Sunday 2 September 2018


Elizabeth Cox was employed as AusAID Care and Counselling officer. But her real agenda was to be a vicious lesbian predator. 

She needed to destroy the founder of AIDS Holistics for several reasons. But a key reason was that he was step-father to Linda's 15 year old daughter.

Cox wanted to take her when Linda died of AIDS. She did not want her to live with her step father. 

So she started a campaign to tell the community, Linda and her family that the step father was a child molester. She visited the parents on the farm and told them her false report. 

She also told them that Linda was being killed by the false Positive Living agenda that was full of errors. In this she was supported by the gay paedophile Stewart Watson and Judas priest.

But the family was not fooled. Linda knew that Cox wanted to take her daughter as a child lover. She knew Cox was a lesbian predator. I had told her.

So in the months before Linda's death, the daughter was sent by the parents to stay with Linda's sister in Madang. 

She married a lecturer at Divine Word University. Cox missed out with all her dirty tricks. The daughter now lives in the UK with her husband and children.

Cox now works as adoptions Officer for Barnados in Sydney. She is undoubtedly using the same dirty tricks to steal teenage girls.

I have suffered with this defamation for over 15 years. The false message was taken up by the paedophile community.


In 2001, I found out that my baby son and his mother were HIV positive. Linda would not let me tell her family.

The AIDS campaign had not started yet and the horde of AusAID Burnet advisors not yet arrived. So as the of my family, I set about finding out what I could on HIV/AIDS.

I met a doctor at Port Moresby General Hospital who told me about Positive Living. I took the message home and gave Linda and son support with caring, love, water, nutrition, family and more.

I estimate now that Linda was infected in 1993, some 8 years before. She was slim because of AIDS wasting. She lived for 11 ½ years after infection which is a good average.

She worked hard on the family farm, ate fruit and vegetables, drank river water and then came to live in my house eventually by Positive Living.

I had made myself known to the AusAID advisors when they finally arrived and told them about Positive Living. I was amazed that they opposed the message particularly any focus on FAMILY and FAITH.

I was yet to find out that Stewart Watson and Elizabeth Cox were predator paedophiles determined to introduce a gay and lesbian agenda. 

Family Positive Living was the enemy message, particularly when I put out a column in The National and spoke on FM100.

They claimed that Positive Living was a false message full of errors and spread the false advice to the community including Linda’s family that Positive Living killed people. I began to suffer violence from her brothers who blamed me for Linda’s drop in health.

As well, the AusAID paedophiles claimed to the community that the founder was a violent, womanizing child molester. 

Any care group that followed Positive Living would lose AusAID and UN funding. Australians were threatening PNG care groups for their own paedophile agenda.

In her many secret meetings with Linda, Cox warned that her carer molested children including his own children and would molest Linda’s children too.

Cox did not tell Linda that she had sex with teenage girls and was sexually interested in Linda’s 14 year old daughter. 

The family moved the daughter to Madang to escape Cox’s paedophile interest. Linda made me promise to keep her daughter away from Cox when she died.

In the final stages, Cox was preying on a demented young woman who would believe whatever she was told. Linda was 15 months from death not killed by Positive Living but by no access to ARV medication.

Cox was a middle aged lesbian sleeze committed to sex with teenage girls and trying to silence the founder of AIDS Holistics in his public statements about AusAID paedophiles. She is now adoption officer to Barnados in Sydney.

They had the support of satan priest Fr. Jude - Ronayne Ford, Catholic head of HIV/AIDS support.

He was a sex predator abusing young women who came to his care centre at 16 Mile. He was eventually removed from PNG by the Archbishop Brian Barnes after complaint by the founder of AIDS Holistics. Moving priests on is the Catholic way.

Any young woman who entered his care centre was not allowed to have visitors from her family. Judas priest had something to hide. He was anti-family and interested only in pretty young HIV infected women, including Linda.

I have a Statutory Declaration on Judas priest’s conduct to Linda. A copy was given to Archbishop Brian Barnes and was probably the key to his removal from AIDS care.

But they all failed badly. All trouble makers are out of the country. Judas priest is in Cairns probably giving pastoral care to PNG women married to Australians and Cox and Watson are in oblivion.

Family is now the keynote cornerstone of Positive Living. It is not a false message full of errors as claimed by paedophile Watson to the community.

Family is the official focus in Papua New Guinea with emphasis on responsibilities of men and boys.

After caring for Linda for three years, the founder was warned that he would be killed by her brothers if he came to her funeral. 

They believe the lies of Watson and Cox that their sister was killed by Positive Living. The advice had a white trash AusAID lack of professionalism and ethics.

Even now, I have never been out to the family farm as the death threat still remains. I was kind to her brothers – got one out of Bomana on bail and supplied timber for the house of the other brother.

Let Cox (later UN Women) and Watson (later UNAIDS) publicly identify those aspects of Positive Living that are false and in error and killed Linda and others:

Faith? Hope? Peace? Love? Family? Friends? Work? Sleep? Exercise? Nutrition – fruit, vegetables, grains and nuts? Clean water? AND FREEDOM FROM Stress? Violence? Hate? Stigma? Discrimination? Dehydration? Infection?  Malnutrition?  Dementia? Beer? Home brew? Cigarettes? Marijuana? and other drugs?

Linda and son died in 2002 and 2003 from AIDS and a lack of access to antiretroviral drugs that were not yet freely available. Positive Living extended lifespans but did not cure AIDS infection. It gave people an extra 3-4 years of life.

Positive Living remains the primary truth in healthy lifestyle for people on ARV and those not yet given access to medication. There are no errors in the message. 

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