Monday 31 August 2020


We can never expect an apology from UNAIDS or UN Women on their already stated anti-family and anti-faith agenda that has remained in place for 20 years or more.

They are not even slightly interested in marriage between men and women and the rights and responsibilities of families. They have turned Gender Based Violence (GBV) into a blame game. It is all the fault of men.

There is no mention of the violence of women towards men. There are regular reports in the PNG media of women who have stabbed their husband or another woman with a kitchen knife. The UN has nothing to say. 

Legislations have given women the freedom to be violent too and to dare their husbands to fight back for fear of being arrested. My daughter's mother was violent to me 20 years ago before I kicked her out. I was bashed once a week at least.

If I defended myself in any way she would run crying to her uncles that the violent white man had bashed her. Even uncles have apologised to me these days at the tricks she used to play. Bash the white man and then run to cry at being bashed. 

There is no mention of the abuse of girls at the hands of a family dog-brain. That is because children are also molested by gay, lesbian and heterosexual paedophiles posing as parents. 

There is no interest in dropping the paedophiles into the problem. What do you think Coordinator Rampolla?

There is a rise in the role of churches in Papua New Guinea with support from politicians from the Prime Minister down. Focus is on FAMILY. So too the Personal Development curriculum in schools from grade 7-12.

But we know from UN paedophile Head of UNAIDS Stewart Watson that FAMILY and FAITH are irrelevant and that FRUIT and VEGETABLES kill.  That is still what it is but with LGBTQ children hidden away.

The focus in churches is on love, responsibilities and caring of men and women. The focus is on FAMILY. But not the UN. Their blame game goes no further than violence of men to women and girls.

We read in the media last week that 340,000 PNG women suffer violence. How is this figure obtained? Do women count the fight they had 12 years ago? How many women are guilty of violence too? I would severely question the 340,000 total. There is no check on numbers.

My daughters have suffered violence in their younger days. But this has been at the hands of other girls. Is this counted in the paedophile total? Men never report violence on themselves.

I have lived in this country for 27 years and been bashed by men and women. My nose has been broken and teeth knocked out. Can I be added to the violence total? I did not report to the police.

Sunday 30 August 2020


We are reading every week of some dog-brained family man who has molested his step daughter or biological daughter. 

She may be 7 years old and raped until she was 15 years old and who finally decided to report to the police. Her mother may have taken her. The family has no future with this man.

How can a man do that? Apart from damage to his daughter and family, he is damaging himself in ways from which he can never recover.

So now he goes to prison. His family has no breadwinner. Who in the family will visit him in the cells and bring food?

So he is in prison for 15 years. His daughter is now a young woman and probably has no desire to meet her father. 

Her brothers and sisters support her and are afraid the father may still seek to rape grand children in the family. They will never look after him in old age. He leaves prison and is homeless.

Stupid men have to think twice before destroying their families and their own lives. Minutes of dubious pleasure are not worth it.

There was a report last week of a father and step son who raped the little girl in the family. These two dog-brains have doubly damaged the family.


I think I will never get an apology from AusAID for the corruption they brought to Papua New Guinea from 2002 with the herd of unqualified and vicious paedophiles.

They were planning not to support the fight against HIV/AIDS but to set up a gay, lesbian and paedophile love nest for foreigners. PNG people with HIV could go to hell. Gay boys and girls were employed to take the message to the community.

The paedophiles wanted to focus on (1) use of condoms (2) violence of men (3) abuse of women and (4) gay and lesbian rights.

AIDS Holistics made the mistake of giving advice on living positively within FAMILY and FAITH. That had to be stopped which paedophiles did by discrimination, tricks and violence. 

They were paid $200,000 a year tax free with apartment and vehicle. That attracted more unqualified paedophiles from Australia to benefit from the boomerang aid.

Cox and Watson were contracted with no experience in HIV/AIDS. They were English teachers who immediately set themselves up as experts more highly qualified that PNG doctors. They could hire and fire doctors.

Family focus was to be stopped by spreading in the community that the founder of AIDS Holisticswas a violent child molester. I would like an AusAID apology for that. 

There was extreme corruption at the hands of Professor Michael Toole of Burnet who did his best to intimidate AIDS Holistics. The founder infected women and was mentally ill, so he wrote on email. What kind of scumbag doctor was he?

He was supported by paedophile supporting friend Keith Jackson who told readers that the founder knew nothing about HIV/AIDS and trashed professional doctors. No. Only unprofessional doctors were trashed.  I would like an apology from Toole and Jackson. 

Both were supported by Sir Peter Barter who was a paedophile Chairman of the AIDS Council. Is that supposed to be a funny joke to appoint such a person to be in charge? He opposed any focus on FAMILY. He will not apologise being too busy as an entrepreneur of tourism. Haha.

What started as a vicious hate campaign ended with violence at the hands of men who attacked the founder at 3 Angels Care and the AIDS building. 

I will never get an apology from AusAID. Perhaps support for FRUIT and VEGETABLES will be sufficient. AusAID and UN paedophiles had told lies to the dying.

Security guards were told to evict the founder from the AIDS building with violence. Directors were also involved in blocking the Positive Living message including Clement Malau. He refused to support Positive Living. His job was at stake which was more important.

