Monday, 30 September 2013


There is a strong misinformation campaign going on about Port Moresby street kids. It appears to have been generated through the United Nations and designed to justify an invasion of UN gays and lesbians to Port Moresby.

It is all grossly exaggerated. There are no hordes of starving kids in the capital. I could travel for 20 kilometers in this town between Boroko, Erima, Waigani and Gerehu and not see a street kid.  So even our report below on gangs of street boys is slightly exaggerated. The gangs consist of 3-4 boys.

There is an ongoing campaign of UN misinformation.

We are told that (1) all women are abused (2) 60% of PNG men rape (3) markets are places of violence (4) two women were gang raped at Gordons market last year (5) a police post has been set up in Gordons market as a result of the rapes (6) children are on the streets starving.

The fact is that markets are mainly peaceful places with no boozing of men and violence to women. This is the false information of UN Women. Problems arise at Gordons market at the bus stop outside the area.

There were no rapes in Gordons market as claimed by UN lesbians and debunked by the Minister of Police. There is no police post recently set up as declared in the media by the UN. It is false information to cover up the UN hoax on gang rapes.

The UN tricky ladies see child trafficking everywhere. Over the last year, they have told us of child slavery in Port Moresby. Children are seen to (1) chop wood (2) move furniture (3) sell DVDs (4) gather empty bottles and (5) direct traffic.

How silly. I used to work harder than that on the farm.

No child sells DVDs. Who is going to trust a small child with an armload of DVDs and a pocket full of K10 notes?

No child gathers empty bottles. This is the work carried out by men. They will even enter a food bar and ask patrons for their empty drink bottles.

See the fictional story on PNG Attitude about the small boy in Madang. He is said to be 7 years old but left Grade 2 in 2006. That would make him 14-15 years old. Please click:

Street child! Nakan of Madang town
No child chops firewood. Only men and women run the firewood sales sites.

Many children are basically lazy. Rather than sweat around the town, many rather beg or steal. Most do not want to go to school. That is why they are on the street. It is not their parents' fault. The kids are lazy bums.

So they stand outside Big Rooster Chicken and rub their belly when a kindly sucker goes by. If they do that all day, they will have bellies full of chicken and chips.

Recently I was at Stop and Shop Waigani to buy a sausage roll and Coca Cola. A small 9 year old boy was standing around the right angle of the counter looking at me as if he was about to die of starvation. I asked what he wanted in a harsh tone. I had seen him in operation before.

He moved off. I went to the dining area and he came later to sit some distance away with a Coca Cola in his hand, having given the dying of starvation look to some sucker.

I watched him. He drank the Coca Cola and then sat across from another likely sucker and gave her the dying look. What if he did that all day? Poor little street kid.

I have watched the 11 year old street bums on the walkway into downtown Steamships. They would beg until they had enough money for a Coca Cola and sausage or chips.

Then they would nip into the nearest food bar to dine. Then they would be back to beg more money from passing suckers. That was pre-mid morning lunch. They would have chicken for lunch.

Sunday, 29 September 2013


I Bruce David Copeland do hereby ban Jeffrey Nape from marrying my 16 year old daughter Rachael and reject any attempt by him to pay bride price. Her estranged mother agrees to the ban as she is not happy with the bullying of Rachael by Nape.

He found her at a point that I was in the Intensive Care Unit of the Port Moresby Hospital with a heart attack in 2010.

He found her through two low life pimps Bobby and his wife Susan who had found my mixed race daughter and had earlier offered her to politician William Duma but Nape paid more.

Nape met my 14 year old daughter at Vision City and gave her masses of money. Her head was turned.

I was angry when at last I found out but Nape pointed out that he had been a neighbour of my daughters at Morata beside their uncle when they lived with their mother.

He was concerned for the family and promised to help us at the time of my heart attack made worse by tuberculosis. He helped with money and promised K100,000 donation to AIDS Holistics. This man was a liar and con-man.

