Wednesday 26 June 2019


We are reading in the media and watching on TV news the claims that the sea is rising and will cover the Pacific Islands. This may or not be true.

The Pacific zone is very mush under the control of the Pacific tectonic plate. Recent years has shown an increase in volcanoes, tsunamis and earthquakes that cause the land to rise and fall.

Papua New Guinea is on the same tectonic plate as Australia that is being pushed hard against the Pacific plate causing the Australia plate to rise like a buckled carpet.

Much of Papua New Guinea was once under water. The Markham and Ramu valleys used to be a strait between islands but the sea receded as the land lifted making the islands into ranges.

At Buna and Gona in 1942, the Japanese dug defensive positions even using concrete. Those positions have disappeared under the sea. That means the land has dropped. So too with the isthmus at Salamaua. Ancient cities are found under the sea.

There used to be fossilized sea shells in the Chimbu valley. The Australia plate has been subverted under the Pacific plate causing the islands to rise and the sea to recede. Other islands were pushed down causing the sea to appear to have risen due to global warming.

Japan is a tectonic cataclysm waiting to destroy the island of Honshu. There are many volcanoes in Japan and many tsunamis that kill hundreds of thousands of citizens over the centuries.

The tectonic movement of the Pacific plate against other plates is causing the land to rise in places and fall in other places. The climate change doom sayers are wringing their hands at the imminent loss of island nations. Is the sea rising? Or the land falling?

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