Friday, 17 July 2015


There is a report on Google that sets out the future rights of children. They have the right to sex. Parents have no right to stop their children and are indeed abusing them by denying the right to sex. The paedophiles are the saviours of the children of the world.

Rockspiders are coming out from under their rocks.

These creeps are seeking to normalize paedophilia and homosexuality as two legitimate aspects of the sexuality of the human race. Parents are to be denied the right to prevent their children from having sex with adults and are abusing them if they do so. This is based on the satanic Kinsey Report.

The link to the paedophile agenda is family planning. Check the place of family planning in the Google report below. Then type family planning UNAIDS into Google. It is all part of the big paedophile picture. Paedophiles want to be able to abort pregnant children to save their paedophile skin from going to prison.

This is obviously the agenda behind the UNAIDS of Papua New Guinea in blocking family as having no valid place in the raising of children. These creeps should be deported or put in prison. If I ever caught a rock spider having sex with one of my children or grand children, he would stay under his rock forever.

It seems that UNAIDS in Papua New Guinea has no number in the phone book. That may mean that the only access to UNAIDS is given to the gays, lesbians, paedophiles, transexuals and bisexuals by mobile phone or secret landline. All other people are not recognised under the world paedophile agenda. Please click

  1. Planned Pedophilia, UN Style - Jul 17, 2011 - 
  3. Now for the first time, the illuminati has entered the picture. There is unspeakable evil entrenched in human rights in Papua New Guinea and elsewhere..

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