Now everything has changed except that the UN is still focussed on violence to women and girls not HIV/AIDS awareness. They are not expected to give support.

The AIDS message is in the hands of AIDS Holistics with focus on FAMILY with FRUITVEGETABLES and ART. That has spread to CoVid 19. Those who survive have strong immune systems from fruit and vegetable nutrition.

The paedophiles were getting desperate when they claimed that Positive Living was killing people with fruit and vegetables. One mouthful of apple and you are dead. When in Rome, do as the paedophiles do. Haha.

Saturday 29 August 2020


A short time ago, the PNG AIDS Council announced that not enough was known in the community about HIV/AIDS. 

The only regular source was our website with our focus on the strength of the immune system and fruit and vegetable nutrition.

But now both The National and Post Courier have taken up the issue and provided support for the new generations in the community.

The focus is on nutrition. Each week we read of the nutritional benefits of fruit and vegetables. These now go on our website.

The focus of HIV/AIDS and Covid 19 awareness is the strengthening of the immune system. People with HIV infection need a combination of antiretroviral medication and a strong immune system. Positive Living alone is not enough. ART medication is needed to support.

People infected with Covid 19 will not die if they have strong immune systems with no pre-existing infections. Many people recover. Exercise and diet with no-preexisting infections are the keys.

Elderly people in nursing homes may have pre-existing infections, insufficient exercise and a lack of fruit and vegetable meals.

Strong immune systems come with a regular diet of vitamins, enzymes and other nutrients, the result of a balanced fruit and vegetable diet.

Friday 28 August 2020


124,000 PNG hits as of this morning, 30,300 US, 28,000 Russian and 13,000 Australian hits.

Vegetables contain vitamins and enzymes that can be destroyed with boiling in steaming water. All the benefit will be lost.

The best way to prepare vegetables is to steam in a steam cooker. This preserves the goodness in the vitamins and enzymes that will strengthen the immune system.

This point is made in the report below on preparing vegetables for people with leukemia entitled Leukemia attacks the Immune System.

My Australian mother used to steam her vegetables for the family from the 1950s. Many PNG people only want to boil their vegetables to death.

Thursday 27 August 2020


Sixteen years ago, I started trekking Kokoda as an historical advisor to Australians come to honour soldiers in the war. 

I completed 13 treks most of which were very memorable. I learned so much about the war by treading the same paths. I gave trekkers a broad view and a ridge line by ridge line explanation.

I was a history teacher in high schools and the Australian Army. I took the trekkers through World War 1, the great depression and the Japanese plan to set up a late Nippon empire to become self sufficient in oil, coal and iron. 

The war ended with the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The major mistake was the bombing of Pearl Harbour and the determination of the American to pay back what they saw as treachery. 

Recent history reports point to the number of Japanese spies who had a detailed intelligence of all aspects of US and Europe. One was a British peer according to history reports.

Trekking groups would be briefed at battle sites with a broad picture after the evening meal. The course of the Kokoda campaign was very straight forward with Australians advancing and meeting the Japanese who forced an Australian retreat. 

Then the Japanese retreated in view of the lights of Port Moresby to be followed to Buna and Gona by Australians and US troops. There had been massive bravery in the campaign with Australians taken by surprise and fighting a rear guard action to Owers Corner.

The most heart warming trek was led by the Trade Unions with Bill Shorten. They were interested, polite, attentive and asked many questions. Bill and I respected each other. At the end, they took up a collection for me that was not expected and not asked for.

The most appalling trek included a middle aged yobbo builder from Walgett who came with his son-in-law. He knew little about the war but made himself an expert loud mouth. He did not want to hear rubbish about oil blockades and invasion of China. He wanted to hear about dead Japs.

On this trek I had damaged the nerve in my right knee cap while crossing rocks at Wai-Ule Creek. I was in agony and dropped back in the line. The yobbo fronted to me and demanded that as team leader I had to be up the front.

I had never taken a place at the front. The trek leader was a young man who led the racehorses at the very front. Some trekkers think this is the Melbourne Cup. He is also the guide.

I stayed in the middle of the line ahead of the Sweeper who picked up those who had dropped way behind. I watched those struggling in the middle of the line.

After some hours, the yobbo trekker came and announced that if I refused to be at the front, he would take over as leader. I struggled with an elastic bandage on my left knee. This fool made the trek become the blind leading the blind.

He went straight past the usual briefing points. He would occasionally in a loud voice demand to know what happened here in detail. He spoiled the trek. He went straight past the Isurava battle field. Our treks had a memorial service before moving on. Not this time.

I am sure he would be a violent builder in Walgett bashing carpenters and apprentices. He threatened his son-in- law with violence several times.

His final act of stupidity came at the Kokoda airport. He demanded that I commandeer an aircraft as we were there first. That is not the way it happens. Aircraft arrive to pick up specific groups for specific destinations. How would we be commandeering an aircraft to Sydney? It would be called piracy. The police would be waiting to arrest us.

When I refused and let the proper group go ahead, I was abused and threatened by the yobbo who screamed to the group and set up a rotten atmosphere with jeering and anger. On arrival at Jackson's airport I turned from them all and walked away. Never before or since.

