Friday 31 January 2020


Are the Uighurs being cared for by the Chinese Government or is Coronavirus a perfect alternative to genocide? The same may apply with the Myanmar Government.

This is not to suggest that there is a link between HIV and Coronavirus except that both are viruses that have appeared on the world stage in transmission from domestic or wild animals and passed to human beings. HIV originated in Africa among primates.

There have been other viruses in past years that included SARS, mad cow flu and swine fever. These have necessitated the culling of domestic animals.

Coronavirus is believed to have originated in the market of Wuhan in China with the sale of wild animals.

AIDS can kill its victims with (1) slow destruction of the immune system and (2) tissue and organ failure.

It was reported on BBC news recently that Coronavirus will kill people who have weak immune systems and tissue and organ failure. 

This means that HIV infected people not on ART medication will probably not survive the Coronavirus infection. Perhaps those on ART will not be safe as well.

There are millions of people with HIV who suffer as refugees and displaced people. In developing countries there may not be the infrastructure or at times, the political will, to control HIV or Coronavirus.

Thursday 30 January 2020


The UN and AusAID scumbag advisors could never come to terms with the reality that the founder of AIDS Holistics had an exponential rise in understanding in HIV/AIDS. 

I was caring for two people dying of AIDS and who taught me lessons on the virus particularly the horrors of AIDS dementia, the loss of protein that made them look like scare-crows and the time-line of decline from HIV to AIDS and death.

The advisors seemed to think that they were being paid $200,000 a year tax free, with apartment and car and he is a voluntary worker on no allowance. How could he possibly know more than we do? He must be making it all up.

There was pressure on The National newspaper to close the column that had lasted for almost 2 years and put Positive Living on the map.

The human body is not difficult to understand with a little biological background.

The advisor response to the weekly column in The National was totally negative. These fools would not know if their arses were on fire. 

They were more concerned with same sex marriage than PNG people dying of the virus.

I did not make mistakes, not even when Cox tried to steal my Positive Living book. My research gave me massive insight to HIV/AIDS. 

For many years, I had been a teacher of high school Biology. I understood the animal and human bodies. I was an effective teacher of physiology.

My father died of hypertension and I learned the basics of blood pressure. My mother died of an aneurism.

I was given massive support by PNG national doctors who felt sorry for the way I was being intimidated and vilified by the AusAID and UN scumbags. 

I was given clinical books with the promise never to reveal their names. They were afraid of being black-banned by the Australian racist clerks. 

The advisors would have made good agents for the Russian KGB ready to report any unguarded word and move to ban the victim to be stripped of all accreditation. PNG doctors kow-towed to Australian clerks with a same-sex agenda.

Most memorable was a clinical book by Professor Jenny Hoy that explained in detail the horrors of gut parasites in the intestines of gay men.

I had enemies among the PNG doctors who may have supported the paedophile agenda or were prepared to betray the nation in exchange for employment on the National HIV/AIDS Response.

Dr Moale Kariko announced to a meeting that Positive Living was an unproven theory. Stupid old bush-kanaka. 

Positive Living was a collection of the health and spiritual messages on the planet. Kariko would have learned many such basics in first year medical school. His opinion was an unproven theory.

Professor Michael Toole was the Head of the Australian commitment and did his best to pass to the community that I was mentally ill and promoting a fake message of health. He should have been disbarred for malpractice.

Sir Peter Barter was head paedophile and Chairman of the AIDS Council and wrote that I was to be deported and daughters taken into care for sexual abuse. What a joke.

Dr Clement Malau opposed Positive Living as the head of the campaign in obedience to the AusAID clerks. 

He was rewarded with a posting to cold rainy Melbourne. Now he is an administrator somewhere. He had found his level.

Keith Jackson of PNG Attitude told his readers that Copeland has no idea whatever about HIV/AIDS. He has been trashing hardworking doctors. 

Are they the ones with the gay and lesbian agenda who trashed the Positive Living message?


Sufferers with HIV infection and no ART medication will slowly lose weight as the HIV proceeds. There is no reserve of protein in the body except in the brain, muscles, fingernails and hair. So the body consumes its own protein.

With ART medication, the body no longer consumes its own protein as the person can now eat and digest protein.

But the body starts to lose fat in the arms, legs, face and abdomen. This is called lipodystrophy.

There is a new build up of fat in the belly. It means that a person on ART must take care in eating too much fat.

