Wednesday 3 April 2019


The world has changed massively over the last 50 years with the Vietnam War, make love not war, LSD drugs, gay and lesbian rights and HIV/AIDS.

The traditional family in western nations has begun to fall apart as children were told by activists that they had rights but with responsibilities never mentioned.

They did not have to obey their parents and had the right of association as set down in the UN Charter of Children’s Rights. Children could associate with paedophiles.

Then in the last 5 years came the upsurge of internet with Facebook, Twitter and others including the Dark Net that promoted all kinds of criminal sexual messages.

Pornography was available to all with a cell phone who were being groomed and downgraded into child sex abuse including paedophile parents, teachers, youth workers and clergy.

Internet supported the activities of extremist groups of left and right, including the Greens, Socialist Left, Klu Klux Klan and Islamic State.

One by one soft target Christian nations fell to the relentless pressure of gay and lesbian rights. The Catholic Church remained steadfast despite the soul destroying criminality of child abuse by clergy.

Nations fell to the propaganda put forward by gays and lesbians that everyone had rights to sexual self determination.

The rights campaign viewed sexuality through rose tinted glasses with no mention whatever of the dangers of gay sex with gut parasites and destroyed anal lining. Domestic violence among same sex couples was hidden.

Gay and lesbian rights were enshrined by extreme left wing loonies. True to expectations, they are not leaving it at that but moving on to school curriculum reform, liturgical changes in churches with takeover of economic activity and political power by lesbian women.

Same sex marriage was legislated by the US Congress and the Senate in Australia with no mention of the dangers to family unity and the abuse of children by paedophile predator wolves disguised as gay and lesbian sheep.

It was a moment for joy said President Obama when everyone were sexually equal. That was not true. There is a strong core of violent abuse in same sex relations. 

Gay and lesbian rights opened the door to massive paedophile abuse of children, an issue never raised by gays, lesbians and paedophiles.

Abuse of children is rising in Papua New Guinea with arrest and imprisonment of fathers, step-fathers, uncles, grandfathers and brothers for sexual abuse of young girls in the family. It is being put down to availability of child porn on social media.

But the world is becoming divided into two massive groups implacably opposed to each other. Apologies to Karl Marx.

It is no longer about the bourgeoisie and proletariat but the gay rights soft target nations against the Moslem nations that strictly prohibit gay, lesbian and paedophile rights but permit marriage of underage girls, honour killing and females genital mutilation.

A Moslem man can kill a daughter and have the case dismissed on mention of honour killing. She was found by her young brother to have a boy friend who was seen walking her home.

Moslem women are being forced to suffer in the face of protecting the honour of families. They are forced to submit to family men even younger brothers. 

We are seeing young women escaping from Saudi Arabia and fearing violence and possible honour killing if forced to return to family.

The latest is the legislation in its final stages in Brunei to stone LGBT people for sexual crimes with confession and witnesses.  It is too easy to condemn the policy as being dragged out of the seventh century.

What can be  done about same sex rights across the world when two implacably opposed interest groups face each other from western nations and Moslem nations?

We are told in the western nations that gay, lesbian, bisexual and intersex people are born that way. That is partly true. Psychologists reduce the issue to NATURE VS NURTURE.

Some people are born in the wrong bodies with DNA and emotional networks hard wired to the opposite sex. They must not be stoned for what is not their fault.

But we have recently been told that sexual orientation never changes even with sex change. Men who have surgery to become women may find years later that they want to return to being men.

Children can be groomed into bisexual preferences with regular sexual activity as children. We think of the famous male composer married to a man in Europe with two boys. Will these boys be groomed to be gay by two gay fathers and gay friends?

Gay and lesbian sex will never be removed from Moslem nations but driven underground. There will be no gay bars and night clubs but sexual activity behind closed doors.

It is too easy to condemn supporters of family as homophobic. That is the old trick of the gay and lesbian activists. Make criticism and you are homophobic.

I am quite passionately paedophobic but feel sympathy for gays and lesbians who suffer. Gay men and boys in particular can end their lives with suicide, HIV/AIDS and gross infection by gut parasites.

Law makers in Moslem and western nations must respect the sanctity of souls and not punish for what the person has to live with. But there must be vigilance against violent sexual exploitation of men, women and children.

In the 2019 Australian budget, there was funding set aside for a national register of paedophiles. It was stated that there are 7000 child sex offenders in Australia and the police have no idea of where to find them. Parents have the right to know of any sex offenders living in their neighbourhood.

In the USA, gay and lesbian rights are set down in law. But paedophiles can go to prison for 30 years. Paedophiles are the secret contingent among the gays and lesbians. They are wolves but have sheep’s clothing hanging in their cupboard ready to wear on the street.

Convicted paedophile and entertainer Rolf Harris was released from prison in Britain and stood outside a school to wave to students. Within minutes he was surrounded by a screaming vigilante group of angry parents.

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