Sunday 18 September 2016


The AIDS pandemic became a world issue from the 1980s and was seen as a gay plague. The gays and lesbians took ownership, provided their own censored community awareness and took over major care groups.

In the 1990s, AIDS became an issue in Papua New Guinea. The Howard Government sent a contingent of advisors on advice from medical consultant Burnet.

It was like a quote from Scripture. People asked for fish and got snakes (Matthew 7 : 9-10). PNG asked for AIDS support and got paedophiles on boomerang aid. This was a major mistake of the Howard Government that still echoes today.

Australian paedophiles saw the opportunity to insert a gay and lesbian agenda at Australian taxpayers' expense. This was a military operation like bombing North Vietnam. 

The first step was to seek and destroy the enemy. But the enemy in Papua New Guinea was the FAMILY and FAITH.

This is a conservative nation just made independent with culture interspersed with missionary Christian faith. All this had to be destroyed. The first step was to count the enemy guns.

A slogan was made public telling people to use a condom when they koap. This horrified the PNG community with its vulgarity. It was like telling people to use condoms when they fuck. Churches objected. Count the guns 1....2....3....4...

Now the bombing of North Vietnam could start. The care group AIDS Holistics had been secretly banned in 2002 by the paedophiles for promoting FAMILY and FAITH. The next step was to damage the church and family authority among the children.

This was done with the supposed African gospel group Makoma sponsored by Goodman Fielder. This company must share responsibility for the problems caused.

Makoma put the Port Moresby children into a frenzy. It was like the Beatles coming to town 50 years ago. Kids desperately wanted to go to see Makoma perform.

But the Australian paedophiles had one more bombshell to drop on churches and families. The concerts were to be held in night clubs and children could attend with expatriate paedophiles drinking at the bar and eyeing the pretty young girls and boys. 

Church leaders and parents objected strongly, falling into the baited paedophile trap. The kids wanted to go to nightclubs !!! FAMILY was under attack. The paedophile defence was provided by a lazy incompetent AusAID Fijian media advisor Morvono. 

She made her first and last media statement in 2 years, telling the community that they were foolish as Jesus had preached in nightclubs. She got that from the Fijian lesbian bible.

Goodman Fielder did not distance themselves from all this which raises serious questions as to their motives. It seems that they were the enemy too.

In the end the furore was so great that the nightclub venues were cancelled. The main concert was to be held at the Country Club some 15 kilometers out of town. 

Large numbers of children walked through the night on country roads. Many would have gone without their parents' permission. This was the attack on FAMILY by the paedophiles. Children had RIGHTS. The paedopiles told them that.

Then a further concert was held during the day in the stadium which is what it should have been from the beginning. FAMILY and FAITH won that round.

But the Australian paedophiles lost in the end. The Makoma incident marked the beginning of the end. It started a generation of children on their focus on nightclubs. Within two years, the Australian Support Group was gone. So too, much of the boomerang aid.

Within another 4-6 years, most Australians were gone, removed by Prime Minister Kevan Rudd. Now the focus is allowed to be on FAMILY, RIGHTS and RESPONSIBILITIES

The churches and care groups still have problems as the paedophiles have not gone. They are hiding behind the high fences of their high commissions and UN agencies with fingers of the donor buttons.

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