The worst trek consisted of 8 men from Sydney and Forbes who were more interested in sex with young boys and girls. The porters could understand what they were talking about and were disgusted. They wanted to get to the hotel to seek out sex from young boys and girls.

These white niggers from Australia used to strip naked every afternoon and stand in the stream showing off their balls to whoever was watching, often trekkers from other groups - men and women. 

They had no idea they were making the porters ashamed. Who cares about the porters? PNG men are extremely modest. I was accused of never washing as I never appeared with them naked in the middle of the stream. I washed alone later in the afternoon as the porters did.

On the way back down the track, our bus was stopped by a group of village men who wanted to know what we were doing. I stepped off the bus and talked to them in polite Tok Pisin. 

But a loud mouth fool had put his head out the window of the bus and swore at them. He told them to piss off. The village men were angry.

They were getting ready to drag him off the bus when I apologised for our mentally retarded trekker. I asked them to look the other way which they did.  Em i long long man. No ken wari. He gives us trouble too. It could have ended violently.

It seemed they had been talking to porters at Ower's Corner the start of the Kokoda Track south-north about the group of "girly girly" trekkers who planned to come to Port Moresby for sex with children. The porters who understood English had heard their stories at night.

I was not included. I promised to put the group on an aircraft for Sydney so they let us go. The paedophile trekkers were as quiet as mice for the rest of the trip when I told them what had happened. They had not understood the Tok Pisin. Many villagers on the Kokoda Track are Seventh Day Adventist with strict morality.

My most disastrous trek was with a film team from Adelaide. It was a great trek led by the film director with me tagging along with the military history.

We were trekking down Brigade Hill in the rain and following a steep and slippery path to the creek. I slipped and fell head first about 30 metres into the creek. I was seriously injured and could hear the director calling to the camera man for him to catch that action.

I could not take up the option for a casevac helicopter. I was still leading the trek with the director. So I walked up Imita Ridge holding a rope supported by two porters. My spine is still damaged from all those years ago. People have told me of the video appearing on local TV.

I am old now but never forget the experience of understanding the retreat of the Australians of the 39th militia battalion, the 53rd battalion,  2/14th, 2/16th and 2/26th.

The militia had come up the track to give support to the US engineers about to build an airstrip complex on the coast. The advancing Japanese took them completely by surprise. The commanding officer of the 39th was killed at Kokoda. The Japanese commander General Horii never made it back in retreat over the flooded Kumusi River.

The militia were not fighters but more comfortable with picks and shovels. The 53rd had built Wards Strip in Port Moresby named after their commanding officer killed on the track by the Japanese. They were on the Abuari side opposite Isurava, completely without direction and afraid of the unseen advancing Japanese.

They were young boys. I read of how LTCOL Ward's radio man was in the battle zone but had never fired a rifle. His son reported that he cried even in recent years for untrained dead comrades.

In recent years, on Remembrance Day, the PNG Government gives honour to the Japanese who died as well as Australians, Americans and the Papuan Infantry Battalion. Indian soldiers died after capture to work as coolies. 

One group of Indians was rescued but killed when the DC3 aircraft was shot down by Japanese fighters. Their unmarked graves are in the Lae war cemetery.

These days, there are hundreds of Japanese volunteers working in projects in Papua New Guinea. The Walgett yobbo was behind the times in his racist declaration that the only good Jap is a dead Jap. Isn't that right son? Yes dad. 

The new generation of Japanese are not samurai warriors but democrats framed by the constitution of General MacArthur. The ex-PNG Prime Minister O'Neill farewelled Mr Abe, the President of Japan for all his kindness and friendship as he prepares to retire with ill health.

Wednesday 26 August 2020


The National 13 August 2020 P.21

Boosts eyesight

Custard apple is rich in vitamin C and riboflavin, two most essential nutrients that are responsible for keeping the eyes healthy.

Better brain health 

Custard apples contain B complex vitamins which help the brain to calm down, especially when you are stressed or depressed.

Healthy skin and hair

With high levels of vitamin A, custard apple is great for healthy skin, healthy hair and better eyesight.

Healthy heart

The magnesium content in custard apples helps defend the heart from cardiac attack and can relax the muscles.

Aids digestion

Custard apple is rich in copper and dietary fibre which helps assist digestion, ease bowel movement and relieves constipation.

Controls blood pressure

Custard apples are good sources of potassium and magnesium which helps keep blood pressure levels in control.

Warning from the PNG paedophile UNAIDS think tank: Fruit kills haha. 

Monday 24 August 2020


 Post Courier 25 August 2020 P.26

In the PNG media lately, there is an increasing focus in both newspapers on the importance of garden foods to be grown by villagers and sold in the markets. This has increased with the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The genetic scientist Vincent Lebot points out that an increasing diet on garden fruit and vegetables will help with the non-communicable illnesses by strengthening the immune system.

This will strengthen people against CoVID 19, leukemia, cystic fibrosis, strokes, heart attacks, diabetes 2 and tuberculosis. A strong immune system may be the key factor in the recovery of people infected with CoVID 19.

AIDS Holistics has been promoting the importance of fruit and vegetables for over 17 years, opposed by the foreign advisors in UN AIDS, UN Women and AusAID. 

