Thursday 2 May 2019


In recent weeks there have been candidates in the Australian election removed from candidacy for anti-moslem and homophobic comments on social media even made several years before when they were teenagers.

There is never a single comment ever made about comments on this blog. We are very specific in our focus. We condemn jihadist killers who murder innocent people and believe that the gates of paradise will open for them after their suicide bomb explodes.

We condemn gay and lesbian paedophiles who plan to destroy families and steal kids while seeking to push same sex marriage through parliament.

These people never comment on what we write on our blog. They remain anonymous with the hate mail they secretly push on the community. 

They know that if they identify themselves, AIDS Holistics will have their balls both the gay, lesbian and heterosexual paedophiles who attack our families and children. They have intimidated the community into silence for fear of being branded homophobic.

On TV last night, Senator Stoker explained that the Labor Party has yet to unveil a horrific series of legislations that will change the nature of the Australian families. The political paedophiles are the enemy.

The Stalinist approach will be that the State owns all children who are taken from their parents. Paedophiles will seek to adopt our children in the name of the Stalinist state.

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