He could see that I was struggling with my illness so he offered to put us into accommodation and put my daughters into private school. I could no longer trek Kokoda.

This con-man did not do this. Our stay in a flat at Malaoro ended with outstanding rent of K37,000. The girls left the Salvation Army School with fees unpaid. He wanted to marry my 14 year old daughter but I refused.

He next planned to put her into her own apartment but I rejected this. So he half built a house at Morata with septic half finished and windows without bars. Raskols have broken in at night.

Nape has a psychotic attitude to my daughter having sex with men. He took her away from her father’s house and banned her from staying there. On the few occasions she has come, a security guard has come with her or followed her.

This creep who just came back from 2 months in Singapore with Belden Namah has an ongoing suspicion that she is having sex with men. Over 2 years, without her father’s permission, the creep took her for AIDS tests. She has attempted suicide twice.

He promised her father to pay school fees for her to grade 12. But this lying creep took her out of school in grade 8. He plans for her to live in a squatter settlement at Morata and have mixed race babies.

Her one desire is to go to school. But Nape is worried about her mixing with boys. That is why she can not go to church and has a security with her everywhere. It is to stop her talking to boys. It is terrible to be a middle aged man with a child bride.

He bans her from having mobile phones and has even confiscated phones given to her by her father. He tells her that her father has no authority over her and that he owns her. He has not paid bride price and she is only a 16 year old minor.

Last weekend she left him when he started accusing her of sex with men. She will not tell her father what he said to her but it seemed to centre around sucking men’s cocks. He is not fit to be her husband.

She left him in the street and caught a taxi home to her father. A security guard arrived some 30 minutes later. She went home because Nape has a new trick up his sleeve.

He gives her a little money each day. If she annoys him, she does not get it. She can not give food to her mother who stays with her. He is starving Rachael and her mother into submission.

His security guards can come into my house without knocking. Yet this creep has banned Rachael's father from his massive palace at Morata. She is required to sleep there despite her father's objection. He owns her.

She told him she would leave him the next time he accuses her of sex with men. On the weekend, he forbade her to go to church as he claimed she would be looking for men in church. He can do what he likes. He owns her.

Nape has abducted my daughter. He will not allow her freedom. My daughter is afraid. She tells me that if I go public on this, Nape will have me killed. He will use his political influence to destroy my capacity to look after my family.

He is not allowed to marry my daughter. My ex-wife and I will not accept bride price from him. He is not fit to marry my daughter. He will bully and intimidate her for all her life. She will commit suicide as she has attempted twice.

The last time I put a report on this blog, Rachael came to me begging to take it off or Nape will kill me. She said he had promised to give her freedom. Some short time later she said this was not true. She was just afraid for her dad.

Nape tells her she has had sex with her dad. I immediately sent him a text telling him that if I were a highlander I would cut his f…… arms off for saying that. But he needs to find a reason for taking her out of her father’s custody.

Rachael has said that if Nape has me killed, she will kill herself. Then he can face the Tirokave clan.
I have no confidence in taking legal action. Friends warn me that Nape's influence extends to the Courts and police.

Saturday, 28 September 2013


There is a report on the blog PNG Attitude that paints a false picture of street kids in Port Moresby. It was written by one Francis S. Nii whose disability prevents him from travelling around Port Moresby to see the real picture. Please click:

The street people for whom there is no tomorrow

There are not hordes of starving children from the age of 6 years searching for food and small amounts of money.  There are often gangs of well-fed 11 year olds hanging around Big Rooster Chicken to demand food or money from customers.

If they manage 5 donations of food a day, they are well fed. The food is usually distributed among the gang. Some go through food shop bins for left over food which will often bring a rich haul.

Some men live their day around food shops to pounce on any polystyrene containers placed in the bin. Again a rich haul.

Street boys often have families, even orphans. Many 8 year old boys form gangs with older boys and do not come home to sleep and eat. It is more fun on the street.

