Monday 11 November 2013


The founder of AIDS Holistics began the Positive Living message in 2001. But he soon ran foul of the AusAID advisors because of the Positive Living focus on FAMILY and FAITH.

The founder of AIDS Holistics was banned from the AIDS building by advisors and homosexual predators Cox and Watson. They went as far as having AIDS Holistics banned and not recognized by UN and AusAID. That remains to this day.

Stewart Watson boasted to the founder that he had banned AIDS Holistics and that there can be no more official input. The Department of Labour was advised not to issue a work permit. Famous last words.

AIDS Holistics has come to dominate the AIDS scene in PNG and the Pacific. The gay and lesbian activists did their best to wreck our message.

But Watson went on to be the gay paedophile Head of UNAIDS in PNG. Each World AIDS Day in 2010 and 2011, he advised the community not to hide behind FAMILY and FAITH as these were outmoded concepts.

Today I met him in the Holiday Inn before he entered the conference room with a group of delegates. I stood in the foyer and announced in a loud voice not to hide behind FAMILY and FAITH. Watson froze and turned around. He saw me and screeched:


But I have been coming to the Holiday Inn for 15 years. All securities know me. They gathered around me. Watson glared as we stood talking and smiling.

I told them that if I were a blackfella, I would cut the creep with a bush knife. But I am a white man and only shouted at him. I told them I would behave myself.



The homosexual activists of the United Nations are the scum of the earth. They want no focus on FAMILY and FAITH and all the values that strengthen young people. These creeps want no faith and no strong families.

Watson is the scum of the earth as seen in his act of having the Positive Living message banned over a decade ago. He started in AIDS activism with only the qualifications of being an HIV positive gay English teacher at the University of Goroka.

He can not take me to Court for breach of professional confidentiality on revealing his HIV positive status. AIDS Holistics does not exist. He had AIDS Holistics banned in 2002. Creep.

Homosexual activists want weak families with weak values who can be taken by paedophiles for sex. The UN Charter of Child Rights says that children have the right of association.

That is meant to tell children to ignore parents and go out to associate with any paedophile they meet. They can tell lies to parents on where they have been.

Later Watson told the security guards that I have to be permanently banned from the Holiday Inn. The creep still thinks he is the self-appointed guardian of the AIDS building in 2002. He pulled that stunt there too - all in the name of protecting the paedophile message.

It would be interesting for police to raid the UNAIDS computers for child pornography.

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