They claimed that fruit and vegetables kill people despite the fact that many of these have been eaten by the human race and improved for thousands of years.

Friday 21 August 2020


Contrary to advice of rogue advisors from the UN and AusAID, people live in safety, good health and with strong values, loving family ties, education and skills if they grow up in a loving FAMILY and supported by a FAITH community.

Loving families support LGBT children and keep them safe. Happy families exist in the support of loving husbands and wives who have respect and love for each other and other family members.

Families live to be healthy with strong IMMUNE SYSTEMS if they live on a balanced diet of fibre, vitamins and nutrients with clean water. They live on FRUIT, VEGETABLES, GRAINS, NUTS and LEAN MEAT.

Family members suffering from HIV/AIDS need to begin ART early with no default and do not SMOKE or drink ALCOHOL as this weakens the immune system and renders the ART useless.

Fruit and vegetables are not a cure for HIV/AIDS. There is no cure on the planet not even ART medication. 

But fruit and vegetables strengthen the immune system allowing it to decline slowly and giving an extra year or two years of life until free ART becomes available.

The white niggers of AusAID, UN Women and UNAIDS tried to claim that fruit and vegetables killed people infected with HIV/AIDS. Not true. 

Long life comes from ART medication with no default, without smoking or drinking alcohol with fruit, vegetables, grains and nuts. 

Fruit and vegetables puts the immune system into a holding pattern waiting for the arrival of ART medication. It can be too late as it was for many PNG sufferers in the 1990s and those not on ART today. People are still dying of AIDS in PNG and it is not sorcery.

Fruit and vegetables strengthen the immune system against HIV/AIDS, covid 19, diabetes 2, leukemia, cystic fibrosis, strokes and heart attacks. Note that cystic fibrosis requires the sufferer to eat fatty food. (See below).

If you have CF, eat a balanced diet consisting of fat, protein, dairy, fruits, and vegetables.
increase the amount of each in your diet to ...

Wednesday 19 August 2020


 All consultants must be qualified in AIDS physiology and treatment.

Ethical conduct must be maintained with the organization, care groups, clients, families, carers and families.

Accurate information must be provided for all  particularly on FAMILY and FAITH with rejection of the false danger of a diet of FRUIT AND VEGETABLES to strengthen the immune system.

A professional distance be kept from clients, carers and care groups and AIDS organizations.

Clients, carers or AIDS organizations not to be sexually or financially exploited.

Work of carers or AIDS organizations not to be deliberately sabotaged.

Consultants not to follow an agenda  different from the official agenda.

Breaches of such ethics to result in instant dismissal of the consultant/s involved.

There have been consultants in AusAID and UN who have deliberately rejected all the guidelines above. 

They were working to their own paedophile agenda and determined to squash churches and families that had been excluded.

Monday 17 August 2020


Search Results

Web results

Search Results

Web results

own money making scheme. AusAID worker Cox wanted to steal the Positive .

Stewart Watson. Positive Living is a fake message full of errors. Proof? Fruit and vegetables kill people. Proof? Family and faith are not relevant. What does he mean? Proof?

Elizabeth Cox told the community that I molested my daughters. This was after several weeks in coaching her in AIDS awareness. Even then she was secretly undermining me by telling key paedophiles to destroy me. I was a Biology teacher and she came to PNG knowing nothing about AIDS Awareness. Her main qualification was to be a lesbian predator.

But when she thought she knew enough, she decided to remove me and take the Positive Living message for herself without FAMILY and FAITH. She was running a book publishing scam. She had no proof of any accusation. She just wanted to silence our message.

Professor Toole. Copeland is mentally ill. He infects women.  But Toole never met me. Did he diagnose by telepathy? Is he still working for Burnet? He brought Burnet into disrepute. How many gays, lesbians and paedophiles worked for Burnet during his time? Was Burnet anti-family?

Malum Nalu. Copeland sent filthy emails to women. Why did they complain to Nalu? He was the enemy of two of the women Kailap and Sullivan in the anti-logging debate. Why did The National sack him? He was fighting these women but named them as the women being abused by Copeland. Nalu lost the plot. Stupid boy.

Keith Jackson. Copeland had no idea of HIV/AIDS. He spends his time trashing professional doctors. He is due to be deported and face defamation in Australia. Jackson made all his accusations up.

Father Jude: Copeland bashes Linda. Proof? Why did Jude ban families from visiting their female family at his care centre. What did he have to hide? Was he molesting young women? 

Why did Jude leave the country so quickly after our complaint to Archbishop Barnes? He told me I did not have the brains to understand HIV/AIDS. I was a Biology teacher. He entered the priesthood as a brick layer.

Bomal Gonapa (legal officer): AIDS Holistics runs a brothel in an NHEL flat at 5 mile. NHEL to evict. Proof? He was the key national paedophile. Now dead.

Jeffrey Nape. Copeland molests his daughters. Proof? Why did Nape take my elder daughter to his apartment and rape her from 15 years old? Was talk of the father's misbehaviour just a trick to steal a young girl? The father was ill in ICU at the time.

Sir Peter Barter: Copeland to be arrested and daughters taken into care. Proof? How can a paedophile accuse an innocent man of being a paedophile? And pretend to be a top tourist entrepreneur.