Too much fat can lead on to heart disease, diabetes 2 and cancer. We have people trying to tell us that an HIV infected person on ART goes back to normal. That is only partly true.

Default on ART and the HIV virus rebounds. Ignore healthy nutrition, smoke cigarettes with alcohol consumption and the immune system drops.

Diet is always important which is why AIDS Holistics has always focused on Positive Living with fruit, vegetables and clean water.

Wednesday 29 January 2020


I have taught these words to PNG students from grades 7-12. It gives them several hundred words in any one year. They see the derivation of words from prefixes-roots-suffixes. 

This is the continuation of Rhythm Phonics the students may have learned in elementary school. Students can not understand the basics of English if they do not know the derivation of words.

Students come to know that English is not a magical collection of words but a systematic grouping of words, many derived from Latin and Greek. Meanings can be worked out on the basis of prefixes-roots-suffixes.

I learned these words at the age of 12-13 in Australian primary and high schools and have never forgotten. This was in 1959-1960. I am an old time teacher who has never forgotten the musical and logical basics of English words that PNG students never learn about.

Two thousand years ago, Europe had been taken over by the Roman Empire that extended from England to Spain, Portugal, France and Romania.

The Roman empire was an enormous administrative structure that required records kept, letters written and laws put into writing.

The language used as the official means of communication was from the village of Latium across the Tiber River from Rome. Most educated men in the Roman administration came from Latium.

The language was Latin that was used in Rome and every other province of the empire.

It was spread across the empire by priests of the Catholic Church. Latin is still the official language of the Catholic Church in Rome.

All the provinces of England, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Romania used Latin in administration just as Papua New Guinea uses English.

Over the next 500 years, the Roman Empire slowly declined in power. The provinces looked after themselves. The official language of Latin was slowly replaced by the vernacular languages.

England was no longer a province of the Roman Empire and was invaded in 1215 by the Normans of France who brought the Latin based French language.

William the Conqueror made English the official language that was a mixture mainly of Saxon and Latin.
But the languages of the new nation states were a mixture of Latin and other languages. English was a mixture of latin, Saxon, Jute and Norman French.

The Normans were really Vikings from Scandinavia who invaded most of the European nations along the North Sea and Mediterranean Sea. They used to bring their long boats up the Seine River to attack Paris.

The King of France built low bridges across the Seine River to stop the Vikings from coming up the River. But they kept on coming.

So he offered the land on the coast to the Vikings if they stopped attacking France. It was called Normandy then and now. After that the Vikings attacked and conquered England.

The Vikings were called North men which then became Normans. The Vikings settled England and Ireland.

The languages of Spain and Italy were based on Latin too. Both languages had a different rhythm and music from English.

Caput – the head – Captain (English) Kapitain (Spanish) and Kapitano (Italian). 

The Spanish and Italian loved to put extra vowels into words. Kapitano, Gina Lollobrigida, Marcello Mastroanni, Claudio Santa Rossa.

There are interesting words in French and English:

The Saxon farmers raised pigs. The French raised porcas. The English name for pig meat is pork.
The Saxons raised cows. The French raised boeuf. The English name for cow meat is beef.

The Saxons raised sheep. The French raised mouton. The English name for sheep meat is mutton.

But now let us look at the derivation of English words. Words may be put together with prefixes, roots and suffixes.

Prefixes:  de (down) re (back) pre (before) pro (forward) com (together) ex, e (out of) trans (across) in (into).

Suffixes:   Ion (the act of) or, er, ist (one who) ory, ery (place where)

Roots from Latin

Ago (actus) I do       agent , active, action, reaction, reagent

Annus –a year  annual, anniversary, biannual

Cado (cadus) I fall  decay, decadence, cadence

Cavus a hole   cavity, cavern, cave, excavate

Cedo (cessus) I go proceed, precede, recede, recession, proceed, process,   procession, procedure

Caput the head  capital, captain, cap, decapitate

Capio  (captus) I take    capture
Cado (I fall) decay, decadent, decade, cascade

Centum a hundred century, centenary, cent, centavo, centurion bicentenary

Decem ten December, decimal, decimate, decade

Dens (dentis) a tooth     dental, dentist, denture

Dico I speak  diction, dictionary, indicate, indication

Scribo (scriptus) I write   scribble, Scripture, transcribe, transcription, prescription, script, describe, description, inscribe, inscription         
Traho (tractus) I draw tractor, extract, extraction, contract, detract, retract, retraction

