Friday 14 May 2021


I came into town on a public motor vehicle wearing my mask. Of 25 other passengers only three of us wore masks. I asked in a loud voice why this is so. 

One woman said she believes in God who will protect her. She had a small son. I asked if she has had his polio shots. She said she does not believe in medical treatment. Her children will never be vaccinated. I told her that 2 million people across the world had died from COVID 19.

Even the churches across the world have supported the COVID 19 protocols. But they are all pagan and dammed by the Mark of the Beast. Stupid people to think like that.

In the middle ages, 2/3 of the people of Europe died from the bubonic plague. Was the Beast on every rat flea across Europe? Thousands of priests died with their parishioners. But they were pagan. That was God's punishment.

Why do these uneducated foolish people place their own faith on a pedestal? Every one else is pagan. Everyone is pagan save thee and me.

I have been reading the book Think Big by Ben Carson who was a brain surgeon at Johns Hopkins hospital in the USA. 

He says that so many surgeons pray to God before commencing their surgery. They believe that God guides their hands. But the loonies in PNG write them all off as pagan. 

It was the doctors of the past who lifted living for the people of the earth - Drs Jenner, Semmelweiss and Salk to name a few.

G -God: Never get too big for Him. Think Big emphasizes how to evaluate and respond to problems in order to overcome them and make the most of your inner 

My daughter has brought home a book put out by the Seventh Day Adventists  entitled PNG Youth Focus. It gives an account of young PNG people who lifted their lives in their family, education and personal faith. The SDA church supports family and seeks to protect them from COVID 19.

It is gross stupidity for pastors to conduct church services with no protocols in evidence. God looks after us but He has to know we are cooperating. Medical advances grew through the love of God not the Mark of the Beast.

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