Sunday, 31 July 2011


In the time
when the land
was dry
the Motu set out
to trade for sago
and the families
and waited
and worried.
Then the men
came back
and the women
danced and sang
as they do today.
Welcome to
Hiri Moale.

What is the key word in the poem above used in the
TV advertising over a decade ago?

It is family. Sadly the Hiri Moale festival has a focus
on grass skirts and breasts.

It would be great if the Hiri Moale had dancing girls
as always. But let there be a deeper focus on family.

After all, the men went up to the Gulf Province to
find food for their families. The families watched
and waited.

They rejoiced when the men came back. Many men
were lost in storms as late as the 1950s. It was then
that the administration stopped the voyages.

Let there be a focus on family. Hula dancers for tourists.
Family activity for villagers. Churches, women’s groups,
schools and youth groups to be involved.

We are
the people
of the sea
who left
a distant shore
and came
to this land
in the time before.
The winds that blew
our crab claw sails
pushed the clouds
along the shore
and so we went
to sea again
to follow the winds
and trade for sago.
This is our culture
and every year
we live the past

Welcome to
Hiri Moale.

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