Tuesday 27 November 2018


The UN paedophile cult rejects FAMILY and FAITH. They just want to destroy families and take the kids for sex.

There is a massive difference between Churches of God and cults of men. True churches stand for love, peace and forgiveness. Churches are focused on the spiritual welfare of families and support health for those in need, education, welfare support and counseling.

In true churches, the leadership is authorized by the vote of followers with no hereditary messiahs and with church rules to limit the authority of church leaders.

Loving churches teach that all men and women are sinners and can do nothing to bargain with God. Men and women are equal to raise families to adulthood with no abuse.

The primitive Catholic church tricked followers into believing that they could pay their way into heaven by giving money to the priest.

In the Middle Ages, followers paid indulgences to the church that was condemned by Martin Luther at the time of the Reformation.

We all live in the Grace of God through Jesus Christ. No man can come between us and God.

We cannot be shunned by God, by family nor church leaders or believers. Our spiritual welfare is a matter between the believer and God alone. It has nothing to do with any Gestapo type, paedophile messiah.

False prophets have no authority and are not receiving messages from God. Their authoritarian edicts are false and pushed into the community of followers in support of the regime of the false prophet.

Modern times have brought a focus on the influence of aliens on life on earth.

There is now belief that there have been alien visitors over thousands of years who have brought alien technology that is reflected in what appears to be advanced technology among ancient people.

This has given false prophets the opportunity to create fantasies on the origins of life. Ron Hubbard has taught naive followers that life began on an ancient galaxy at the hand of a galactic chieftain.

Many early aliens were thrown down a volcano and blown into pieces to become the first human beings.

So much for the scientific studies on the evolution of DNA based life forms on earth. Hubbard had a hatred of all scientists and psychologists who rejected his wacky ideas that were taught to him by a galactic chieftain.

Foolish followers paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn the fairy stories of Scientology.

The early corruption of churches began with the primitive Catholic church that claimed authority as passed from Jesus to Peter. All priests have authority from Peter down from the first pope.

This centralized control over the flock of believers. The priest could make no mistake and never be questioned by a lay person at the risk of that person going to hell.

Parents could not question any priest over the paedophile abuse of a child. This has led to massive sexual corruption perhaps over the entire existence of the Catholic church. 

All priests were celibate but many sexually abused boys and girls. The abuse is becoming public now that human rights are being expressed across the world.

Once any institution is sealed off from public gaze, the corruption begins in church schools, orphanages, prisons  and boys’ homes.

All Catholics partook of the body and blood of Jesus as passed down to every priest. It did not matter that there were criminal paedophile priests. Their authority still came from God.

The false prophets took note. If the Catholic church can claim authority accepted by followers so can the Mormons, Moonies, Jehovah Witnesses, Children of God, Branch Davidians and followers of Black Jesus in Papua New Guinea..

Leaders claimed authority from God and became sex focused dictators who ruled followers with a rod of iron. Criticism meant expulsion and shunning as false prophets were perfect in their doctrinal practices.

Lay members, particularly women had no spiritual authority. Modern gender equality did not apply.

Followers obeyed for fear of being shunned by followers and families and ending up in hell.

Cults stand for dictatorship, false claims, sexual abuse, shunning of church critics. destruction of families and demands for money to maintain the lifestyle of self appointed false prophets.

Cults control followers and seek to isolate them from a corrupt world even though the cult itself is corrupt. Cult leaders seek sex with women and girls in the cult. They claim authority from God.

The Mormons have been thoroughly misled by their founder who claimed to be a messiah.

Over the decades, the Mormon church became a mecca for sex focused men who embraced polygamy and sought marriage with girls as young as 12 years old.

In cults there is patriarchy and no gender equality as all women are inferior to men. Men will find favour in the eyes of God if they have many wives.

The leader convict Warren Jeffs was recorded telling a group of young girls that they must obey their husbands in all matters. He is in prison for life for rape of 2 underage girls.

He said that girls have to be obedient and humble. They will go to hell if they disobey their husband. Some men of the Mormon FLPS have 40 wives and 100 children who all have to be fed but not sent to school.

The Mormon cult is self defeating. Young girls are not educated and have the skills that equip them only to wash dishes in a restaurant and have babies. 

There must be poverty in the Mormon cult with the leaders living in luxury.

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