Monday, 4 July 2011


In recent years in this country, there has been an upsurge in the molesting of young girls by fathers, grand fathers and uncles. It usually happens that the mother of the child notices blood on sheets and clothes and questions the child to be told that a family member had done a bad thing to her.

The mother often takes the child to the doctor for a medical examination and report before taking the evidence to the police with a complaint. The man is arrested and finds himself before the Court. A decent man will plead guilty to avoid the child having to come to Court to testify on what had happened.

For this he may receive a lighter sentence but may still be gaoled for several years. This man has been very foolish in the damage he has done to the child and the family.

Three minutes of supposed pleasure has found him in gaol, dismissed from his employment, the family without a wage earner, a wife who rejects the marriage and a small distressed child. The family has been broken up by the man. Can he not work out that it is all not worth it?

A small child may forget. But an older child may understand clearly what was going on. She may be distressed that her father has treated her in such a way.

His action may have a powerfully destructive effect on her self esteem in that her father had treated her with such disrespect. She had always been daddy’s little girl. She may now think that she is not worth love only the lust of men.

Her father may have led her into promiscuity with men. An uncle who pays her K50 has taught a small girl that sex pays. A young woman may grow to adulthood trusting no man, not even her husband.

There was once a man in Australia who molested his niece. She was staying at his house with her uncle and aunt. At night, the uncle went to her room to say good night and she held out her arms to him. So he removed her clothes and molested her.

The mother found out and confronted her brother who defended himself by saying that the little girl was just begging him for sex. That stupid man could not see that this little six year old girl was begging her uncle for a good night hug.

The result has been throughout the years, the mother of the child has never allowed her children to visit their uncle. For three minutes of supposed pleasure, this foolish man had done so much damage. Police action was never taken.

Such events occur regularly in Papua New Guinea. There was once an incident where an uncle escorted his three year old niece from the beach back to the village. On the way, he raped her.

There was a recent report of a pastor who raped his teenage biological daughter. Some men justify this on the basis that the daughter was his junior wife. One day the man may have to face his daughter’s husband. Life is never easy.

About two years ago, a man was gaoled for eight years for sodomizing his 9 year son. That young man may be waiting for him when he is released from gaol.

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