Saturday 7 March 2020


Every week in the PNG media, there is a report on a small child or teenager being sexually penetrated by a family man - a father, step-father, uncle or grand-father.

He forces sex but the child bleeds from injuries which is discovered by the mother who takes the child to hospital on the way to the police. 

The offender is arrested. This is not a condemnation of family as the offender is reported often by the mother, wife or daughter. He is charged and ends up in prison.  

In the years he is in prison, the family will move on. They may never visit him in prison nor care for him when he is released.

There was a case in the Australian Northern territory of a man who raped a two year old girl and was sentenced to 13 years in prison. How can that be?

What is the cause of all this? It may be related to the pornography on mobile phones available to all. Children are becoming aware of sexuality very early.

In the book Sylvia by late Bryce Courtenay, there were reports of the family scene in the Middle Ages of girls being ready for sex according to men at the age that their menstruation started. 

Sylvia had sex at the age of 11 at the hands of her drunken father. She accidentally killed him in the family pig sty. She knocked him off his wooden leg and ran into the forest. 

When she came back, she found the pigs had eaten him. He was a soldier returned from the Crusades. The Pope told European men they would be exempt from judgment on their sins forever if they went on Crusade to Jerusalem. Popes were faith bush kanakas.

I have never opened pornography on my mobile phone. There is nothing more vulgar and non-sexy than a naked woman who looks bored as she poses and thinks that her vagina is the ultimate in eroticism. 

Women in PNG are now moving to short shorts for young girls who some men will consider as inviting sex. Moslem and Hindu men in the Middle East have the same attitude to women and girls. 

Gang rape and killing will often follow. In India there is a rape every 15 minutes according to BBC news - with 300,000 rapes a year. Moslem honour killings are primitive acts of murder in families.

Older PNG women are becoming lazy and do not wish to make gardens for the family but prefer to serve all family members with a large plate of white rice and tinned fish. Some may not have gardens.

Many older women have bellies like a pregnant hippopotamus. Men are seeking younger girls. Obesity can be a fatal factor with coronovirus infection among older people.

There are reports of women sexually abused while asleep by a man in the house. They wake up to find a family man fondling her in her bed. Stupid man.

I admire beauty in women and girls. But I tend to look at their faces, smiles, way of talking, humour, the way they stand, kindness and politeness. A pornographic photo would spoil everything. 

When I see a beautiful woman, I look at her face.

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