Tuesday, 5 July 2011


There was a strange sequal to the Court trial for custody of the children. I was given custody of the elder and the younger still stayed with the mother as she was on the breast. But two years later, she passed the small child to me if I paid her money each fortnight.

In 2005, I was caretaker of 3 Angels Care. There was a plan with the owner to set up a Positive Living Training Centre which was very much opposed by the AusAID lesbians. They plotted with the PLWHA living at the centre that funding to the centre would still come and they could live there forever if they killed the Positive Living Training Centre.

So the word started up from the lesbians that the caretaker was a violent child molester and wife beater. This was the excuse from the AusAID criminals to block Positive Living.

Each fortnight my daughters' mother would come for her fortnightly payment. She was taken aside by the PLWHA top criminals and told that her children's father was molesting the girls. They expected an explosion that would enable them to sit back.

But the mother told them that her daughters had the best father they could ever have. If they ever spread this talk again she would be back with her uncles and brothers to sort out the people involved. She saved my skin. All talk stopped.

From then the criminal AusAIDS and PLWHA hatched a plan to set me up with molesting a child. That failed badly. There can be real scum working as lesbians in AusAID and as senior echelon people with HIV/AIDS.

23 May 2011 ... A PLOT TO MURDER. The Positive Living message started in 2001
with ... lesbians did not want a Family Positive Living centre to be set up. ...
familypositiveliving.blogspot.com/2011/05/plot-to-murder.html - Cached - Similar

This is not the only such centre in PNG. There is a centre in Mt Hagen that attracts young PLWHA women and is regarded as the local brothel:

24 May 2011 ... HOUSE OF AIDS CARE AND PROSTITUTION. Advice has come
that the AIDS care hostel in Mt Hagen funded by Australian taxpayers is really a house ...

If people with HIV/AIDS are not prepared to live with family, there will be those among them who deserve to die under a tree. They may have been rejected by family for their boozy, violent, trouble-making ways and their promiscuous lifestyle.

Why should they be allowed to live in the best accommodation funded by AusAID? Favoured treatment only promotes jealousy and violence within the PLWHA community. The violent ones push in and take the best.

Within a month, they were kicked out and the centre sold. But not until after they threatened to burn the centre down. Momo, Elaripe and Marabe.

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