Wednesday 9 May 2018


I have two mixed race daughters aged almost 21 and 20. Both are tall, elegant and turn heads in the street. The elder has two sons whose fathers was Jeffrey Nape ex-speaker of parliament and member for Sina Sina.

My younger has an 8 month old son who is the most handsome mixed race boy I have ever seen. He is a baby gentleman. He is good natured and laughs a lot. 

The two children of my elder are as different as chalk and cheese. The elder thinks that he gets his way by screaming and crying, screaming and crying for lollies, chocolate milk and money. 

At 4 years old, his antics are coming to an end. Omnipotent children end up not getting what they scream for.

The younger Jeffrey is a perfect gentleman. I seem to have adopted him as my little puppy dog. When I leave the house to go to the market, he is right there with his hand in mine as we walk through the gate. When I come home from work, he is waiting arms outstretched on the road.

I call him Dimples for obvious reasons. At the roadside market, he is in his element. He greets any person who greets him, shakes hands and waves good-bye. Dimples is becoming a celebrity.

I tell people in Tok Pisin that his name is Jeffrey Nape son of the ex-speaker who died. He now lives with my daughter and me. I tell them he is the junior member for Sina Sina electorate in Chimbu and will take his place in 2040.

I am just hoping that Dimples and Jonathan will teach the kid screamer that more is achieved by politeness and being likeable. I just hope he does not end up a teenage punk. He has to learn to satellize not act like an omnipotent bully. 

These are key concepts on Child Psychology. Let us hope that love and caring does the trick with the older boy. Today, I took him and his young brother to town and he was a perfect gentleman.

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