Wednesday 24 October 2018


As a teacher of history and a past tutor in Current Affairs in the Australian Army, I can see a logical time line running through world history at least from the Cold War that came out of World War 2. 

The refugees in Europe and South America are victims of the Soviet, Communist Chinese and United States paranoia that grew out of the Stalinist plan for Socialism to take over the world.

After World War 2, the USA became the guardians of the freedoms of the world particularly in Europe, South America and S-E Asia. Out of this came the division of Germany, Korean War and the Vietnam War.

The USA determined that the way to take over was by pouring of aid money. At the point that the Soviet Union was invading Eastern European nations and stripping the factories, the US Marshall Plan was pouring funding into war devastated Europe to build up the economies against Soviet imperialism. 

The older generation will remember the very real fear of nuclear war between the Soviet Union and USA. We recall the standoff between President Kennedy and the Soviets in the US demand that Soviet ships not move to Cuba with missiles.  Householders in the USA built bomb shelters.

Then there were the Hungarian and Czechoslavakian invasions by Soviet forces. Thousands of Czech refugees came to Australia. We entered the Korean and Vietnam amid fears of the Domino Theory which told of Chinese moving through S-E Asian nations like dominoes. 

Money was poured into Japan as an economic bulwark against Communist China. There was paranoia against the US imperialism in the Soviet Union which fueled a policy to strengthen the borders against US imperialism. 

China had taken Tibet in the 1950s which led to the Soviet Union setting up strategic policies in India with half an eye on the Indian Ocean.

When the Soviet Union entered Afghanistan, the USA began to support the resistance fighters known as the Mujahadeen. Within a decade the Soviet invasion was defeated with a Vietnam style withdrawal. Soviet support to North Vietnam was avenged.

Out of the Mujahadeen ranks came the jihadist Moslems. The rise of Osama Bin Laden led directly to the 9/11 attack on the New York Trade Centre. Out of all this the Moslem jihad arose with IS fighting to set up a Caliphate in the Middle East.

The US was determined to set up a power balance against Communist dictatorships in South America so right wing dictatorships were supported bolstered by the export of cocaine to the USA . 

US failed to overthrow Castro with the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion at the hands of President Kennedy which may have been a factor in his assassination. Lee Harvey Oswald did have Cuban links.

The CIA was directly involved in the cocaine traffic and the violence of drug cartels that eventually destroyed economies and slowly sent caravans of refugees heading for the US border. 

President Trump lays the blame everywhere but the US was the catalyst of the refugee movement with families seeking to escape the poverty and death in the South American nations.

Now the people in the Middle East have suffered at the hands of the US and Russia still playing their major power politics. Both powers support the opposing sides in Syria. 

Refugees have changed the political balance in European nations and raised a right-wing ideology in Germany. 

The refugees who planned to live in Australia have been put in refugee prisons on Nauru and Manus Island. Family men and children are suffering at the hands of callous Australian politicians.

Islam has come to Christian Europe in ways that will change the balance. Right wing fascist politics is on the rise in the world. There are neo-nazis in the USA spewing anti-semitism and black hatred. There was a massacre at a synogogue in Pennsylvania  this week.

Some people are talking of an anti-Christ on the way. Prophesies of Nostradamus are regularly featured on cable television. Volcanoes and earthquakes are part of the prophesy. These occur on a weekly basis across the world.

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