes in paedophile abuse of young girls and boys who are part-time or full-time street kids.

There are so many people in the community making statements about the importance of strong families and parents giving direction to their sons and daughters.

But the foreign lesbians and supporting national care groups are still running an anti-family campaign and removing all accountability from women and girls.

To hell with the Government sponsored paradigm shift to loving families and the responsibilities of men and boys.

Men can go to hell. They are the enemy.

Wednesday 3 October 2018


Gay, lesbian and paedophile activists have no loyalty to any government. Their loyalty and ethics are buried in their genitals. Early AusAID activists to Papua New Guinea conducted a campaign in support of a paedophile agenda.

The National 4 October 2018

The media reports on the new Trump administration policy reversal to deny same sex domestic partners of newly arrived UN officials. The policy requires them to provide proof of marriage to be eligible for a visa or seek a change in status.

What does this mean? Are the gay couples not married according to the gay and lesbian rights legislation of the UN and USA? Are the gay couples now opting for de-facto relationships not marriage? Good trick.

Does this mean that the real nature of many gay and lesbian relationships is becoming apparent? Gay and lesbian partners bring a lover into the country not a spouse. They do not have a same sex spouse but plan to live a life of luxury while finding sexual targets in country.

Once in the country, the couple lives together at UN or Australian expense. But both go off to find their own lovers and live a lifestyle separate from the so-called partner. 

The gay and lesbian rights legislation serves to make life easy for promiscuous homosexuals and paedophiles.

The same can occur in every other nation. Papua New Guinea may suffer from a horde of gay so-called partners working in the UN or Australian Aid. After settling in at official expense both go off to find their own succession of lovers.

Some will join the horde of paedophiles preying on underage street kids. They will not take them to their apartment but spend the night in a hotel room under false names. They do not want the kid to know where they live and be able to show the family or police.

The underage kid follows the paedophile house guest down the corridors to the hotel room at a discrete 50 metres behind.