Pello (pulsus) I drive  expel, expulsion, compel, repel, propel, propeller, propulsion, pulse, pulsate

Pendeo (pendus) I hang  pension, pendulum, pendant, pennant, depend, dependent, dependant, independent, suspend, suspension, penis

Premo (pressus) I press  express, expression, depress, depression, repress, compress, compression, suppress, supreme, impress, impression

Primus first  primary, prime, primitive, primeval
Mitto (missus) I send emit, emission, transmit, transmission, transmitter, committee, permit, permission, remit, remission

Porto (portus) I carry report, reporter, transport, transportation, export, import, deport, important

Facio (factus) I make  factory, manufacture

Frango (frangus) I break  fragile, fragment, infringe, fraction

Manus the hand  manual, manage, management, manuscript,
Mater a mother  matron, maternal

Nascor I am born  nation, native, nativity, felice navitat (Spain)

Pater a father  patron, paternal, patronize

Parle I speak  parley, parliament

Pes a foot  pedal, pedestrian

Jacio (jectus) I throw  reject, rejection, inject, injection, eject, ejaculate, project, projection, interject, interjection, projectile

Corpus the body corpuscle, corps, corpse, corpulent, corpus Christie, corporation, incorporate, corporal

Cor the heart  coronary, cordial, Sacre Coeur (Fr) courage, courageous

Pax peace  Pacific Ocean, pacify, pax brother.
Terra the earth  terra firma, Mediterranean, terrestrial, inter, subterranean

Lego (lectus) I gather  collect, college, collection, lecture, select, selection

Liber – free    liberty, Liberia, Liberal, liberation

Specio (spectus) I see   species, special, spectacle, spectacular, inspect, inspection, respect, despise, inspector

Secto I cut  bisect, intersect, dissection, section, insect

Cidus I kill suicide, genocide, infanticide, insecticide, homicide

Venio I come  convene, invent, venture, adventure, advent, Seventh Day Adventist

Pono (possus) I place  postpone, impose, expose, deposit

Vinco – I conquer convince, invincible, veni-vidi-vici

Nesia an island  Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, Indonesia

Acquas water acquatic, acquarium

Fundo (fundus) I pour funnel, fund, profound, refund

Video (vissus) I see vision, revise, revision, visible, invisible, television

Specio (spectus) I see  special, species, inspect, inspector, respect, spectacles

Greek Roots

Zoon –an animal  zoo, zoology

Bios life – biology

Logos a study biology, geology, physiology, parasitology

Demos the people – democracy, democratic

Polis a city metropolitan, politician, police

Phos light photograph, phosphorus, photosynthesis

Grapho I write photograph, telegraph, graphite, graph

Anima – breath –animal, animate, animation

Metron a measure meter, meter, barometer, thermometer

Therme heat thermometer, thermal

Pathos feeling pathetic, sympathy, apathy, pathos, pathetic

Baros weight isobar, barometer

Putting words together

carry across ………………………..
carry out …………………………….
carry in ……………………………….
carry down………………………….
press into ……………………………
press down………………………….
press together……………………..
press out…………………………….
hang down…………………………
one who hangs down…………
hangs from above ………………
sends out …………………………
sends across……………………..
goes forward…………………....
goes back………………………….
goes outside of…………………
goes between…………………..
throws in…………………………
act of throwing in………………
throws back………………………….
throws out…………………………..
throws between……………………
throws forward……………………..
drives out……………………………..
drives forward,………………………
drives aircraft forward……………
cut into two……………………………
cut between…………………………..
easily broken…………………………..
broken into pieces………………..
the whole is broken ………………
relates to teeth …………………….
one who fixes teeth……………….
meat around teeth………………
shows pictures from afar...................
able to see distant objects………

Words in sentences

He was the (caput)  …………………….. of the team

The earth (volvo)…………………………around the sun

The soldiers were (capio)…………………….by the enemy

She wore (specio) ………………………….. to be able to read

You must (Video) ………………………your work before the exam

The teacher will (specio)………… the books

His daughter (pendeo) …………… on him for money

The bridge was (pendeo) …………under the rope

He went to (corpus) ……......Catholic college

She went to (sacre. coeur. Fr) ……… Catholic college

Clothes were (premo) …………by machine

Our constitution is (premo) …………

Citizens were (premo) ………by the army

He was given a (cor) ……………welcome

The (corpus) …………………………was placed in a coffin

His teeth started to (cado) ………………………

The country as divided into three (terra) …………………………

The (terra) ……………………….sea was the centre of the earth


The National 30 January 2020

There is a report today that people with pot bellies run the risk of dying of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes 2 and cancer.

