Monday 7 May 2018


What is the cause of family violence? This occurs in families where there is a lack of love and respect between husband and wife. The man paid bride price and thinks that the wife belongs to him as his slave.

Family violence usually starts with a violent man. He may come home drunk and blame his wife when there is no food. She talks cross to him but he bashes her to punish her. There is no money in the house.

Sometimes the wife is to blame. She may not look after the family but prefers to play cards down the street and spend money on home brew and cigarettes.

She comes home after the husband and has done no washing and cooking. The children are dirty and hungry with no food to eat. The husband is angry and bashes her.

At times the husband comes home late or not at all as he has a girl friend that he visits and gives part of his pay to her.

That is why there is no money for the wife. She is desperately playing cards to win money for the dinner at night. Then he blames her.

How can family violence be stopped? It can only be stopped if both husband and wife are determined to work together with no tricks with money.

There are always arguments that can occur but these can be solved with patience and tolerance. There should be no winners or losers in an argument but always WIN-WIN.

The married couple should show their children how they may argue but always end with love and peace. The father brings peace  with a Big Rooster Chicken and a large bottle of Coca Cola for the family.

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