Dr Moale Kariko: Positive Living is just an unproven theory. This stupid doctor has no idea of the basics of healthy living.

Did Cox spread the fake word to all these paedophiles?  Not one of the activists above will respond to this report. They are all as guilty as hell. Some are dead. Telling the same lie a thousand times is still 1000 times zero.

Sunday 16 August 2020


124,000 PNG hits as of this morning. All focused on fruit and vegetables with FAMILY and FAITH.

These days in an era of antiretroviral (ART) drugs, most people have no idea of the horror of AIDS that takes over from HIV once the immune system starts to collapse.

I cared for Linda for 3 years before she and our little son died of AIDS. Linda was beautiful and descendant of the missionaries from Malaysia - Soliens, Kassmans, Sarimans and Nateras. 

Her mother was a Sariman. Linda was tall and slim. I did not realize she was wasting in weight as AIDS approached. She had HIV infection probably from 1993 when her husband died of AIDS. 

She was angry when diagnosed and blamed her carer. She said she gave blood only six months before. But her file at the Blood Bank recorded she was HIV positive in the year before she met me. She gave blood at the Gateway Hotel where she worked. It was not accepted.

I watched her give birth and then slowly slip away to AIDS. She lived for 11 1/2 years with the virus. This was due to Positive Living on the farm where she ate only garden food. She drank clean river water.

But slowly she started to change with AIDS. She suffered hallucinations, delusions and memory loss as time went by. She lost weight which was blamed on her carer by the family advised by scumbag counsellor Cox who took special interest in Linda's daughter and my two little girls. 

She wanted me in prison or deported so that she could take the girls as lovers. She was like an eagle sitting on a cliff waiting for rabbits. It did not happen when I fought the horde of scumbag paedophiles. I was supported by Welfare Officers. 

I may be the only person in the nation who still remembers caring for a person after the onset of AIDS. These days, ART has taken over. But many are still not diagnosed and treated.

Linda used to scream at night with fear of evil spirits in the bedroom. She believed a Samarai woman waited in the trees outside the house as a black bird to kill her. "See her red eyes". No.

One night a branch fell off a tree and she believed that evil spirits had been involved. I felt foolish at having to go to the Catholic bookshop to buy a dozen crucifixes to bury around the garden.

She believed that highland men were plotting in the town to kill her. She regularly claimed they came to the house. I never saw them. It was all in her demented mind.

The family blamed her carer. She was not like this a year ago, they said. The carer is starving her. I would go to the market every day for fruit and vegetables. Linda would not tell her family about her HIV infection. She would not let me tell them.

Linda was still two years away from ART medication. She still did not help herself by smoking. I slept in another room at night with my little boy dying of AIDS. He died  in 2002. I would sing him to sleep in about two minutes.

These days, people on ART can live for many years. But there are still people who are never diagnosed and die without ART treatment. Family may well assume their hallucinations and delusions are the result of sorcery. Some innocent person has to die.  

Cox did not help by telling the family Linda was being killed by her carer who was not to look after Linda's 16 year old daughter. Linda's screams were the result of bashings according to Cox.  Cox wanted the daughter, working only for herself and spreading gross misinformation.

Cox hardly knew me except for her hatred of FAMILY and FAITH. But she met Linda secretly and filled her head with hateful stories. She met the family on the farm. 

This is hardly the conduct of an AusAID Care and Counselling adviser. Her agenda was that she wanted me in prison with my daughters in her lesbian care. I know that in the end, she advised Linda not to let me touch any child in the family as I was a molester. How would she know?

If I hugged my daughters, Linda would bash them after I went to work. This is all the hateful trash of Cox. But she never did get the girls. Linda worked out what she was up to. The family  took her daughter away to live in Madang. Cox came to find her but was denied access.

Cox was the Care and Counselling advisor for Cox.

Saturday 15 August 2020


Over the last 16 years, my family in Papua New Guinea have suffered badly at the hands of white nigger paedophiles who objected strongly to our Positive Living message with a focus on FAMILY and FAITH with FRUIT and VEGETABLES.

They wanted family to be abolished with children to have no mothers and fathers but live in special LGBTQ families with gay, lesbian and paedophile adults. 

Family was the cause of HIV/AIDS infection through stigma and discrimination. This message was spread in the media by the raskol PLWHAs of I Gat Hop who were no longer in family through their boozing, sexual promiscuity and violence.

All men were violent. All women were abused. All children were abused. Family had to be abolished said the paedophile Don Quixotes tilting at windmills. This was a gross exaggeration. 

The founder of AIDS Holistics had no credibility as the paedophiles claimed he abused his daughters. How could he promote Positive Living? They were looking to the carer in prison and children taken for adoption.

Foxy Coxy with her teenage female lovers was supported by boy sex paedophile Sir Peter Barter who claimed in an email that the founder was on his way to prison and deportation. 

His daughters were to go into care, adopted by Cox. My two daughters had a grand father in Australia who was a heavy weight boxer as a teenager and a champion boxing soldier in the AIF. 

Both my daughters would destroy Cox if she tried to have sex with them. I inherited my father's lack of fear of pain.

