Thursday 9 January 2014


It has been over two months since my lovely Grace died. We had been together for 9 months and had lived in the old man's house for two months before the house stealers arrived and started causing deep trouble to steal the house.
Problems arose immediately. The housestealer woman had the whole neighbourhood turn out to hear that I had told her to stop interfering in my family relationship. Grace became friendly with the woman who started to work on destroying the family life of the carer.
She told Grace that she was being abused and given little money which was her right as a wife. Grace became unhappy with me. But she was sick with TB and hardly ever left the house. I gave her K30 a day to encourage her to exercise and walk to the supermarket.
The housestealing woman constantly interfered in secret with Grace in her room telling her of her abuse. Grace became very sick and one night became hysterical and phoned her father who came and bashed me. He took Grace away and she died 5 weeks later. Please click:
The house stealing woman has shown a pattern of trying to have me removed from the house by being killed, put in gaol or deported. Then they would steal the house.
She told a house keeper to run away to avoid being infected by an HIV man. She told the family of my step-daughter that she was being abused.
If she had contacted Chief Inspector Gulu and told him of his daughter's abuse, then she is responsible for Grace's death and is a murderer. I call on Metropolitan Superintendant Andy Bawa to check with the father.
It is known that the housestealers have tried to implicate me in her death. It was raised at the abortive interview at 6 Mile Police with the AFP female officer. It is possible that she had been induced by the house stealers to arrive in time to take over the interview.

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