A man is in trouble if his circumference at his belly is 94cms while a woman should be no more than 65 cms.

That may explain why so many fat belly men and women die young. Many are in their 40s. One man died recently at the age of 38 years and he was fat. 

Photos in the funeral columns often show men and women with fatty faces which means the rest of them is fat too.

Part of this may be due to drinking masses of beer while the rest is from eating loads of rice and noodles. 

Rice and noodles is the mark of low income families who are not able to grow garden food nor go to the market.

Tuesday 28 January 2020


The following are quoted from Scripture:

Do not bear false witness.
Honour your father and mother.
Parents are not to anger their children.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Adultery is sin.
Blessed are they who suffer in the name of God.

But in the PNG HIV/AIDS campaign, only losers are seen to believe in God.  

That is why the paedophile activists from AusAID and the UN reject  FAITH in the Positive Living message.

They do not support what St Paul had to say that homosexuality was an abomination. He and God are obviously homophobic and paedophobic.

Note: Gays, lesbians and paedophiles never refer to the word paedophobic. To them the word seems to be an abomination. Haha.

Sunday 26 January 2020


For information: AusAID, Australian Foreign Affairs, PNG Government, RPNGC and Departments of Immigration and Labour.

AusAID scumbag advisors told the community that the Positive Living message was fake, full of errors and killed people.

They falsely claimed that the Founder of AIDS Holistics was a violent, womanising child molester with their plan to turn the community, churches and care groups away from Positive Living.

Yet it was Cox's plan to steal the Positive Living book by tricking the founder that it was to be used by AusAID.

But she planned to steal the book, have the founder arrested for child molesting and abuse of women, put in prison and deported. Then she would own the book.

The book would be edited to remove FAMILY and FAITH, published in Cox's secret company and sold to AusAID, UN and overseas buyers.

Cox cares nothing for people and wanted to earn big money. But she fell into several traps that showed her plan to steal the Positive Living book by fraud and false promises. Her editing was a dead give-away.

How can she sell a book that is fake, full of errors and kills people? Had she asked politely, I would have shared the book with her. 

But that was not possible as the focus of Positive Living was on family and she was a lesbian predator.

Friday 24 January 2020


The PNG HIV/AIDS campaign was Cox's own money making scheme.

AusAID worker Cox wanted to steal the Positive Living message with FAMILY and FAITH removed. She had been moonlighting as an AusAID worker and book publisher selling books to AusAID authorised by herself.

But she had to destroy the founder of AIDS Holistics first by deportation, rejection by community, cancellation of work permit and visa or murder.

She was claiming within weeks of meeting him that he was a violent child molester and abuser of women. 

She convinced rogue paedophile Sir Peter Barter and journalist Malum Nalu to destroy the credibility of the founder and Positive Living.

She planned to alienate children from their parents and church. Children regardless of sexuality were to become part of the UN LGBT family supported by Watson and passed to Bridger. Cox would look after the pretty teenage girls.

But the founder of AIDS Holistics knew of her lesbian paedophile track record and was waiting for her tricks. She was setting me up step by step. But I was doing the same. 

I advised the President of AIDS Holistics of the arrangement in Cox's apartment. She was a senior welfare officer. I was told to be careful. Cox was leading herself into a trap by her editing on the draft sheets in her handwriting. She was involved in a shady deal as sure as her fingerprint.

She pretended to arrange for a book Positive Living to be written for the AusAID team leader. But it was not true. It was for her.

She wanted to take the book, remove FAMILY and FAITH and  print under her authorship to be sold around the world. But the founder was 10 steps ahead. 

She thought she was so clever to trick him all the way and then have him deported or sent to prison as a child molesting illegal alien. In her dreams.

She thought I did not notice that FAMILY and FAITH were being edited out of the drafts. I hate being treated as a fool. Just for a laugh, I would put them in and she would take them out. I was editing her book not mine. Haha.

She arranged for work to be done on her home computer so that the copy would be hers to edit. She did not want the work to be done in the AIDS building as it was her secret project with secret selling to AusAID.

Then she pretended that the founder forced himself into her apartment to use her computer. That is why she started the false reports that I was violent to women. Cox was violent to teenage female lovers.

