Saturday, 31 December 2011


Those people involved with the Sorcery Act can have no idea of sorcery until they have cared for a person living with HIV/AIDS, particularly those people in the highlands sorcery zone who are unable to be treated with ARV drugs.

With the slow onset of dementia over a number of years, their personality begins to change as the HIV breaks through the blood-brain barrier and starts to damage the brain.

Blood-brain barrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is believed that latent HIV can cross the bloodbrain barrier inside circulating
monocytes in the bloodstream ("Trojan horse ... - Cached - Similar

HIV disrupts blood-brain barrier
28 Jun 2011 ... HIV weakens the blood-brain barrier — a network of blood vessels that keeps
potentially harmful chemicals and toxins out of the brain — by ... - Cached - Similar

On becoming demented, their emotions and ability to reason start to change under fearful influences. They believe they are being hunted to be killed. They believe that people want them to die.

They become violent to their loved ones. They have dreams that frighten them and other members of the family. It is almost as if they are under an evil spell. It has to be sorcery.
28 Mar 2011 ... Damon Courtenay had grand delusions in final AIDS.
He ... Posted by HIV/AIDS: FAMILY POSITIVE LIVING at 16:46
Email ThisBlogThis!
in-aids-dementia-dementia_1904.html - Cached - Similar

31 Jul 2011 ... Posted by HIV/AIDS: FAMILY POSITIVE LIVING at 16:46 ·
Email ... The story of Damon Courtenay was written by his father and family
after he

Dementia is a process in which the sufferer has brain damage from direct entry of the virus into the brain. It can also be caused by the break-down of the gut lining and the blockage in the absorption of nutrients, water, oxygen, salts, vitamins and enzymes.

The water-salt balance is changed and this stops all processes of the body including the brain. The balance can be restored with ARV drugs that kill the virus in the blood and allow the gut to start mending.

The absorption of nutrients, salts and water slowly returns and the water-salt balance comes back to normal.

Palliative care: an integrated approach - Google Books Result
Jenny Buckley - 2008 - 331 pages Peripheral neuropathy and AIDS–dementia complex
are among the neurological disorders. ... Late presenters Some patients with HIV/AIDS come from

The founder of AIDS Holistics is in a better position than most to understand the fearful onset of dementia in people suffering from HIV/AIDS. He cared for 6 people who eventually died. We can not say that dementia is something of the past.

There are still thousands of people in rural PNG who have no access to ARV drugs. Thousands of families will suffer the cruel damage to personality of the HIV virus and the disruption to family.

Many have never heard of HIV/AIDS as the campaign has been limited to the urban areas within a hire car drive from the nearest 4 star hotel. AIDS advisors never do it rough.

People who suffer from HIV/AIDS with no ARV drugs will pass through emotional instability of dementia. They will be on emotional highs followed by deep despair. They will not believe they have AIDS. It has to be something else - sorcery.

They will suffer deep paranoia. Damon Courtenay in the report above believed the CIA was hunting to kill him. Julie thought that people were breaking into her room to kill her.

Linda thought that an old woman from Alotau had turned herself into a bird and was waiting at night in the trees to kill her. If her family lived closer to Alotau, they might have found the old woman and killed her. HIV/AIDS and sorcery are deeply linked.

In medieval times, dementia was linked to demons. One source of medieval madness was a fungus in bread.

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