In traditional Melanesian culture, parents push their boys out into the peer group. It is their rite of passage. Survive there from 8 years old, they will survive into adulthood.

They never go to school. Those who are given school lunch money will use often to buy cigarettes.

I had a young boy at my house, brought home by my youngest daughter. He would wear his uniform to school and then go off with his gang and his lunch money. Not any more. His teacher said he had not been to school all term.

There is a new sales technique for groups of boys selling to drivers stopped at traffic lights. If betel nut is banned, the trick will be to sell on the run. The city rangers will never catch a gang of 11 year olds.

I tend to growl at boys demanding money from me.

Young female orphans can often be used by their extended family as the house Cinderella. Of course there is prostitution, partricularly among teenagers who go to nightclubs.

Francis Nii has written much good work on PNG Attitude. But this time, he is off the track. Nevertheless, there is not a good future for these kids. But that is the same the world over.

Friday, 27 September 2013


The world gays and lesbians are combining to produce for every country a massive misinformation hoax. It is worse than the political hoax that accompanied the Cold War.
They want to have gays and lesbians, mainly lesbians take over the world political scene. They have put out a consistent message that men are violent while women are as pure as blessed virgins.
It is all the fault of men. But the gays, lesbians and paedophiles have suffered in Papua New Guinea as they desperately seek to gain a foothold. But their noses are being rubbed in the dirt as the result of their false information. Please click:

They have failed badly as the result of the 6 nation hoax that men confess to being guilty of rape. UN has lost much credibility as the result of this hoax.
Some weeks ago, a report was published in the media purportedly from the US State Department stating that Papua New Guinea was the 6th worst in the world for child trafficking.
It was probably compiled by US lesbians in the US Embassy coffee shop. The focus was on trafficking of underage girls to work in nightclubs as Mosco girls. This is an alcoholic drink popular among teenagers.
It stated that the girls as young as 13 are employed to entertain older men. This is totally false. The truth is that young girls are allowed in after flocking at the doors of night clubs. They come to drink and to go home with men. Some look above the age of consent.
This is not child trafficking but private enterprise of young underage girls. It is their way of staying alive in an era of unemployment. The police should be more active.
Some days later there was a statement in the media from Senator John McCain confirming that the report was true. Why would McCain be concerned with what PNG people think? It may have been part of the hoax by the UN gays, lesbians and paedophiles.

Thursday, 26 September 2013


There have been deep criticisms of the recent fake report by the United Nations on the incidence of rape on Bougainville Island.  The false finding was that six in ten men have confessed to rape.

The first was from AIDS Holistics in which deep criticisms were made of the regular UN practice of producing false statistics to support the UN lesbian ideology that all men are violent rapists. Please click:

FAKE UN LESBIAN REPORT ON RAPE                                                                          

There was also a report from Governor Gary Juffa on the false reports of the United Nations workers on violence of men.  Please click:

Juffa accuses UN of lying about gender 'thuggery' - Keith Jackson ...

Apr 20, 2013 - Gary Juffa PAPUA NEW GUINEA's staunchly anti-colonial Oro
Province governor has accused the United Nations of lying about the extent of ...

This was recently followed up by a condemnation of the President of the Bougainville Autonomous Government Mr John Momis. Please click:

The final condemnation came from PNG Attitude in which one writer called the producer of the false UN document a liar. He said that if there were someone going around Buka villages interviewing men on rape, it would be known. But it did not happen. Please click:

In defence, an anonymous UN writer claimed that the UN worked in closely with the Bougainville Autonomous Government. Is that why the President is condemning the report? He never saw the final fake copy.

The question arises as to whether or not the reports on the other 5 countries were fake too. The trick for UN lesbians is to ask tricky questions and draw their own conclusions.

Very few men will admit to rape. They would be frightened that the UN will submit their names to the police and they will be put in prison.

Do you have sex when drunk?  Yes.
Do you ask permission of your wife? Usually.
That means sometimes you do not? Rape.