He forced himself in on 9 Saturdays and she did not inform the security officers to stop him at the gate. There was security at her apartment complex. Haha.

But she was sacked for fraud by AusAID in selling her own books at a profit. It was her job to authorize books so she secretly authorized her own.  She tried to hide the book from her team leader and her secret selling of Positive Living.

The team leader had a copy of a draft with editing in her own hand writing, a gift from the real author. She was caught with a smoking gun. What a silly woman to tell lies to her team leader.

She was terminated from AusAID when her contract was not renewed for fraud and lack of professionalism. She had defrauded AusAID of hundreds of thousands of kina in books. But diplomacy let her go free.

Her PNG citizenship should be revoked as an undesirable.

Thursday 23 January 2020


In 2002, several months after the arrival of AusAID advisors Cox and Watson, there was a stand-off on promotion of Positive Living and inclusion of FAMILY and FAITH. They claimed that church and family had no place in the National AIDS Campaign.

Then the new team leader Rod Menere arrived and Cox became more friendly. She said that Menere had read the reports on Positive Living and wanted to contract me to write books for AusAID.

She suggested that I come to her apartment every Saturday to download pre-conference papers from the Chiang Mai HIV/AIDS conference and write a book on Positive Living. Great !!

This I did for several weeks while completed chapters were checked and edited by Cox. Her handwriting was all over the drafts in biro. I finished the book and gave the completed copy to Cox.

She undertook to pass the copy to the team leader for acceptance. I waited for a few weeks and then went to check. She told me that the team leader had rejected the book as rubbish.

A week later I went to the team leader's office to find out why he rejected the book. He said he did not know what I was talking about and had never seen a book. 

There was no plan to contract me to write books. Cox was playing tricks. He said he would talk to her.

A week later I went back and he told me that he spoke to Cox who sobbed and told him how frightened she was of the founder of AIDS Holistics. 

He had forced himself into her apartment and demanded use of the computer. He was known to be violent and abusive to women. Why did she let him in week by week without asking the security guards to stop him?

The next day, I went back to the team leader's office with draft chapters of the book covered in annotations by Cox in biro. She had been telling lies to the team leader and me. She was involved in editing the book.

She had no intention of having AusAID publish the book. She would send me away and then put her name as author with FAMILY and FAITH removed. She would sell the book to the UN and AusAID double dipping on her pay.

Her contract was to be renewed but she was not re-engaged because of her fraud and lack of professionalism. She was publishing books to sell to AusAID authorised by herself as Care and Counselling advisor. This was fraud.

She left AusAID undoubtedly blaming the founder of AIDS Holistics and seeking revenge for having her sacked. I was more interested in writing a book on Positive Living.

My friends did not believe her claims that I was a violent child molester. Now she is the adoptions officer for Barnados in Sydney.

I still have a copy of the draft book on file complete with Cox annotations. I can take it to Court if she wants to take legal action for defamation.

Cox could not keep her story straight. She spread the lie that I had broken into her office and stolen the Positive Living file. So I stole the message from a lesbian predator. Haha.

Wednesday 22 January 2020


People with HIV infection but not on ART medication, may live for 6-11 years until their immune system drops to AIDS and death.

Onset of AIDS means that the body has no protection from the immune system. The body slowly dies as protein is depleted from muscles, fingernails, hair and brain.

The victim suffers from brain damage that brings mental breakdown with loss of memory, delusions and hallucinations. They believe they are being attacked by evil spirits that want to kill them. 

Linda believed she was being stalked by an old woman turned into a black bird and waiting to kill her from a tree outside the house. She would wake at night screaming. Her family thought I was attacking her.

Son of Australian author Bryce Courtney believed he was being hunted by the CIA disguised as doctors and nurses at the hospital. They wanted to kill him. AIDS dementia ends in death at the hands of evil people in the fading mind of the sufferer.

This is AIDS dementia not sorcery.

Linda followed Positive Living in my family with no ART that was not yet available. But she smoked cigarettes in secret and this dragged her immune system down to death.

The AusAID and UN advisors knew nothing of all this as they were more interested in the rights of women, girls and LGBT children.

Only AIDS Holistics has ever explained AIDS dementia to the community. We promote a broad holistic view of healthy living.

Tuesday 21 January 2020


When I found that my son and his mother were HIV positive, I gave up my visa and work permit with a business college. I planned to set up a care organization to look after them and to teach AIDS awareness to others. 

