Sunday, 24 July 2011


Nazis, Al-Qaeda, Gays and Lesbians

The basic pillars of society are the FAMILY and CHURCH. When a dictatorship wishes to control society, the family and church are the targets. But the dictator has to be very careful.

When Hitler came to power, he knew that he had to neutralize the family and Catholic and Lutheran churches. So he pretended that all had a common enemy – the Jews. He had to protect the family and faith from the Jews.

In doing so, he took control of both. The church was crushed at least in Germany from 1936. Catholic and Lutheran clergy were recruited into the Gestapo. Any priest who spoke against the Third Reich was shot.

The family was broken down. Children in schools were taught Nazi anti-semitic propaganda. Children were told that many had parents who were enemies of the fuehrer. Children had the duty to report any parent who was a traitor.

There would be thousands of aging German men and women today who will never forget that one or more of their parents died at the hands of the Nazis because of the report of their son or daughter.

We read now of a plan by Al-Qaeda to prepare cartoons of their operations to make their fighting more exciting to the young Moslem people and have the children absorb the message to become fighters.

The report in the Sunday Chronicle quoted Moslem parents expressing anger and concern at the Al-Qaeda. The view was expressed that they are seeking to break down the FAMILY and authority of PARENTS. Sounds like the advisors of AusAID and United Nations in Papua New Guinea.

Now we see the same technique being used by the gays and lesbians in Massachusetts. They are destroying the authority of FAMILY and FAITH.

They are turning children against their parents by declaring their parents as homophobic if they have any objection to the gay and lesbian “educational curriculum”.

Any parents who did not support the gay and lesbian school agenda has been deemed homophobic. And any German parent who did not support Hitler was an enemy of the Third Reich.

The Massachusetts gay and lesbian educational advisors have been massively sneaky. They have included tolerance of gays and lesbians as part of racism against African Americans and Hispanics.

That way they can subvert the children of all races. Teach them all about masturbation, rimming, fisting, and anal sex. They may even convince negro Americans and Hispanics that a gay and lesbian lifestyle is the cool way of the future.

Any parent who complains will only serve to alienate the children. The gays and lesbians believe that children belong to the state.

Any parent has to expect that the state has the right to teach whatever it wants to children – masturbation, rimming, fisting and anal sex. Hitler ruled that all children belonged to the state. There has been dictatorship in Massachusetts and Nazi Germany..

If Moslem children have access to mobile phones, the Al-Qaeda cartoons may be spread across Moslem children as a whole.

The gays and lesbians will spread pornographic educational material to American children as a whole. The pornography is spreading across mobile phones of PNG, with some brought into the country by expatriates.

The children of the Third Reich had uniforms and swastikas to keep them as loyal sons and daughters.

This is not fantasy. If gay and lesbian agendas were forced on my children at school, I would not stand by and let it happen. The children are being stolen by committed activists.

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