The fact is that many PNG couples are non-verbal.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Post Courier 25 September 2013

It is tiring to read reports from the UN lesbian grand mothers and their lesbian lovers on the violence to women and girls at the hands of men in Papua New Guinea.

There is considerable violence in the Papuan block in Lae. We read in the media that this is caused by the wide consumption of home brew by men, women, boys and girls.

But truth is that most home brew in the Papuan block is made and distributed by women. Highlands women are key players in the making, distribution and consumption of home brew in the highlands.

Home brew is devastating family life in the highlands with drunken and violent men and women. The cause is not of gender inequality but drunken violence .

Let the Australian UN lesbian grand mothers sit on that. Please click:

buka women and girls drink homebrew - family positive living - aids ...

Dec 11, 2012 - Homebrew consumption by women in Buka is on the rise
according to a recent survey. Carried out on behalf of the chiefs of Buka, t
he survey ...



We have to understand clearly that the sun never sets on paedophile crime. There is never a statute of limitations just like murder.
A paedophile can be taken to Court for a paedophile crime committed 30 years before. The 6 year old child  may now be 36 years old but still able to put the attacker behind bars.
We are finding this with paedophile catholic priests who committed paedophile crimes starting from the 1950s.
But today we find that any criticism of paedophiles is followed by an accusation of homophobia. Good try creeps. They are hiding as gays and lesbians.
It is encouraging to find that the rise in the gay and lesbian lobby is being accompanied by increased police surveillance of police on paedophiles.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Now that the Russian Duma has passed laws against paedophiles abusing children, the time has come for convicted paedophiles to be declared as psychopathic. The issue needs to be examined by the psychiatric profession of Russia.
This means that convicted paedophiles be placed in a prison for the criminally insane. Serial paedophiles and those who have injured or killed children should be sentenced for the term  of their natural lives.
Sentencing to a psychiatric hospital used to be the punishment for political dissidents. This may well have been an act of Russian government corruption. But paedophiles in psychiatric care are intended to protect Russian children.
Foreign paedophiles should be imprisoned and then released to their home government for further sentencing.  There will be foreign paedophiles active at the winter olympics particularly among the teenage games workers.
Other Governments should follow such an example if the Russians take up the policy.

Daily hit tally: 124,  357

ব্লগ দর্শকদের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে জনপ্রিয় দেশের গ্রাফ


Monday, 23 September 2013


We are becoming aware of men and women who want sex with small children. They are not concerned with the fear and physical and emotional damage they will inflict on children often for a life-time.
Normal people are concerned with the feelings and hopes of other people. They are able to show respect for the rights of others.
But paedophiles are only concerned with their own feelings and sexual needs at the expense of children.
They show the characteristics of psychopaths, mentally deranged people who care only to hurt children and families. Psychopaths are unable to see the importance of the needs and hopes of others.
Businesses used to value the psychopath mentality in people who were harsh and cruel disciplinarians in the company and dismissed workers for whatever reason.
They gave management the idea that they were interested only in the firm. But the truth was they were interested only in themselves.
Modern movies starring Claude Van Damme or Will Smith are full of psychopaths. A gang of crooks walks into a building and shoots 15 security guards on the way. There may be 30 kids who are now without fathers. Who cares? It's only a movie.
We see bullet holes in full living colour as some person is shot in the forehead. Society is becoming used to seeing people shot in cold blood.
Psychopaths can be highly performing soldiers who kill without mercy. They often failed back in peace-time.
Papua New Guinea had the services of a female psychopath working in AusAID and the UN. She had the attitude that any person who got in her way had to be destroyed. She was a lesbian grandmother. Please click:



In another life, she would have made a great mafia hit man with her pistol and silencer. She was the only person who mattered.

Paedophiles may well be psychopath. Are you following this Mr Obama? Please leave the Russians alone to handle paedophiles in their own way.

You can complain when Mr Putin sets up a paedophile gulag or announces a paedophile pogrom. Now that would be horrific.

