Wednesday 19 June 2019


A number of years ago, the gay and lesbian lobby convinced the government through Opposition leader Bill Shorten to put out a poll to citizens of Australia to seek acceptance of gay and lesbian rights.

Out went the ballot papers and the resultant count showed 60% for and 40% against. This has all the hallmarks of a fake poll that only the gay and lesbian lobby could pull off.

How many citizens actually voted? How many ignored the poll? How many did not get a ballot paper? How many voted more than once?

Did the poll put a case for and against? Were churches invited to put a case to the community? Upon this basis, the Government passed a legislation recognizing gay and lesbian rights.

The gay and lesbian lobby will base all other advances on this legislation. All those who did not vote “yes” will be taken as officially homophobic.

The world is slowly turning against the leftist gay and lesbian loonies who are moving far beyond the mandate of gay and lesbian rights.

They will destroy the ALP Opposition in Australia. Middle Australians are watching.

They will claim the legislation gives them the rights of (1) sex with children and (2) gender reassignment of children without parental consent.

As well there will be pressure for (3) leftist sexuality in schools curriculum (4) gender assessment of children and (5) only leftist freedom of speech in universities.

Lesbian loonies follow gender politics with (1) men hated and blamed (2) all wives and children abused by men (3) child rights to gender reassignment and (4) medical treatment without parental authority.

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