How could Australians be anti-fruit and vegetables? Australia and PNG are the homes of all kinds of fruit and vegetables. Did the paedophiles seriously think they would be believed by the community that fruit and vegetables killed people? 

These are the strong pillars of the immune system that keep us alive through HIV/AIDS, CoVID 19, high blood pressure, diabetes 2 and cancers of all kinds.

The white nigger activists wanted all churches closed down. No more FAITH. How would PNG get on if all the church health centres in the nation were closed? 

All clergy would be sacked and churches received no government funds. No more preaching on homosexuality. Any such preaching would find the clergy in Court.

Friday 14 August 2020


Foreign paedophiles plan to choose the kids they want as their lovers. Then they break up the family and steal the kid. 

They groom the child to disobey and deceive their parents. They give the child money to come to their apartment rather than go to school.

Elizabeth Cox planned to steal my two small daughters by telling the community they were being sexually abused by their father. Nape did the same with my elder daughter. There is a common set of paedophile tricks. 

Cox was supported by the senior paedophile Sir Peter Barter who sent an email to the father that he was to go to prison and daughters taken into care. The email is still on file ready for Court.

The foreign lesbian paedophiles planned to push for 22 reserve seats in parliament. Cox would be the Minister for Community Development. She was a citizen. The Marriage Committee of clergy would be closed down. 

Orphanages would be set up for children taken into care to be adopted by paedophiles. Cox had her eye on my daughters and the 16 year old daughter of Linda. 

She became friends with Linda's parents and told them that their daughter was being killed by violence and fruit and vegetables

She wanted to adopt her 16 year daughter when Linda died. But Linda had warned the parents about Cox and they took the daughter to live with her mother's sister in Madang. Cox never saw her again.

Cox failed badly as her paedophile predator image spread in the community partly by this website. 

With the Marriage Committee closed down, there was to be legislation on same sex marriage. That would support adoptions by gays, lesbians and paedophiles. Cox had to get past the many Seventh Day Adventist MPs.

Cox left PNG in disgrace after her book publishing scam and problems with the head of UN Women Michelle Bachelet. She is adoptions officer for Barnados in Sydney. Back to her old tricks.

Thursday 13 August 2020


Post Courier 14 August 2020 Grace Lima

The report today quoted a District Officer in East New Britain stating that parents must engage their children in family oriented activities such as working the land to cultivate cash crops and food for the family.

This is exactly what the foreign paedophiles do not want. They want the kids to be indoctrinated into no work in support of parents. 

Foreign paedophiles are the ones who make reports about child labour in the media. These are usually silly reports about a child carrying a bag of kaukau or something. Parents need support not sabotage.

That is why the paedophiles oppose fruit and vegetables in families that might involve kids in digging gardens and carrying crops to market. 

They claim parents have no right to give their children work to prepare them for adulthood.

As a boy, I worked on the family farm as a man from the age of 8 years, particularly after my father was sick and dying. It changed my life as an adult. I learned to switch off and work.

That is why the paedophiles oppose fruit and vegetables in the family. They want a loose, unhealthy and undisciplined family. They want lazy kids in families not willing to work in the family.

They want the kids to do no work and grow up as lazy bums who are interested only in hanging around the streets to be taken home by paedophiles for sex.


From 2001, I became involved in the HIV/AIDS awareness campaign in Papua New Guinea. I was pleased to work with the Australian advisors Cox and Watson. I had found that my son and his mother were HIV positive.

I had become aware of Positive Living as explained to me by a doctor at the Port Moresby General Hospital. I was surprised that the two consultants knew very little of AIDS awareness. The penny had not yet dropped that they had a different agenda.

I started to pass my work to them by way of helping them. The Positive Living checklist was being developed but did not seem to please Elizabeth Cox.

One day, she said that Stewart Watson wanted to talk to me so she took me to his office. Watson was quite blunt in saying he rejected the Positive Living checklist. He wanted me to remove FAMILY and FAITH. I asked why.

He and Cox both explained that these were discriminatory against people who had no family or faith. I told him I should remove exercise too as this discriminated against people with no legs. I had to remove fruit and vegetables. These were discriminatory too.

Watson told me that if I do not remove these, he would have AIDS Holistics deregistered. I walked out and ignored him. This was the first day of the defeat of the Australian paedophiles.s.

A week later, he contacted me to advise that AIDS Holistics had been banned through AusAID, National AIDS Council, UN and Departments of Immigration and Labour. I should now pack up and leave the country. If I formed another care group. he would ban that too.

I can have no work permit or visa. He had no right as  foreign consultant to do that. From that time I went my own way with Positive Living through interviews on FM100 with Bonnar Tito and The National supported by Yehiura Hriehwazi and Frank Kolma. 

The key to the message was FAMILY, FAITH with fruit and vegetables. That remains to the present day. Positive Living is the foundation of all medical knowledge from early times. Modern fruits were bred by our ancestors.

The hate campaign started among all the other paedophiles joining in with the message that Positive Living was a killer message. I was a violent woman basher and child molester. Haha.

From that time on, the paedophiles lost their way like a gang of Don Quixotes tilting at windmills. Now they are gone and Positive Living stands preeminent.

