Sunday, 19 July 2015


This report is meant to be a sick joke that ridicules sick people.

There is a plan for One World Government (OWG) basd on the United Nations to take control of children of this planet. The plan is to give children their long denied right to have sex with adults.

Children will be given sex regardless of their readiness. The age of consent will be removed by inclusion in the UN Charter of Children's Rights. 

Children are being kept as babies by the toys made for them. The OWG Gestapo will ban all toys and allow children to play only with sex toys.

Control of children in Papua New Guinea will be in the hands of the UNAIDS Sturmbanfuehrer who will implement the paedophile vision of Fuehrer Alfred Kinsey. 

Children will be freed to have sex at any age. No more barbie dolls and action jacksons for frustrated kids. They want sex like the rest of the human race. Please click:

Alfred Kinsey and the Pedophile Agenda
an agenda: to overthrow the basic t�nets of Judeo-Christian morality in the most ... Exchange and author of Paedophilia: The Radical Case (Aly son Publications 

The UNAIDS Sturmbanfuehrer will follow his dream of a lifetime to stop parents from hiding behind FAMILY and FAITH. Those arrested by the Gestapo will be placed in concentration camps for homophobic prisoners.

Girl children will be able to have sex with adult paedophiles and able to have abortions organized by the UNAIDS lesbian advisors.

The paedophile Gestapo storm troopers will patrol the city gathering transsexual and bisexual children. All children will be groomed by having to watch child pornography to show that child sex is normal, down to the age of 2 years old.

The storm troopers will be supported by paedophile police and welfare officers to protect the One World Government from homophobic parents. There will be a final solution.

This would make a great science fiction movie but it would be stopped by the Hollywood illuminati.

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