Sunday, 22 September 2013


The National 23 September 2013
The US singer Selena Gomez has been denied a Russian visa. The claim is made that the visa was denied because of the gay and lesbian messages in the songs she sang.
It is time for the gays and lesbians of western nations to understand that a new law exists in Russia banning homosexual propaganda to minors. Foreigners are bound to obey the Russian law.
The time is coming for all nations to take steps to limit the modern attack of paedophiles on the children of the world. Perhaps France will be next to pass such a law after banning beauty quests for minors.
Victory in same sex marriage for gays and lesbians does not mean victory for paedophiles to abuse small children.

ব্লগ দর্শকদের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে জনপ্রিয় দেশের গ্রাফ



The National 23 November 2013

A gang has been arrested in Pakistan and charged with luring young boys from Facebook with a fake young girl talking of love.
They arranged to meet in town but the young boy found a kidnap gang waiting for him. They then demanded a ransom from the parents.
So there are not only paedophiles waiting in computers and mobile phones. In Pakistan, there was a kidnap gang of seven people who included a lawyer and his wife.

Saturday, 21 September 2013


Some years ago, a policeman friend showed me a statement written by an expatriate man facing a charge of assault of his PNG wife. The charge had been dismissed by the magistrate.
The expatriate had explained that he was married to a PNG village woman who lived in a lovely relationship with him for 6 months. Then she slowly changed.
She started to bully her expatriate husband. She would beat him and hit him with rocks. The car would be damaged at her hand. She would refuse to cook his meals and wash his clothes.
He tried to reason with her but she said he talked like a woman and thought like a baby. She had no respect for him and showed this every day. She would call him names in front of his expatriate and national friends.
She saw life in a village way. It came down to the fact that women talk and men bash. Because the expatriate talked trying to reason with her, he was a woman. She had the right to take charge of the house as the man.
So he changed his strategy. She gave him hell and he bashed her. She called him names and he bashed her. No dinner and he bashed her.
She ran to her brothers claiming violence. But the expatriate showed them his money and all trouble stopped with the brothers.
Within 2 months, the wife started to give respect. He started to return to reasoning with her but still ready to bash her. Then she complained to the police and he ended up in Court.
It raises the question of whether or not bashing a woman is justified. If she went to the local lesbian advisors, they would call her a survivor of violence. The expatriate would be a wife basher. But that is not the real story.
After the Court case, he kicked her out with K1000 to disappear.

Daily hit tally: 123, 465

ব্লগ দর্শকদের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে জনপ্রিয় দেশের গ্রাফ

Friday, 20 September 2013


There are paedophiles hiding in your child's mobile phone. They are under the child's pillow at night. They are ready to come out at any time. Your child is not as asleep but quietly talking to a paedophile about sex.
The world is realizing that the children of the world are under threat frrom child molesters or paedophiles.  They are now using internet chat rooms and mobile phones to locate and lure young children into sex with them.

The standard technique is to pretend to be children. They will soon move the conversation to sex.

Children are being lured to meeting their new friend in town. But they soon find out that the young person is a man who wants to take them off for sex.

We are reading of citizen groups who try the same trick back on the paedophiles. They too pretend to be children and lure the paedophile into town where they video the meeting. Paedophiles are fighting back. Please click:

Anti-pedophile activism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There have been incidents in which vigilantism intended to be against ...
an Internet vigilante who would track pedophiles by spending 16-plus
hours a day ... A representative of the National Center for Missing
and Exploited Children's ... Families flee paedophile protests BBC
News August 9, 2000, retrieved May 21, 2007 ..
Vigilantes  demand to know why a man is arranging to meet a child without the knowledge of the parents. They put the name and video online and report the man to the police. Please click:
BBC News - 'Vigilante' parents confront online paedophiles
Apr 22, 2013 - A group of parents form a "vigilante" group to confront
paedophiles by posing ... their children from online abuse, we do not e
ncourage vigilantes