Wednesday 12 August 2020


Jul 31, 2020 - Fruits and vegetables: berries, tomatoes, bell peppers, cabbage, 
kale, garlic, broccoli; Nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, hemp ...

It is important for a mother to have a strong immune system when breast feeding her baby. She needs to have a strong immune system that can give strength to the baby through the breast milk.

She needs to eat a regular diet of fruit and vegetables. Note the fruit, vegetables, grains and nuts in the website report above. Diet 101.

A mother must not contaminate her milk with cigarettes and alcohol. A baby will not be happy to drink if the breast milk is bitter.


 Post Courier 12 August 2020

Yesterday, a full page article appeared in the Post Courier on the importance of FRUIT and VEGETABLES. It was written by Barney Orere.

At last the community is receiving full briefing on the strengthening of the immune system for us all especially those with HIV/AIDS, CoVID 19, leukemia, diabetes 2 and high blood pressure.

There is an over-riding importance of the immune system in keeping us healthy and alive. Parents should make sure that their children receive a full diet of fruit in their lunch boxes at school every day.

Families with HIV infected loved ones have to make fruit and vegetables available to support the ART medication.

Family members with CoVID 19 can be infected but will survive if they have strong immune systems with no pre-existing infections.

My grand-children spend their day chasing each other around the yard. They are fit and healthy. I wish I could do that.


Fruit and vegetables are FAMILY food. As such these are condemned by the anti-FAMILY paedophiles of the United Nations and AusAID.

Foreign paedophiles have no interest in strengthening the immune system and are willing to allow HIV positive people to die through paedophile misinformation. 

They claimed that fruit and vegetables killed people and not give the HIV sufferers a reprieve from death while waiting for ART medication to arrive.

The importance of fruit and vegetables in strengthening the immune system is crucial for HIV/AIDS sufferers, those with Coronavirus, high blood pressure, diabetes two and leukemia.

Why oppose fruit and vegetables?  This is the food of loving FAMILIES that is grown in gardens or bought in the local markets.

But the paedophiles believe that FAMILY and FAITH are no longer relevant in modern society. They want to discourage parents from keeping children and other adults and their immune systems strong. This applies to all people in all families.

The paedophiles wanted to destroy FAMILY by telling children they have the right to reject their family and live in an LGBTQ family with gays, lesbians and paedophiles looking after them.  

Stolen children will be retrieved in this country through arrests by police and massacres of paedophiles. It is a no-win situation. Paedophiles would not dare appear in public with stolen children.

As president of the National AIDS Council in past years, paedophile Sir Peter Barter opposed all mention of FAMILY among AIDS workers. Several were sacked for publicly supporting FAMILY.

Does Barter provide FRUIT and VEGETABLES on the menu of Madang Resort Hotel? If the answer is "yes" then Barter is guilty of gross double standards.

An advertisement appeared in the media about 2-3 years ago advertising the plan of UN to set up an LGBTQ family and placed by Watson successor Bridger. It was a grossly unauthorized fantasy.

Watson and Bridger were not UN Philistine giants - more like a pair of Don Quixotes tilting at windmills. But now the paedophile bullies are gone.

Monday 10 August 2020


Explore the power of the underdog in Malcolm Gladwell's dazzling examination of success and the role of adversity ...

The act of facing overwhelming odds produces greatness and beauty. Giants are not what we think they are. The same qualities that appear to give them strength are often the sources of great weakness.

There is no better place to start than with the confrontation between David and Goliath 3000 years ago in the Valley of Eluh in Palestine.


I have an amazing book that I have read many times of the battle between David and Goliath. It reminds me of the war in Papua New Guinea between the UN an AusAID paedophiles and the founder of AIDS Holistics.

It demonstrates that power and strength can be a disadvantage when it slows down the battle with one combatant able to move faster.

The Philistines from Crete were moving up the Valley of Eluh. King Saul gathered his army on a ridge line to confront the enemy. The call was made for a one-on-one battle to save massive bloodshed.

Philistines sent their best man the giant Goliath who struck fear into the hearts of the Israelites. A shepherd boy David offered to fight armed with his sling shot. 

David told Saul he was used to killing bears and lions that attacked his flock of sheep. He was not afraid.

I never knew that in early days, there were deadly slingers in armies who could defeat the enemy with a hail of stones or iron balls.

Goliath saw him coming and was insulted. He called to him to come and become meat for birds. David ran forward and shot a stone into the forehead of Goliath who was stunned and fell down. 

David used his sword to cut of the giant's head. The Philistines retreated when they saw that Goliath lay dead.

I draw courage from David as I have been fighting the self-appointed giants from the UN and AusAID seeking to invade PNG uninvited to set up a gay, lesbian and paedophile lifestyle with the removal of FAMILY and FAITH from PNG traditional society.

They thought they were well equipped with an army of foreign and national paedophiles and intimidation of national doctors, care workers and clergy.

AIDS Holistics was not intimidated and stood largely alone. They had taken everything from him and he was not afraid of losing what was already taken. They had no bargaining chip.

I moved faster than they did and could anticipate all their moves. We all came through the flower power era of the 1960s.

They never stood a chance. They could not fight a war when there were FAMILY and FAITH forces lining the ridge lines behind AIDS Holistics.

