Wednesday, 20 July 2011


As you read, you will find that all the reports on HIV/AIDS on Jackson' blog never mention family. This means that the Jackson blog is not on the side of Papua New Guinea. It is on the side of the Australian gays and lesbians. So much for being called PNG Attitude.

The Jackson blog is starting to open the issue of the decriminalization of gay and lesbian sex, mainly for the benefit of expatriate contract workers. The writers to the blog do not have any idea of what the issue is about.

So far, there has been questions raised about the fallibility of the church with the example given by Martyn Namorong of the punishment of Galileo. This person has no idea of the issue.

There are questions raised by people who should know better about whether or not PNG is a Christian country. That seems to have no relevance. If the gay and lesbian activists were in Iraq or Iran, they would be killed. So too in other countries.

The armchair activists of Jackson’s blog have to understand the issue here. It is about a sexual invasion by Australians. There has been an AIDS pandemic in the world that was earlier on taken over by gays and lesbians, particularly in America.

So when there was a need for AIDS support to PNG, the Australian Government sent a boatload of gay and lesbian activists who had no idea of AIDS and had come with their own agenda based on the world gay/lesbian agenda and a plan to bully their way.

The plan was to spoil the fabric of society by breaking down families and destroying the authority of the churches. They are making great difficulties for a country already experiencing great difficulty.

Marriage was not to be recognized except single-sex marriage with children available for adoption by gays and lesbians. The community was to become a paradise for paedophiles. As one lesbian stated in The Pink Agenda “this is war”.

War has been happening in Papua New Guinea for almost a decade. Sexuality has been focused exclusively on condoms. Children have been told of rights that enable them to move away from family but no responsibilities.

This has been in direct opposition to the Declaration of Rights and Responsibilities of Families. Gays and lesbians want a non-family society. Just boys and girls who come and go.

 Rights and responsibilities | Family Lives – The parenting advice ...
Rights and responsibilities. Advice · Education · Family Relationships · Family
Roles · Got a Teenager? Health and Wellbeing · Rights and responsibilities ... - Cached - Similar

Blessings and Simplicity: Our Family Rights and Responsibilities ...
15 Oct 2010 ... We decided to make a list of rights and responsibilities for our family, and
turned it into a big poster we could stick on our wall. ... -

So the aging writers to the Jackson blog really have no idea. Some may be gay if they had spent time in Papua New Guinea as kiaps. Jackson has shown support for the gay agenda on his blog.

They are showing off their knowledge on a philosophical and quasi-religious note but have no idea that this country is facing an enemy that has nothing to do with religious ideology. It is about invasion by a foreign sexual enemy.

It seems to be as hopeless as the invasion of Australia in 1788. The more the aborigines opposed, the more white men came.

The fabric of PNG society is slowly being ripped apart helped by expatriate Quislings to allow the enemy to come inside.  Quisling betrayed his country Norway to the Germans.

Vidkun Quisling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Meanwhile, Quisling's support for Hitler in a future conflict appeared to be ...
On 14 December 1939, Quisling met Hitler. The German leader promised to ... - Cached - Similar

And the armchair philosophers of Jackson’s blog are sitting in down town Australia waiting for their cup of tea to boil so that they can have a Bex and a good lie down.

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