There have been questions raised on BBC as to the right of citizen groups to confront alleged paedophiles. They quote that some such men have committed suicide. If not guilty, they could take legal action for defamation. Please click:
Gary Cleary suicide: Man hangs himself after vigilantes ... - Daily Mirror

3 days ago - A man committed suicide days after vigilantes accused him of being
a paedophile and grooming a child on the web. ... Criticising Letzgo Hunting,
he added: “It's a sad reflection on modern life that vigilantes operate on
the internet.” ... Nigel Farage given Hitler moustache due to BBC glitch after
being ...More results for bbc vigilante paedophile children internet suicide
That sounds like an admission of guilt. Some men have been convicted and put in prison. The fact is that citizen groups have a right to protect the children of the community. But they must not take the law into their own hands. Please click:

Letzgo Hunting target James Stone jailed for child sex abuse - BBC
56 mins ago - A child abuser from Nottingham who was confronted by
anti-paedophile activists has been jailed for eight years. Nottingham
Crown Court ...
We see the same issue in Russia where Mr Putin has been involved with a law blocking abuse of children by paedophiles. President Obama has called the law horrific. Silly man. In Russia, vigilantes are called ultra-right groups. They are probably homophobic too (joke).

The paedophiles of the Winter games want the venue to be removed from Russia. They want the paedophiles to have a free hand with Russian children.

The athletes involved should be investigated for any paedophile links. The paedophile supporting athletes want to pretend it is all about gay and lesbian love.

One athlete fool Simmonds dedicated his silver medal to gays and lesbians. No mention of paedophiles. An also-ran athlete stands up for the gays, lesbians and paedophiles.

We read recently that children on internet are lured into sex talk online. They are then blackmailed by the paedophiles on the threat of having their words and actions downloaded on internet. Some teenagers have committed suicide.
It is easy to see why gays, lesbians and paedophiles are anti-family. They want to identify and groom children for sex right under the noses of the parents. They want to seduce children on the computer in their bedroom while mum and dad are watching TV outside.

Sex with children is the long term intrerest of paedophiles. We used to associate their activities with men who wait in toilets. They want the age of consent lowered or removed. Creeps.

The soft target Christian world has made a massive mistake in giving rights to gay and lesbians and allowing the paedophiles to think they too have rights.

One by one, countries are closing the door on paedophiles.  Russia started the move followed by France with the banning of beauty pageants for minors. The gays and lesbians of the world are trying to divert the issue to become an attack on love.

Moslem countries have intitutionalized paedophilia with men allowed to marry and have sex with 8 year old girls.  A small girl was reported to have recently died from blood loss on her marriage night to a man.

The United Nations is a stronghold of gays, lesbians and paedophiles who have set up child welfare to be hostile to parents and supportive of paedophiles. The Charter of Children's Rights gives children the right of association.

By that token, paedophiles have every right to meet children in town away from their parents. Anti-paedophile vigilantes are in breach of the UN charter for children. Children have rights, you know.

Thursday, 19 September 2013


The National 20 September 2013 Page 10

The President of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville has strongly condemned a United Nations report that claims that more than 50% of Bougainville men admitted to raping women.
AIDS Holistics has already written on this blog pointing out the fake statistic track record of the UN lesbian grandmothers and their lesbian lovers. Please click:
Mr Momis pointed out that the report presented on 10 September in Thailand was a piece of flawed imperfect research without basis of foundation.
The report claims to have interviewed 10,000 men over 6 countries including PNG. That means that at the most 1800 men were interviewed on Bougainville. Perhaps Mr Momis could seek any man supposedly interviewed by the UN.
He could ask the name of the UN organization involved. He may well find that the statistics were put together by a group of lesbians in a coffee shop in downtown Sydney.