I cared for at least 40 people even after my work permit was cancelled. I was supported by Joe Lari of 3 Angels Care. Being a carer gives much practical knowledge particularly on the onset of AIDS dementia.

Over 18 years, I have had two Positive Living websites. The first was with Geocities and attracted 600,000 hits over 5 years. Positive Living with HIV/AIDS was not well known then. 

The present website 2011-2020 has had a more sedate life with almost 300,000 hits. Both websites have cost me about K90,000 which is my contribution to this nation. Not bad for an alien. The AusAID scumbags blocked all funding from the Australian aid vote so I had to go it alone.

Child molester Stewart Watson had AIDS Holistics banned at all levels as punishment for refusing to reject FAMILY and FAITH. On top of that Watson and Cox were telling other paedophiles and care organizations that I was a child molester.

Watson told Immigration and Labour that AIDS Holistics was rejected by the National AIDS Council as a fake organization that promoted a false AIDS message and killed people and never showed he knew anything about HIV/AIDS. He was more focused on LGBT children.

My visa and work permit application were rejected as AIDS Holistics was banned. Watson was not authorised nor qualified to do that. He was an English teacher in Goroka.

Did I then have to leave the country? For four years I was caring for my HIV positive son and his mother. Was I to abandon them? They both died at a time when ART was not available.

Watson and Cox did not care about that. They told Linda's family that she was being murdered by Positive Living. I would not visit the family even now for fear of being cut up with bush knives by her primitive brothers.  Cox and Watson were highly paid AusAID assassins.

Linda died because of a drop in immune system from secretly smoking and not having access to ART that did not come for two years yet. Most HIV infected smokers and boozers died regardless of ART medication.

Monday 20 January 2020


Over the last 15 years, there has been a major attack in Papua New Guinea by Australian gays, lesbians and paedophiles posing as HIV/AIDS activists. 

Elizabeth Cox and Stewart Watson, both active child molesters, began the attack that then moved to the UN when Cox was sacked from AusAID for publishing fraud.

Children were to reject families and family values, deny parental authority, tell lies to parents, seek medical treatment without parental knowledge and join an LGBT family regardless of their sexuality. Grooming would come later. This was dangerous advice in an era of HIV infection.

When Watson left UNAIDS, the task passed to David Bridger who put an advertisement in the media of the plan for an LGBT family which was condemned by AIDS Holistics. The place for all children is in loving families.

In 2010-2011, Watson wrote a media report declaring that FAMILY and FAITH were not relevant in modern society. AIDS Holistics never let him forget. 

He responded with renewed accusations that the founder abused women and girls supported by Sir Peter Barter and Malum Nalu who foolishly put their accusations on internet. But the anti-family and anti-faith secret was out.

The game has now changed with the paradigm shift by the PNG Government towards FAMILY with rights and responsibilities of men and boys. 

The paedophile lobby no longer abuses churches and denies FAITH. They have lost the war.

Saturday 18 January 2020


AusAID advisors Watson and Cox told the community that I was sexually abusing children. But they never told me nor the police.

This fake accusation almost had me chopped up by villager men armed with bush knives after a kangaroo court at 3 Angels Care. 

This was attempted murder that failed by a hair's breadth. The provincial care and counselling officer arrived within minutes before the proceedings started. Accusers scattered as she demanded to know what was going on.  All suffered memory loss. Thank you God.

The issue leaked out with the attempted murder at 3 Angels Care. I was falsely accused of abusing a small boy. It was undoubtedly at the orders of the paedophile lobby to shut down the planned Family Positive Living Training Centre. Kill him. I could have died on the basis of no evidence.

Cyber troll and sacked journalist Malum Nalu told the community I had sent filthy emails to expatriate women on a (fake) email bruce but never told me. 

He carried on the fake message of Cox and Watson about abusing women and girls. He sent filthy emails to two expatriate women with the fake email address that showed Copeland was the culprit. He may have been paedophile.

I did not understand why people were demanding that I take them off my email address list. They were getting Nalu's filthy emails with the fake email address.

On both occasions, I found out by accident through friends. Then the fake information plots fell apart. The trick is to keep the victim in the dark. That can be difficult.

Cox and  Watson did not want to tell the community that AIDS Holistics was banned as punishment for promoting FAMILY and FAITH. That would have raised community anger and rejection of the hidden paedophile agenda.

So they made up a story that the founder was banned for child molesting. They were the child molesters. Cox had a taste for teenage girls. Watson preferred young men and boys.