Tuesday 7 August 2018


My first daughter was taken by the heterosexual predator Jeffrey Nape ex-parliamentary speaker.

He bought her from traffickers in Port Moresby for K5000 when I was in Port Moresby General Hospital Intensive Care for two months.

His mistreatment of my daughter was the same as that of the lesbian predators. My daughter was 15 at the time and he had sex with her, making her pregnant before the age of 16.

After 2 years, he wanted to take my second daughter at the age of 16. He failed and then died.

My elder daughter suffered at his hands and her father could not reach her until Nape died in mysterious circumstances in 2016. There are still theories as to the cause of death.

He was fat like an overweight bull elephant seal. He probably died at the age of 53 years of cancer, a stroke, heart attack, abdominal tuberculosis or diabetes two.

He did no exercise and drove his vehicle everywhere, afraid of being attacked by enemies. He dined in restaurants every week.

He put my daughter in his compound and she was not allowed to leave. He blocked her contact with her father claiming she was being sexually molested. He took her mobile phone which gave no contact with the outside world.

He banned her father from entry to the compound, instructing security guards to bash him if he came through the gate.

How did parliament operate with such a thug as speaker? He threatened the father with violence from the Chimbus if he took any aggressive action.

He took my daughter out of school despite promises to put her through to Grade 12. He did not want her to mix with young people of the same age. He blocked all contact with school friends. He wanted to marry the only school friend who came to the house.

He made my daughter pregnant twice and provided no help in looking after the babies. She did all the housework.

She was a trafficked kitchen and sex slave. Now that she is free, I have to accept that she flies around like a bird released from a cage.

Paedophiles have to keep their victims away from all people who could come,  set them free and take police action.

They have to keep them behind high fences and ban all contact with the outside world. They will not let them work in outside jobs or study in schools. They have to be kept in total isolation.

The Australian High Commission compound in Port Moresby is a perfect paedophile sanctuary. Angry family members would not get past the security guards and high fences.

Lesbian predator Elizabeth Cox had a succession of teenage lovers she called her “adopted daughters”. They worked from morning to night in her book publishing and selling scam business.

I have interviewed one of the girls now in her late 20s. She is not happy with the way she was abused by Cox.

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