Shame Helen shame.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


For over a decade now, there have been reports of the bark from the Mamala tree in
Samoa. It is said to cure HIV infection. A report has just appeared on ABC about the
future prospects for the antiviral drug from the Mamala tree. Please click:

Mamala tree - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

healers have long used the bark of the mamala tree in tea to treat ailments

The problem with all supposed cures is that the drug can not penetrate the hiding places of the HIV virus.

We have always understood that the hiding places were in the lymph system and included the spleen, thymus and long bone marrow where the blood cells are made.

But the ABC report above states that the antiviral drugs of the Mamala tree will stop infection of the human cells. All ARV drugs do that. But the drug also awakens the dormant ARV in the hiding places.

The report tells us that the latent HIV cell reservoirs are untouchable by today's antiretroviral drugs. But to be awakened by the new drug and emerge from the hiding places, the active virus levels will drop as the HIV is destroyed.

When the patient stops medication, the hibernating HIV in reservoirs awakens to resupply the active virus.

Prostratin flushes out the dormant HIV cells so that ARV can attack and hopefully eradicate the HIV from the body. Please click:

Researchers say Samoan mamala tree bark tea could lead to HIV ...

6 days ago - Researchers say Samoan mamala tree bark tea could lead to ... In Samoa, traditional
healers have long used the bark of the mamala tree in tea to treat .... Agence France-Presse,
APTN, BBC, CNN, Getty, Pacnews, Reuters ...
More results for bbc mamala tree

Daily hit tally: 122, 586

Many readers from Russia. There seems to be ongoing interest in comments on the Russian laws against paedophiles.

There is a follow on apparent in France where same sex marriage and adoption by paedophiles is now legal.

The French are passing a law against beauty pageants for minors. Better late than never. Now the French have to focus on adoption of children by paedophiles.

There was a report on a paedophile sentenced to 27 years in gaol for planning to kidnap, rape, kill and eat children. It seems as if a crazy wild dog has been taken out of the community.

There are also reports of community groups seeking out paedophiles who make contact with children on internet and arrange to meet them for child sex. Please click:

Who are vigilante group Letzgo Hunting? | News168 - All the latest ...

Internet vigilante group Letzgo Hunting has been linked to the suicide of a man.
What is ... BBC News UK (Yesterday) - A vigilante group which claims to "expose ...

ব্লগ দর্শকদের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে জনপ্রিয় দেশের গ্রাফ

Monday, 16 September 2013


My grandmother is a lesbian

A report has been written on this blog about the baby boomer expatriate lesbian activists in the United Nations who range  in age from 45 to 66 years old. Please click:

They are committed to showing that men are violent and sexual predators the world over and should be condemned particularly at the level of the United Nations. They ignore the billions of loving husbands and fathers.

This is an exercise in hypocrisy as UN women can be predator lesbians seeking sex with young girls. One predator lesbian working in PNG had three adopted teenage daughters who seemed to change at regular intervals.

Senior citizen lesbians from Australia may have been married in earlier years with adult sons and daughters. They can not bring young girls home in Australia for fear that their children will find out. Grandma's a lesbian.

So they move overseas to join the United Nations having served their apprenticeship with a care group or two. They join the fight against HIV/AIDS with the hidden agenda of lesbian rights disguised as women's rights.

They do not accept gender equality. Men are all too violent. Lesbians hide the domestic violence of gays and lesbians. They make up fake statistics on violence of men towards women and girls.

In Papua New Guinea, there was a plan to have 22 reserved seats in parliament for women. The expatriate senior citizen lesbians would have been pushing to fill the seats with PNG lesbians.

It was fortunate that the seats never eventuated. The instigator would have been employed in the United Nations as reward if the plan had worked.

But the living situation for the senior citizen lesbians  would be perfect to take in a young girl for senior citizen sex.

She may have been invited to stay  as the student of a lesbian teacher. She may have been invited as a student to be a part-time research officer. A bed room would have been set aside for her in the expatriate lesbian's apartment.

But relationships with her senior citizen lesbian would have slowly progressed to long talks over coffee. She may have been called an adopted daughter.

