Monday, 25 July 2011


Those who study the growth of nations know that nations reach a limit to their tolerance levels. There are countries that are going through severe economic problems and may find difficulty in coming out of the ongoing economic low.

All Moslem nations share in the difficulties but their social problems do not have the same potential for explosion. Dictatorships can control the population better than democracies. The western nations have an economic strata starting to rise that will eventually cause revolt.

We can see this in the tourist industry. Tour operators will fail financially if they are not focused towards gay and lesbian couples touring the world.

A professional gay living with a professional gay could be approaching the status of millionaire, limited only by the temporary nature of their relationship.

There are gays and lesbians who are infiltrating government departments and business in the western world through a process of discrimination against heterosexual job applicants.

An unqualified gay is always more acceptable than a qualified heterosexual. We have seen this in AusAID.

Pursed lips to the gay interviewer and the gay applicant has the job. By the middle of the century, there will be massive heterosexual unemployment. Then the problems will start even in the western democracies and will overwhelm even the judiciaries.

Countries like Germany, Holland, America and Australia have made rods for their own backs by giving rights to gays and lesbians who will only use those rights to strip the heterosexuals and families of their rights. More fool us.

We are busy setting up the ruling class that will be used against us. Heterosexual unemployment will be the first casualty.

Company takeovers are in the realm of possibility and the Directors will not know what hit them. They have a company with 80% gays and lesbians among employees and rising.

They do not realize that their gay human resources manager has been doing a great job recruiting gays and lesbians for many years. They never knew and can do nothing about it. Rights you know.

Gays and lesbians should be aware of the potential for social upheaval in response to any gay and lesbian hegemony.

Will the United States find that all the states put pressure for same-sex marriage and control of the education and social security systems? That is an explosive mixture.

Past history shows us that a standard response to deep economic problems in nations has been ethnic cleansing.

Hitler sought to cleanse Germany of the Jews through a campaign of false propaganda. There was severe ethnic murder in the Balkans against Moslems less than 20 years ago.

Eighty years ago, Stalin killed 1 ½ million farmers who would not sell their grain to support the industrial revolution among city workers.

In the Christian west, the gays and lesbians need not worry about their safety. Nations are more concerned with giving them rights, particularly those decision-making bodies infiltrated by gays and lesbians. But there is a point of no return for the heterosexual community. There is the last straw.

The gays and lesbians are so vulnerable that they will retreat very quickly. They need to take care with security at those massive collections of naked gays and lesbians called the mardi gras. It will just take a couple of car bombs for the mardi gras to become a celebration of the past.

Christians need not worry about gay and lesbian same-sex marriage. This is a sex gimmick that gives the illusion of respectability. The fact remains that promiscuity and HIV/AIDS will remain unabated.

Nothing will ever beat family and long term faithfulness in marriage. There will be millions of child casualties in the gay and lesbian activity. That is both unacceptable and unavoidable.

The big enemy into the next decades is the gay and lesbian community that is actively recruiting children. They will be reducing the heterosexual community to poverty by denying employment.

At the same time, the gay community is becoming the section of society most infected with HIV/AIDS. There is a massive surprise in store for all people infected with the virus. We do not know how long the ARV drugs will keep the sufferers alive. Their life span has been shortened.

The gay population of the world is becoming a dominant but dying group of people. They can be likened to a massive pack of lemmings rushing to their deaths and recruiting more on the way.

We have to keep the AIDS pandemic in its perspective. The world has a population of several billion and increasing exponentially.

The question is arising of how the world will be fed over the next fifty years. We do not dare think any further than that. The world population does not have a future. The deaths of several hundred million gays will have no impact on the world population.

It is only the weak and corrupt Christian nations that are going to have problems. Moslem countries have other problems. China has more population problems that the AIDS world as a whole.

The great “me, me, me” nation is America which will reap the whirl wind or maelstrom of HIV/AIDS.  Charles Darwin wrote of “survival of the fittest”. America may be among the most unfit nations. But they stand ready to fight the “cold war” communists and Moslem extremists.

Barack Obama has made a mistake with recent rights to gays and lesbians. They will politicize the military. It has only taken them less than a year to march as a contingent in a gay and lesbian mardi gras.

This report is not meant as a threat to the gay and lesbian community or a program for violence. It is meant to show that gay and lesbian continued prosperity relies on lethargy, faith, laziness and tolerance of the heterosexual community.

But that may change as the world economy declines further. The party may be over under the peaceful onslaught of the Chinese empire.

Societies have experienced and accepted the rights of social groups, particularly of women. It has succeeded because of its intrinsic value. But gay and lesbian rights are destructive and will always be opposed by the community at large.

There appears no plan for gays and lesbians to co-exist with the family. They will always want access to our kids. That is why the focus is on rights and not responsibilities.

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