The key self styled paedophile giants were Watson, Cox, Barter, Toole and Nape. Their major crime was to tell lies to people dying of AIDS before ART was made available. They discouraged their regular diet of FRUIT and VEGETABLES. How could they do that?

Sunday 9 August 2020



Jan 4, 2011 - ... and phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables are known to 
fight cancer cells, and most Americans, especially those with leukemia, need to eat ...

Leukemia is cancer of the immune system that attacks the white blood cells and slowly reduces the capacity of the immune system to protect the body. It is a disease that has killed thousands of adults and small children for hundreds of years.

The standard way of fighting cancer is through antibiotics and a daily diet of fruit and vegetables that fights the cancer cells. The cancer attacks the bone marrow that produces white blood cells.

I remember a young boy in the class below me at school who was always away with leukemia.  His name was Leon Lawson. He died in the 1950s.

His grave is in the cemetery near the school. That was back in the days when sufferers bled to death.


In recent days Trump has been declaring that children are immune to CovID 19. Perhaps he is starting to feel senile dementia as he accuses Joe Biden.

CoVID 19 affects every person but kills only those with low immune systems from poor nutrition without FRUIT and VEGETABLES and pre-existing infections.

People with strong immune systems will survive including most children and adults who eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of clean water and do regular exercise. Athletes are unlikely to die. Old people in care homes are most likely to find their lives ended.

But kids are not immune. They are infected like everyone else but may well not die. Trump is always right even when he is wrong.


Paedophiles stole our HIV message 15 years ago.

Whoever disagreed among the churches, PNG doctors, welfare officers and care groups would be black-banned and Australian taxpayers money denied to them.

Unqualified Australians swarmed to take the boomerang aid as fake advisors. They ended up being quietly kicked out by Prime Minister Kevan Rudd.

But among the Philistine paedophiles, there was one David with a bag full of stones ready to hurl at the haters. His stones were based on truth.

The paedophiles were determined that he was not to gain any credence for promoting family and women’s rights.

They determined to spread the fake news that he was a violent woman basher and abuser of his daughters. This even led to attempted murder when all else failed.

He had formed AIDS Holistics and promoted an agenda based on FAMILY and FAITH that have now become the central focus of HIV/AIDS and Coronavirus awareness. The philistines have retreated over the hill never to come back. Goliath lies dead with his head cut off.

Can we imagine the churches not involved in national health? Can we imagine a community without families except one large LGBTQ family groomed by the paedophile philistines? Can we imagine fruit and vegetables banned?

The leaders of the campaign were Stewart Watson and Elizabeth Cox both declaring that the founder was violent and sexually abusive.

He molested his daughters despite the fact that the daughters were never asked nor the police informed. This was a Philistine kangaroo court.

Watson declared that the Positive Living message was fake and full of errors. On that basis he had my visa and work permit blocked. He said that FRUIT and VEGETABLES killed people. This white nigger was serious.

Cox the predator on teenage girls declared that the founder sexually abused his daughters. There would be serious trouble if my daughters ever met Cox. She is probably a fat old lady now who has to pay young girls for sex.

The next hater was paedophile Professor Toole of Burnet who declared that the founder was mentally ill and infected women. Long distance diagnosis.

He was supported by the Ming emperor of PNG Attitude and supporter of paedophiles Keith Jackson who put out a blog report that the founder knew nothing about HIV/AIDS, trashed professional doctors and was about to be deported and taken to Court in Australia for defamation. Haha.

He thought the PNG Government was stupid. But the Government never responded to the false reports on the Founder of AIDS Holistics. There were many friends in high places.

The philistines were all supported by the catholic predator on young HIV girls at his AIDS harem at 14 mile. He was Father Jude who claimed the founder was a violent basher of women.

Then there was rogue journalist Malum Nalu who put out fake emails that showed the founder abusing PNG women with the fake email BruceCopeland

He told one Australian woman married to a PNG man that she was a “black cock whore”. He was sacked by management of The National when the truth came out.

The worst of the Philistines was Chief Sir Peter Barter who had sex with boys in Madang. He advised by email that the founder was to be arrested and his daughters taken into care. He is now putting himself forward as the national entrepreneur of tourism.

My life almost came to a standstill when I was in hospital with tuberculosis in 2010. My elder daughter was stolen by Jeffrey Nape who told all kinds of lies.

He took my daughter into his hotel with violent security guards to keep her father away.

He claimed he was protecting her from her abusive father yet I find out now he raped her every day from the age of 14 years. Corruption of Government stopped me from rescuing her.

But now it is all over. The media has a focus on the importance of FRUIT and VEGETABLES in keeping the immune system strong and the importance of churches in supporting the health of the nation.

Watson had written to the media that FAMILY and FAITH were no longer relevant. He probably regrets ever making such a foolish mistake.

The worst traitors were the PNG doctors who opposed Positive Living. There was Dr Clement Malau and retired surgeon Dr Moale Kariko who made the public announcement that Positive Living was an unproven theory.

Positive Living consisted of thousands of facts known to the human race since time began.We all know the basics of healthy living. But not silly old Kariko.

Vitamins, germs and vaccination were discovered in the 1800s. The importance of a balanced diet has been long known in the medical circles and community. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.