She would have been asked to brush the old lady's hair  who would then do the same. That grooming would slowly move to caressing young breasts and fisting young vaginas.

Shoving a fist into a vagina is very dangerous and can cause damage and pain. Dominant lesbians love doing that to their less dominant partners. Please click (warning porn):


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Now we have an Australian judicial inquiry into paedophile priests instigated by Julia Gillard. If she ever finds herself as a UN advisor, will she instigate any investigation into predator lesbian advisors of the United Nations?

The kids at home would be shocked to find out what grandma is up to in her UN job in the developing world.

What is the alternative? There can be no alternative. The democratic world gives itself no right to discriminate against homosexuals nor even to ask if they are homosexual.

That does not stop the gay and lesbian activists from discriminating against the community, particularly men. Boys belong to the gays.

Friday, 13 September 2013


The United Nations attracts a particular group of lesbian activists. There are the blue rinse lesbians from 45 to 60 years old. Many are experienced, seasoned and vicious.
Some are fat, repulsive and nasty. Many started their careers as burn the bra activists of the women's liberation of the 1960s to 1970s. They still hate men. They are the ones who refused to shave their hairy armpits and worshipped the book "The Female Eunuch" by Dr Germaine Greer.
Some were married to men but widowed or divorced. They have started a new lifestyle. The trick is to be recruited to the UN and use a care organization as stepping stone where they show they are dishonest, cruel and back-stabbing in promoting lesbian rights disguised as women's rights.
They work in the UN with postings overseas, apartments, cars and enough money to attract young girls under the pretence of being motherly. Young girls may be recruited to the UN if they show they accept lesbian sex and are vicious to men.
Some old lesbians may have been teachers or the occasional senior politician up to the rank of Prime Minister. But they all have a commitment to destroy men, marriage and family.
Dedicated to: Elizabeth, Jacqui, Sharon and Helen.
Are there any positions available for an ex-politician with massive social networks? No name mentioned. Get rid of the "first bloke" and she is in business.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


You may have noticed over the years that the most deeply penetrating insights on men and women come from the United Nations. It is the work of UN lesbians who obtain their findings by trickery. They have passed their approaches to other lesbian organizations.
The trick is not to find information by a survey. More results are possible if the survey is disguised as a school assignment or role play at a workshop. The victims do not realize they are giving away information.
Several years ago Save the Children conducted a survey on child sexuality in the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Did they advise the children if they were gay or lesbian?  Not yet.
They had the 12 year old students write a essay on "My Best Friend". If the girl chose a girl, she was lesbian. Any boy who chose a boy was gay. The kids were now told of their sexuality. Creeps.
In Massachusetts, the gay and lesbian teachers made much on the fantasy that school children wanted to commit suicide. But the organization Mass Resistance has pointed out that "How I would commit suicide" was a school assignment. The lesbian creep teachers had turned fantasy into reality. Their claims on suicide were fraud. What creeps among teachers indoctrinate on suicide?
Now we find Medecins Sans Frontieres tell us that 60% of PNG men confess to gang rape. The United Nations lesbians now tell us that 6 men out of 10 in PNG admit rape. A group of lesbians would not elicit such responses without trickery. It may have come from a fantasy role play at a workshop.
We are told that their responses were by hand held computer. It was a video they responded to at a workshop.
They were being set up by UN lesbians. They did not realize that their off-the-cuff responses were part of a survey that marked them as rapists. Please click:

A well known lesbian predator in PNG planned a course for counsellors at Callan Studies in Wewak. One of the 10 units was entitled " The counsellor as a person".
This was an assignment to discover the lesbian students or those emotionally weak enough to find themselves in the lesbian lecturer's bed.

Lesbian activists are a law unto themselves. They are loyal to no nation, particularly the nation that they have been contracted to help. They are ready to lie and cheat. They seek to destroy men. They seek to promote that all men are rapists. All women are abused.

Lesbian activists are the scum of the earth. They do not even like gay activists.