Sunday 11 August 2019


During the 1960s, Australia was in the throes of the Vietnam War in support of the United States. Chinese propaganda screamed to the world that Australia was a " running dog of US imperialism". We are wiser now but not at the time in the 1960s.

At the back of our minds was the Domino Theory by which the Chinese military would island hop down through S-E Asia to take over territory. 

They would be seeking living space or "lieberstraum" as envisaged by the Nazis. The Germans lost their world empire with the 1919 Treaty of Versailles.

The Domino Theory is still with us but the day will come when China rules the developing world in Asia, Africa and South America through entrapment by massive loan money that can never be paid off except in loads of free raw materials.

It is a trick still used by Asian landlords to lock their slave labour to their perpetual employ by loans that can never be completed. Slaves worked to pay off debts that never declined.

Death is the only escape. The technique was perfected in the days of the Middle Kingdom emperors as the way to maintain never-ending slavery and degradation. 

Chairman Mao and the present chairman are emperors for life accountable to no one. They are part of the line that continued from the Manchu Dynasty. They look on other nations as vassal states.

The words of Liberal MP Andrew Hastie have been denigrated outside of parliament. Let Opposition leader of the hard left Comrade Albanese call my words immature and unnecessary. 

This is what Australian students of history learned before neo-confucianism took control in many Australian universities. The leftist looney hatred of men, marriage and faith may well be supported by the Middle Kingdom.

China is moving out to the world as part of their Domino Theory in authoritarian capitalism. They need lieberstraum just like the Nazis with two billion citizens and the one child family ban lifted.

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